Table of Contents
Damage Reduction(DR) Crystals – Part 1
Firstly, if you don’t have a Garmoth Heart, I suggest you choose one of the crystal setups that use Ah’ krad crystals in your awakening weapon or Olucas crystals.

That will also work if you only have a Karanda Heart for your awakening weapon, but this can be considered the best end-game crystal slot setup, so we assume you know it all. The first one here is the pure PvE setup. Now for PvE, I find that the adamantine crystals are extremely important for any class.

As for the mobs, the main CC they have is a knockdown. Having a knockdown in PvE would not only mean that you’re going to take a lot of damage, but it also means that you are not dealing damage as well.
Hence, making sure you don’t get CC’d would help you to increase your clear speed by quite a lot, so in my opinion, these are compulsory for PvE setups. Now, as for the rest of the gems, we will go with Hoom in helmets and Hoom in the chest.

This one here is the one that’s like very heavy into the PvE setup, and you’ll see that in all the PvP build afterward. For gloves, Jin Vipers would be the best, and we will use these in every setup of our gearing. As for PvE, it goes for all the builds with DR.

Damage Reduction(DR) Crystals – Part 2
Next is the cookie-cutter PvP build, and again it will cost no surprise there. You will see that some people may use a Nouver, but you should always have a Kutum in a DR build for PvE, and you should always use corrupted crystals in your Kutum for PvE.

Now, your awakening weapon, we would be running the glorious Ah’ krad crystals, as they are the best ones for PvE damage.

However, if you can’t get the glorious crystals, a normal Ah’krad crystal would also be sufficient for a pure PvE-focused build. Your main hand weapon will be Elkarr, and you will also see Elkarr in every single one of these builds.

For your Nouver Rebellious crystals, which can be considered criminally underrated crystals, it is super good as it provides you with plenty of HP for a high level of survivability and a bonus of +5 AP.
I would usually use adamantine in the cookie-cutter build as well, as it’s just an excellent crystal, and knockdowns are the most potent CC in PvP, as it doesn’t allow you to use V if you get knocked down.
It also lasts slightly longer compared to bounds and stiffens. Hence, it can be considered the most powerful CC to get hit by; therefore, resistance against it is very strong. In the helmet, we’re going to go with Hoom, and in the chest, we’re going to go with BON Crystal of Honor – special evasion.

These are the best PvP survivability gems, so I would advise you to get these gems. Remember that if you can’t get glorious, you may use the normal blue crystal evasion gem, which would be fine.
If using Nouver, use the Rebellious Spirit Crystal

Other options are JIN Glorious Crystal of Courage – Ignore Grapple Resistance.
Evasion Crystals – Part 1
For the evasion setup, we again have a pure PvE build starting, and we go with the Hoom in the chest and JIN Vipers in the gloves.

Even for evasion, you will still need the accuracy to hit the mobs. One of the things about slightly interesting evasion is that you will be running Kudum both in PvE and in PvP.
So for PvE, you will always want to be running corrupted crystals, but when we go over into the PvP build, you will probably be running corrupted crystals because you don’t have the luxury of mixing and matching.

However, for pure PvE, no question about its corrupted crystals should be in your offhand, and your awakening weapons would be matched with glorious Ah’krad as they are quite powerful.

Elkar should be in your main hand and Hooms in boots. The one gem that makes the build distinctive from the DR evasion build is the JIN Magic Crystal – Harphia in your helmet.

They are compulsory for any evasion builds, as they will be in every one of these builds you will see. You will always want to be running the 20 evasions. However, if you can’t get the JIN Magic Crystal – Harphia, you may also use the JIN Magic Crystal – Bun alternatively.
Evasion Crystal – Part 2
As for the PvP cookie cutter build, we again would use the JIN Magic Crystal – Harphia, and I would ignore them on the rest of the build as they’re there on every single one.
As soon as we’re going into the PvP builds, we would look for the special evasion in the chest as it’s an amazing crystal, and it can be the blue version up to the JIN Magic Crystal – Harphia if you can get them as it is the best.
We would still be running the Viper, and on the offhand, we would still use the corrupted crystals, whereas in the DR build, we were running a different crystal for survivability. We don’t have that luxury in the evasion build.
Suppose we’re doing a build with no adamantine and no Olucas crystals. In that case, we will get a quite balanced overall build. Besides that, we would also switch into the Olucas in your awakening weapon, Elkars, and we are now running adamantine in boots.

So now we’re running Hoom in your boots, JIN Magic Crystal – Harphia in the helmet, special evasion in the chest, PEN Leebur in gloves, corrupted crystals in offhand, but we’re running Hoom in awakening so awakening boots with Hooms and Elkarr in gloves.

This might be an option if you value survivability more than offensive pressure, which is very likely since you’re already building tanky with evasion.
Other options: