Table of Contents
Map Showing the locations of the Kamasylvia daily quests
Kamasylvia’s daily quests are a great source of Contribution Experience and Peridot Leaves. Most of the following daily quests require prerequisite side-story quests be completed, level 58+, and ≥ 259 earned Contribution Points.

Bring 1 of the following items:
Empty Water Bottle Butcher Knife
Fishing Rod Hoe
1. Lemoria Guard Post
Mauriel, the Stable Keeper of Lemoria Guard Post, will randomly offer one of two possible quests. Unlocked by reaching 300 Amity with Surichi, the Blacksmith of Lemoria Guard Post.
1.1 Good Old Friends
Visit Molontody atop Valtarra Mountains and Variel, the Stable Keeper of Old Wisdom Tree.
Contribution Experience Peridot Leaf
20 13
- OR –
1.2 Good Old Friends
Visit Friella in Caduil Forest and Neubella at Central Lemoria Camp.
Contribution Experience Peridot Leaf
20 13
2. Atanis Pond
A basic fishing rod with +5 Fishing Level is recommended. Unlocked by completing Encouraging Reinforcements.
2.1 Nutritious Meal for the Wounded
Fish up enough Yellow Fin Sculpin to process or purchase 3 Dried Yellow Fin Sculpin from a Marketplace.
Contribution Experience Peridot Leaf
200 5
2.2 Evidence of Someone
Fish up 1 Torn Net, 1 Snapped Rope, and 1 Tattered Boots.
Contribution Experience Peridot Leaf
200 3
3. Old Wisdom Tree
3.1 Bold Investment
Kill Big Horn Boars for 2 Hind Leg (80% chance) east of Old Wisdom Tree, 3 Lavender Kuku Bird Nests and 1 Lapis Lazuli Crab north of Old Wisdom Tree.
Contribution Experience Peridot Leaf
200 10
4. Shady Tree Forest
Unlocked by completing The Unseen Ore quest chain provided by Arteedman.
4.1 Mysterious Competitor
Kill 8 Poachers west of Shady Tree Forest.
Contribution Experience Peridot Leaf
200 5
4.2 Intact Research Material
Kill 3 Red Beak Devourers, 5 Lapis Lazuli Tree Spirits, and 15 Lapis Lazuli Bison west of Shady Tree Forest.
Contribution Experience Peridot Leaf
200 5
5. Grána
In addition to Contribution Experience and Peridot Leaves, Grána dailies reward the choice between:
Pine Coated Plywood Enhanced Flax Fabric
5.1 Carrot Delivery
Bring a Special Carrot Crate, found west across the bridge, to Hyacinth.
Contribution Experience Peridot Leaf
120 5
5.2 A Tune for Spirit
Rent a Flute for 1 Contribution Point from Bleu Arnatte. Avoid the cascading musical notes with your left and right mouse buttons for 20 seconds, using the Flute from Bleu Arnatte.
Contribution Experience Peridot Leaf
120 3
5.3 Arnatte’s Melody
Interact with the Musical Spirit north east of Grána.
Contribution Experience
5.4 Meet the Deadline
Escort a book-reading Demibeast back to Momellies in the library.
Contribution Experience Peridot Leaf
120 5
5.5 Even the Smallest of Life
Use an Empty Bottle to collect water. Filter the Bottle of River Water. Bring the Purified Water back to Papu.
Contribution Experience
5.6 Master of Acting
Kill Big Horn Boars for 1 Intact Horn (50% chance), south west of Grána.
Contribution Experience Peridot Leaf
120 5
6. Lake Flondor
A Mediah Fishing Rod and/or Maple Float with +5 Fishing Level is recommended. Unlocked by completing Lake Flondor Fisher.
6.1 Delights of the Lake
Fish up a common Goby Minnow.
Contribution Exp. Peridot Leaf Adv. Cooking Utensil
100 5 1
6.2 Patience is a Virtue
Fish up a rare Swiri.
Contribution Exp. Peridot Leaf Log
100 5 50
And the choice between:
Elixir of Flowing Time Splendid EXP Elixir
1 1
7. Acher Guard Post
7.1 Eat. Drink. Fly.
Kill Kamasylvia Mountain Goats north east of Acher Guard Post and use a Butcher Knife to collect 10 Lamb Meat.
Contribution Experience Peridot Leaf
100 5
7.2 Elixir of Relaxation
Use a Hoe to gather 3 Violet Flower and 1 Mimosa Stalk.
