Table of Contents
Processing Introduction
Processing became a beast with mass processing introduced. This entire setup used to take the whole day, but now it only takes about an hour per day.
Basic of Mass Processing and How It Works With Mastery
When processing a specific item, it takes between six to nine seconds for one batch to complete. Timber takes six seconds while ore takes nine seconds except for zinc. Zinc only takes six seconds.
With the mass processing stone, you will have the option to do mass processing in which you can have several batches and will take ten times its regular speed. For timber and zinc, you may have a one minute processing time and for ore, one and a half minutes.

Mass Processing vs. Regular Processing
Always. You will immediately get a batch of ten, which will yield the same as if you were doing single batches with no stone. With the +7 Loggia stone, you will get 11.

Each tier of mastery you go through allows you to finish inventories worth of end products faster. It doesn’t yield more as you get higher; it just fills the inventory quicker. It starts at a batch of 10 and finishes with 250 batches when you get up to 2,000 mastery. This means that you can chop up to 2500 timber per minute at the highest cap, that’s a lot!
The only thing that yields more product is the processing rank. At artisan 6, you will reach the final proc rate of 2.5 times regular and 5% for plywood proc with timber. The same proc rates for ore are achieved at master 5.
Which Processing Stone To Pick?
Before it does not matter as interchanging was easy, but now you have to invest in a mass processing stone of a particular type. Two stones are great, and you should get while the others can be enhanced at bought at your leisure. The energy stone for chopping and the lava stone for heating are the ones you should focus on now. I also like the vitality stone for grinding.
Power Leveling Processing Gear and Method
If you don’t already have a set of mastery accessories, you should get TRI Loggia or tet Loggia if you can afford it.

Get the best craftsman clothes and also the best energy stone that fits your budget. Enhancing is also a very viable option if you don’t want to wait. The craftsman clothes have fixed enhanced rates, and the stones are like tools requiring fail stacks.

A short route to power level is to buy cheap timber like an elder tree, palm, thuja, or timber that is under 540 silver per piece. And then do the chopping. Our goal here is not to profit, but to level as fast as possible.

Chop them into timber, then into plywood, then you can create ship repair material, which sells for 4k each to the vendor. You can also just put the plank/plywood onto the marketplace and wait if you are really patient. It is not a good idea to sell plywood because there are many of these available in the market already and you might not get filled. Another alternative is to process flax into flax thread, these take a very long time to sell as well.
When choosing your gear as you purchase them, remember that time is equal to money in which spending a lot of money on gear does not make your materials yield more value, it’s just you are going to have less processing time.
Success Rate
The maximum success rate that you may get is 100%. You start at a 65% success rate, and if you add Verdure Draught, you will have an 85% success rate. If you add Seafood Cron Meal, you will have a 95% success rate, and if you add the Life Spirit Stone, you will reach 100%. This way, you will never fail a process proc.
Play around with the different types of materials to get a general timeframe for your goal, timber to ship repair material is the fastest method.
Timber to planks is 200 XP. Plank to plywood is 500 XP. When processing timber, you have a 5% chance at max rates to receive plywood. With this, you get 200 XP for the planks and 500 XP for the plywood for a total of 700 XP.