1 gaping:
The strength in 1 gaping is it requires less work and less resources to manage. Most mobs that will hit your cades will aoe them and if the cades are not gapped then they will likely hit 2-3 cades. With one gapping, you will be able to limit it to 1 usually. 1 gapping does not come without limitations tho. You can only start 1 gapping on the layer shown above and the layers behind it. If you attempt the 1 gap cades 1 layer ahead of this, the mobs will walk through. The reasoning for this has not been fleshed out, but has been tested.There is also the issue that with 1 gapping, small mobs may walk through from time to time, but most of them should be pushed back by fts.
Aggro cades: aggro cades are useful for delaying cyclops. Tho most of the time with a good team the cyclops will be constantly headshotted, aggro cades is a good safety net. Aggro cades will only pull aggro from cyclops that are running and not those that are walking.
Mob aggro: Mob aggro is the best way to theory proof your build. If you understand how the mobs path then you will know how the mobs will interact with any build. The mobs will path based on its calculation of what is the shortest distance between it and the tower, but this ai cannot discern where there are cades and where there are not. That is the reason why funnel build works is because it manipulates the fact that the mobs will path to the center where the cades are because it judges it as the shortest distance even though if it pathed as the yellow line indicates, it can bypass the cades altoghter. The red line indicates the pathing of pond side mobs centering.
This is the proper way to funnel the mobs. As you can see from this build, the mobs will all center into the black circle. There is another aspect of the ai that should be noted. The mobs will initially travel linearly to a certain point then it starts to path based on the ai explained earlier. This is a useful means of creating a loop build. For example you can make the start point of the loop where the mobs will travel to and then they will have to repath based on its ai on what path is the closest to the sealed tower. The white line show examples of the linear movement of the mobs.
Example 1 of the pathing with this funnel build

1Example 2 loop build
The reason why the mobs path between these two points is because it distinguish that there exist a path that is shorter distance, but these two points are close to equidistance from the sealed tower, hence why they path between them. The right side is closer tho, so you will notice mobs funneling more in that area.
Rift Building for Dummies
in 5 easy steps
1. Start right, build 3 diagonal solid barricades at the spot shown. Then build 1-spaced cades all the way to the left.(edited)
2. Make sure to seal the lake at this spot (takes 9 barricades, 135pts to finish 1 line of defense)(edited)
3. Start building Flame Towers around wave 10 (keep in mind after patch monsters aggro to FT, so leave a space between FTs and cades)(edited)
4. Build a 2nd layer of cades before wave 16. Leave the middle funnel open, close the other gaps. (funnel spot at arrow)(edited)

5. After Bheg, fortify the 1st layer and the funnel cades. And complete the build with 6-8 FTs. You may decide the FT placements to fit your unique build.(edited)
Note: Since the 11/1 patch, you can no longer seal off the lake completely. There are ways to reduce lakeside leaks to minimum:
1. Add diagonal cades to the gaps at left (seem to aggro mob now)
2. Drop a cannon at round wave 15
3. Use a deep funnel build to pull mobs (shown by Sento below)(edited)

Deep Funnel Build to Prevent Lakeside Leak – inspired by Silvery 1. Start with three cades at right. then build next two barricades that are coloured in blue and green. (ignore the rest of barricades and fire towers.)(edited)

2. Finish building the choke. Remember to leave a space between top and bottom to maintain the barricades longer. When waves come in following the black arrows, have two or more gunners to watch the choke at the orange lines.(edited)

3. Left side, build the cades diagonally all the way to the lake. Building the cades in diagonal will help eliminate leaks. IMPORTANT, stay away from the lake except when you are building or the mobs will go around the cades and cause leakage.(edited)

4. Once the barricades are done, start building fire towers one by one. I’ve numbered the fire towers to give you an idea of what to build first and where. You can also have your own placements with fire towers.(edited)

final build(edited)

Current efficient & OP build – Funnel aligned with base tower. – 1 FT in front – 1-2 Hwacha in back – Left 2 barricades shifted front, reduce cades needed. Also allow easy passage for bosses. (it’ll run to the back towards base / hwacha. have a tank stand-by to intercept it) – Players should group at my spot behind funnel after Giath (wave 11). Only go out to front for harpies and cyclops. – Drop a cannon at wave 20, in case of Saudil at wave 21 – Drop a hwacha 2 space up from FT at wave 23, as bait for big waves.(edited)
Wide funnel build – low maintenance costs 1. Start from the rock on the left next to the river (bosses can pass from that side) 2. Leave 2 blocks opening alligned with the crystal 3. Continue all the way to the wall 4. Position 2 flame towers on the right next to each other 5. Position 2 hwachas about the same distance from the crystal Most important: 6. Have minimum 3 members lined up in funnel (mobs get blocked, cades don’t take damage) Notess: Drop front hwacha with excess points as bait Place cannons when going against catapaults Go front for harpies and cyclops