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Black Desert Online has entertained fans with its stunning visuals, character customization, and mix between content and sandbox-style play since its inception. Its massive content promises players that they’ll always find something new to immerse themselves in, ensuring the game doesn’t go stale. Black Desert Online is like any MMORPG today because it has a large player base. That base is growing. Pearl Abyss, the makers of Black Desert Online, announced a 300% growth in their player base in 2021.
This means that you can team with other players, but some players prefer to go at it alone. There’s nothing wrong with that. Online game developers always cater to those who want the social experience and to those who want to go at it alone.
But solo players often make wrong choices in choosing their character’s class, as some classes are meant for teams only. So, it’s important to know which character classes can survive independently. In this article, I’ll review the six classes that can solo through Black Desert Online.
Top 6 Best Solo Classes in BDO
Most players recommend The Guardian class if you want to solo Black Desert Online. Don’t let the name fool you, though. Guardians look and feel like Vikings, ready to slaughter a whole village on their own. Guardians rely on large battle axes that make their single attacks very dangerous. This lowers their combo and control stats making them easier to play.

Guardians eventually get the Jordun as their awakening weapon. If there is one word to describe Guardians, it’s a tank. They can take considerable punishment while dealing it back in return. What’s more, they rely on shields, giving their defense stat a heavy boost. This, in turn, makes Guardians a little hard to master. Like real tanks, they take a moment or so to start up but become nearly unstoppable when they do.
Strikers are one of the most difficult classes to play. Strikers are fighters. They beat their opponents with their fists using gauntlets and use their vambrace as secondary weapons. Later, they can obtain their awakening weapon, a hard brace that allows them to summon clones of themselves into battle. Strikers are known for their heavy reliance on combos.

The more combos you use, the more damage you can inflict, which, in turn, can aid in controlling massive crowds. This means speed plays a role with Strikers. They can be quick, but you have to be quicker. Mastering Striker combos can be very difficult for new players, but when learned, it can deal massive bursts of damage. They could be called tanks, but they’re ultimately made for dealing damage super fast.
Lahns are the easiest to learn in the entire game. You can think of Lahns as ninjas that are poetry in motion. Their primary weapon is the pendulum, while their secondary is the long sword. Their awakening weapon is the crimson glaives.

Lahns are the best of both worlds, as they can perform ranged and melee combat. She have excellent evasion skills and combos. Unlike Strikers and Guardians, Lahns are very weak with their overall defense. The community considers Lahns to be the squishiest of any available classes. But their damage output damages their enemies well before they can mount any serious attacks.
It generally doesn’t matter which one you choose, as you’ll be nothing short of long-range heavy artillery. Their area of effect damage spells are great against mass numbers of enemies but from a distance, but that’s not what’s entirely in their arsenal, as they also have knockdown and stun spells. They can even summon guardians to help in their endeavors.

Their primary weapon is the staff, while their secondary is the dagger, and they get a Sphera as their awakening weapon. While this class is easy to level, they have very low mobility, and their cast times are considerably longer. Still, Witches and Wizards can rain fire from a distance.
The name Hashashin sounds funny, but we all know it by another name – assassin. This class is well-rounded in stats, with control being its dominant stat. Hashashins use the shamshir as their primary weapon and the haladie as their secondary. Later on, they get a dual glaive as their awakening weapon.

The biggest benefit of Hashashins is that their combat is fast-paced in both mobility and combat. They carry debuff powers that can weaken their opponents while dealing damage. The only weakness comes from their animations which often see them stay still. In PVE scenarios, this might be fine but deadly in PVP.
The last class I’ll talk about is my personal favorite – Sorceress. These dark beauties use an amulet as their primary weapon and a talisman as their secondary weapon. Later on, they get a scythe as their awakening weapon.

What’s great about Sorceresses is that they are similar to Lahns because they have range and melee abilities. The difference between the two is that Sorceresses use black magic while Lahns use steel. They also have great mobility and many AOE damage abilities. But Sorceresses are not perfect. None of the classes here are perfect at all. Sorceresses are hard to master, much like Strikers or Guardians.
One of the great things about Black Desert Online is that each character class can benefit a team or on its own. This means you could take any character class and solo your way through. However, certain character classes are better suited for that than others. The list presented here shows six of the best classes through which you can solo the game. But in the end, what makes a character class work is its player and how you can make your character work.