Mobile Legends

Luo Yi Mobile Legends Build Guide


Luo Yi is a magic attacker and support; she is excellent for providing utility for your teammates while still dealing damage.

Due to her skill and abilities, she can be mostly used as a Supporter since she can provide various buffs to your allied heroes, like damage resistance. Additionally, she is also an excellent hero Crowd Control (CC) enemies from afar without being near the battlefield. 

Luo Yi is a Mid Laner tier since she can inflict considerable Area of Effect (AoE) damage to clear paths during gameplay. They can be farmed fairly easily during the early game.


  1. Flameshot: You can use this spell to increase your damage.
  2. Flicker: It is a good option to escape from your enemies. 
  3. Sprint: It is another great option to escape from your enemies.



  1. Magic Emblem: It is essential because Luo Yi utilizes a lot of Mana.
  1. Mage Emblem: It is also an acceptable choice if you want to increase your damage output.

Support Emblem


Full Damage Build

  1. Demon Boots
  2. Glowing Wand
  3. Lightning Truncheon 
  4. Ice Queen Wand
  5. Holy Crystal
  6. Blood Wings

My Build

  1. Clock of Destiny
  2. Glowing Wand
  3. Lightning Truncheon 
  4. Ice Queen Wand
  5. Arcane Boots
  6. Concentrated Energy


First Skill: Dispersion

Her first skill is an AoE damage dealer. Luo Yi summons the power of the Yang and Yin in a specific path, and this power disperses once it hits an enemy, producing 430 points of Magic Damage to the first foe and the surrounding enemies in a fan-shaped area. Apart from this, it generates a Mark of Yang and Yin to all enemy heroes hit with this skill. You receive a stack of Dispersion every 6.5 seconds, and it can accumulate up to 4 stacks. When a Yang and Yin reaction occurs, she also receives an additional stack.

When Luo Yi uses his first skill, two forms of Attack appear, Yang and Yin, and they shift every time she uses Dispersion. Overall, his first skill is used to inflict damage to your foes.

Second Skill: Rotation

Rotation is Luo Yi’s second skill, and it can be employed to Crowd Control and also has the ability to Summon as well. When you activate Rotation, you unleash Fire from the Yang and Water from the Yin in a specific location, where they produce 350 points of Magic damage to foes in that area. They are also slowed by 60% for half a second.

Nevertheless, this damage lasts for six seconds, producing 70 points of Magic damage every 0.7 seconds. This skill also produces Yang and Yin reactions. Thus the attacks change every time they activate Rotation as well. 

Third Skill: Diversion

Luo Yis Ultimate skill is a Blink skill. Luo Yi forms a Teleportation circle around herself, and after three seconds, she is able to send allies within the circle to another location. This area has to be within the 28 range. Apart from this, the cooldown period of all her skills is reduced by 10%.

Therefore, you can use this skill to help out your teammates who are surrounded by multiple enemies or are on the verge of defeat so they can either escape and replenish their health or reorganize their fighting strategy. 

Passive Ability: Duality

Duality grants Luo Yi the ability to create marks of Yang and Ying that can last for six seconds. When foes with opposite marks come in contact with each other., a Yang and Yin reaction occurs and produces 420 points of Magic Damage and also stuns them. Apart from this, Luo Yi receives a shield whenever she creates a new mark on a foe, and his Movement Speed increases by 30% for two seconds.

You can also trigger a Yang and Yin reaction if you apply a mark to a foe and another enemy with the opposite mark is close to him. Gravity pulls them together, and the reaction occurs. Her Passive Ability works well with her first and second skills. The Yang and Yin reaction can also be applied to only one enemy.

Skills Combo

Her combos are fairly simple. Simply use her first and second skills as you possibly can and then use her third skill to help your teammates or escape from a sticky situation. 

Gear and Equipment

Demon Shoes

Since Luo Yi requires a lot of Mana, the Demon Boots are great for her. They allow her to regenerate her Mana while also increasing her Movement Speed.

Lightning Truncheon

The Lightning Truncheon is an acceptable item to produce additional damage with your first skill to up to 3 enemies. Its Passive effect, which is known as Resonate, allows your hero to inflict bonus Magic Damage with her next Magic skill every five seconds, being able to inflict this damage to a maximum of three foes. 

Clock of Destiny

You can increase the Lightning Truncheon’s final damage output with the Clock of Destiny. You receive additional HP and Magic Power every thirty seconds, and when time is filled to the maximum, you receive additional Mana and 5% more Magic Power. 

Concentrated Energy

Magic Lifesteal is another good strategy that works well with Luo Yi’s first skill. If you equip him with the Concentrated Energy item, it will further enhance your Magic Lifesteal. Apart from this, this item has a Passive ability called Recharge, which restores 10% of a hero’s maximum HP when the hero kills a slays an enemy hero.

Glowing Wand

By far, this is the best item in the game to enhance Luo Yi’s second skill and increase her final damage output. Its “Scorch” Passive ability inflicts additional Magic damage for three seconds, which is equal to 1% of her maximum HP. Remember that enemies are slowed down by 60% for half a second, which also increases the final damage received. 

Ice Queen Wand

If you to increase your Slow debuff, then your best option is the Ice Queen Wand. Its Passive ability is known as Ice Bound, which allows a hero’s skill damage to slow down enemy heroes by 15% for three seconds. Additionally, this effect can be accumulated twice, which means that the Slow percentage can become 30%.

Holy Crystal and Blood Wings

Both items are useful to increase Luo Yi’s Magic Power. Therefore, whatever item you select will serve its purpose.