You can do various activities in Black Desert Online such as farming, fishing, killing monsters, and more. This game is realistic in that you may customize your character and have your own home that you may also decorate. You may even own pets, which is what we’re talking about today.
Pet Food
Your pets give you benefits such as additional EXP, pick up loot and more. However, aside from spending on purchasing these pets and breeding them, you also have to spend on maintaining your pets. If you want your pets to keep working for you, you must feed them with pet food.
Where To Buy Pet Food
On where to purchase pet food, you can buy pet food from stable keepers. Some stable keepers do not sell pet food, unfortunately. You have to interact with the stable keeper, click the store icon, and purchase the feeds you need for your pet. Close the store and feed your pets.
You can also purchase pet food from the Central Marketplace(search for feed):

Crafting Pet Food(Good Feed)
To craft good feed you need six meat, four flour, three mineral water, and one fresh fish(or two dried fish).
Any meat will do except for chicken and lizard. You could kill the enemies in the area where you are and butcher them for meat using a butcher’s knife.
You will also need any grain or potatoes to make flour. There are farms for potatoes just outside Valia. Grind the potatoes in the processing menu.
Any fish will do for the fish. You can get fish through fishing or through island nodes outside port epheria(you will need to have a boat to find the islands).
You can get water from a cooking vendor. You have to purchase mineral water.
You will also need to use a cooking utensil in one of your residences. Or you can purchase the cooking utensil from a cooking vendor.
Place 6 meat, 4 flour, 3 mineral water, and 1 fish in the cooking utensil. It should not be any more or less. Even if you want to make several pet feed, you should only put in the ingredients needed for one. Then click on continuous production, the maximum quantity.