Cont. Exp. Peridot Leaf
100 5
And the choice between:
1 1
7.3 New Cleaning Tool
Unlocked by completing the Enemy of Peace quest chain provided by Lucielle Monet. This quest pairs well with (7.4) Supplying Acher Gear and the daily quests provided by Khalid in (8.1-8.3) Loopy Tree Forest. Kill Arched Hummingbirds for 2 Small Feathers (80% chance), south of Acher Guard Post. Kill Fadus Shaman for 1 Large Feathers (80% chance), west of Acher Guard Post.
Contribution Exp. Peridot Leaf Ancient Spirit Dust
300 8 1
7.4 Supplying Acher Gear
Unlocked by completing the Enemy of Peace quest chain provided by Lucielle Monet. This quest pairs well with (7.3) New Cleaning Tool and the daily quests provided by Khalid in (8.) Loopy Tree Forest. Kill Fadus Archers for 10 Bows (80% chance), Fadus Dual Wielder for 5 Swords (80% chance), and Fadus Warrior for 3 Shiny Shields (80% chance).
Contribution Exp. Peridot Leaf Ancient Spirit Dust
300 8 1
8. Loopy Tree Forest
8.1 Full-Scale War
Kill 600 Fadus!
Cont. Exp. Peridot Leaf Caphras Griffon’s Elixir
300 15 1 2
8.2 Stubborn Fadus
Kill 10 Fadus Blue Box, 8 Fadus Blue Barrier, 6 Fadus Blue Pride, and 4 Fadus Weapon Ornament.
Contribution Exp. Peridot Leaf Ancient Spirit Dust
150 5 1
And the choice between:
Essence of Wind Essence of Earth Essence of Water
2 2 2
8.3 Defeat the Boss
Kill 20 Fadus Challenger and 15 Fadus Shaman.
Contribution Exp. Peridot Leaf Ancient Spirit Dust
150 5 1
And the choice between:
HP Potion MP Potion WP Potion SP Potion
10 10 10 10
9. Acher Western Camp
9.1 Raging Guardian of the Forest
This quest pairs well with the daily quests provided by Jerrimo in (10.1-10.3) Tooth Fairy Cabin. Kill 600 Ronaros!
Cont. Exp. Peridot Leaf Caphras Griffon’s Elixir
300 20 1 4
9.2 Forest Ronaros Feather
This quest pairs well with the daily quests provided by Jerrimo in (10.1-10.3) Tooth Fairy Cabin. Kill Forest Ronaros Catchers for 10 Feathers (70% chance) and Forest Ronaros Marksman for 6 Feathers (80% chance).
Contribution Exp. Peridot Leaf Ancient Spirit Dust
50 10 1
9.3 Using Spirit Stone Fragment
This quest pairs well with the daily quest (10.1) Things that Bother Us provided by Jerrimo in (10.) Tooth Fairy Cabin, who rewards 5 Earth Spirit Stone Fragment. Give Navir 3 Earth Spirit Stone Fragment.
Contribution Exp. Peridot Leaf Ancient Spirit Dust
300 5 1
10. Tooth Fairy Cabin
10.1 Things that Bother Us
This quest pairs well with the daily quest (9.3) Using Spirit Stone Fragment provided by Navir in (9.) Acher Western Camp. Kill 25 Forest Ronaros Marksman and 30 Forest Ronaros Catcher.
Gold Bar 1G Earth Stone Fragment Ancient Spirit Dust
5 5 1
10.2 Strange Forest Objects
Kill 25 Forest Ronaros Marksman and 30 Forest Ronaros Catcher.
Gold Bar 1G Water Stone Fragment Ancient Spirit Dust
5 5 1
10.3 Forest Guardian? Pfft.
Kill Forest Ronaros Scouts for 15 White Horns (30% chance) and Forest Ronaros Guardians for 8 Tail Feathers (20% chance).
Gold Bar 1G Wind Stone Fragment Ancient Spirit Dust
5 5 1
11. Manshaum Forest
11.1 Struggle for the Forest
Kill 40 Manshaum Fighters, 30 Manshaum Great Warriors, 50 Manshaum Hunters, and 50 Manshaum Warriors.
Contribution Exp. Peridot Leaf Caphras Stone
200 20 1
And the choice between:
Griffon’s Elixir Grim Reaper’s Elixir Elixir of Demihuman
3 3 3
11.2 Unwincing Tenacity
Kill 25 Manshaum Narc’s Spears, 15 Manshaum Totems, 15 Manshaum Charms, and 8 Manshaum Huts.
Contribution Experience Peridot Leaf Ancient Spirit Dust
200 10 1
And the choice between:
Crispy Coconut Fish Essence of Earth Essence of Wind
3 3 3
Contribution Peridot Leaf
4,410 191