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Knowledge For Your Character
There are times when you would not be able to progress when you don’t know how to play the amity mini-game. To do the amity mini-game, you need to unlock knowledge first. Some quests require this. Without that much knowledge, you would not be able to talk to some NPCs and do their quests.
We will give an example with the Norn Federer’s NPC for this guide, as he requires knowledge in order to talk to. There are also different kinds of knowledge, like plants, monsters, locations, and more. Ideally, you would want to have knowledge of a variety of the required type of item before you talk to Norn Federers. You can see I have 11/13 knowledge, which means I’m missing 2. If you are not sure how to gain knowledge, read our energy guide.

The more options you get from your knowledge list, the more options you have when you play the amity mini-game. The more options you have, the greater is the probability that You will get to accomplish the task that you have to do.
Amity Mini-Game Guide
For example, the amity mini-game for Norn Federers requires knowledge about trees. The more trees you know about, the more options you have that you can choose from as you play the mini-game. There are different things that you may need to do, such as sparking interest to do this. Press on the “conversation” to begin the amity mini-game.

When you view each knowledge, you will see the name of the tree spirit on top. Then you will see the favor level and interest level in the attributes. Then you will see the interaction effect with sparking interest and favor. The requirement is the thing you are going after each round. In this case it says:
Requirement: Gain an accumulated favor of 108 or more. So in this instance, I would want to gain as much favor as possible. You can also see the total Amity for this NPC I have which is 987.

You can hover over the NPC/Knowledge in order to see the stats

The sparking interest is the percentage of how successful you will be if you choose the item, and the favor is how much favor you will get from it. Of course, you would need 100% for sparking interest, but there will be times when you don’t have many options so choose the items with the highest sparking interest level.
Gain Favor
For example, in this mini-game with Norn, you do not want to use the Tough Tree Spirit even though it has 100% sparking interest and Owl Treant, which also has a sparking interest of 100%. However, it rewards 0 favor, which is what we’re after. You would however want to use it on quests that require you to spark interest several times due to its success rate.

Fail To Spark Interest
If what you have to do is to fail to spark interest, you should choose the items which have the lowest sparking interest rate. Such items include Twin-Headed Trent with only 9%.

Afterward, you may decide to leave or to keep talking to Norn Federers. When you keep talking, it’s like doubling down. This is a gamble because if you win, you double what you obtained, but if you lose, you lose everything you gained.

So you have to make a judgment if its worth it to continue or not, as each interaction consumes energy when you exit.
You may also go a little on the riskier side and choose items with high probabilities and mix them with those that do not have that high probabilities or sparking interest rate but with great favors. This way, if you succeed, you will get great amity gains.
If you get multiple successes in a row, you increase your next try to succeed. However, if you get multiple failures in a row, you decrease the chance of success for your next try. You should make sure that you start with your items with the highest percentage and work your way down as you try to get a higher score. If you fail, you must try working starting with your lower tiered items and work your way upward. This is why a 100% success can still fail sometimes.
Some quests say you have to spark the interest several times or several consecutive times. For several consecutive times quests, you would like to use the items with a high chance of succeeding even if they don’t reward you with much because that is what you have to accomplish. You have to put your objectives first. Then you can exit and take your amity.