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Today we will learn 2 topics in one. We will learn about crystals, especially budget crystals, and do a crystal setup for the seasoned character. As a budget gem setup, this setup will also work perfectly well in the off-season. You will get the best of all worlds at a minimal price.
Today we’re going to look at a pretty good budget crystal setup for a new player or a season player to afford even after just leveling up. You will get a lot of free silver leveling up, 100’s of million silver from rewards, and leveling rewards on the season. If you spend from 20-50 million silver on good value crystals initially, it will give good progress on this game for a long time.
Meal you need
The most important thing for your character is to have five movement speeds and five attacks or cast speed at all times, depending on what class you are playing in this game. To ensure you have this when grinding or doing PvP or life skills, always use Simple Cron Meals, which you can get from the marketplace; there are three different cron meals PVP, PVE, and life skill.
For PvE, use simple cron meals.

You can also use exquisite cron meals, and this meal is recommended when you are doing PVP.

The Budget Crystal Setup
Assuming we are using a simple cron meal, the base movement speed is +2 and +3 critical hits, +5 attack speed, +4 fishing, +4 luck, and +3 gathering. The attack speed comes from the Kzarka weapon or my main hand Tuvala weapon, and the +3 movement comes from the simple cron meal we use. This means your attack speed will be maxed without using any crystals.
Boots setup
Since the movement speed is only +3, we can get the magic crystal of infinity – swiftness to add to the speed and use the magic crystal of infinity – adamantine. So in total, get one pair of adamantine for the boots and one swiftness gem.

Helmet setup
For the helmet in season, it is recommended to get the kydict crystal which you can get from the login rewards. This is an EXP crystal that gives +10% EXP and that includes 50 HP and hp recovery +5.

Chest Piece Setup
The chest piece is very easy because the gem you need to use is very cheap. This is a blue version gem that people usually use in the end-game, and it is called magic crystal of infinity – special evasion. It is extremely good in PVP and gives some good value in PvE.

Another good alternative is to buy ancient magic crystals of abundance – armor, a yellow version that gives you 5 DR.

This alternative gem is popular and always sold out, so always open your eyes to the opportunity and grab it in the marketplace. One more that you can use for your chest piece is the ancient magic crystal of Cobelinus.

Gloves setup
For your gloves, when you are in season, you can get a magic crystal of infinity – valor which gives you +2 crit, so you get +5 crit(max) with your cron meal.

Another alternative is the magic crystal of infinity – precision. This is also very popular and will be sold out most of the time, so grab it when you see it in the marketplace.

Offhand setup
The Offhand crystal is perhaps the easiest of them all, and we can use the magic crystal of infinity – critical hit.
You will need to get 2 sets on your offhand, and it will give you 20% critical hit damage on all your attack whenever you crit hit. This is a massive deal for increasing your damage.

Main hand setup
On the main hand, you got a couple of options that you can use. But the recommended gem you can use is the black magic crystal – precision.

In BDO, accuracy is the hit rate. When you hit your enemy or mobs, you will not want to miss it, which is why accuracy is very important for games like this.
This is the budget setup for the season you will need, whether you are a new or experienced player. All the gems with their setup will be put in our character stats. This is a good budget setup for your season with TET/PEN tuvala gear or could supplement as a good budget setup.

- Boots – The gem needed for your boots will be the magic crystal of infinity – adamantine and swiftness.
- Helmet – The gem needed for your helmet is the Kydict crystal
- Chest piece – The gems you can use for the chest piece are magic crystal of infinity – special evasion or ancient magic crystal of abundance (yellow version), or ancient magic crystal of Cobelinus
- Gloves – The gem you can use for the gloves are magic crystal of infinity – valor and magic crystal of infinity – precision
- Offhand – The gem you can use for the offhand is 2 sets of crystals of infinity – critical hit
- Main hand – The gem you can use for the main hand is the black magic crystal – precision.
This recommended crystal set is easy and cheap, and you will get the best value for your silver.