Table of Contents
Gear For a Berserker
AP and DR are the best stats on a zerk in most situations. Zerk skills don’t add a lot of accuracy, so having enough accuracy is very important as well. Personally, I never sacrifice accuracy for AP, but accuracy should not be neglected. I wouldn’t mess with any evasion/hybrid builds, I think they are weak on a zerk. Your endgame zerk build should include; Bhegs, Urugons, Griffon, and Dim Tree. Accessory slots will be your standard AP kit, ogre neck, crescent rings, basilisk belt, witches/tungrad earrings.
For weapons, the standard Kzarka/Offin, Dande, and Nouver/Kutum setup. I’d focus on getting your Dande up first, followed by mainhand, and Kutum for grinding. Nouver is the best in PvP because of damage, but I mostly use my Kutum in PvE.
Gear Progression Guide
If you are looking for an in-depth gear progression guide, click here
How To Play The Berserker
Our resident hero zerk Steve has made a few very comprehensive guide on playstyle, combos, movement. Watch these videos to understand the class:
Lastly, @Choice put together an awesome video explaining preawakened movement, awakened movement, flame buster and Q buff flame buster spam :
Steve’s video should give you a very good visual understanding of the class, and if you are liking what you are seeing
Where To Grind As a Berserker? 190-240 AP.
Zerkers take a lot of skill points to really shine. 1600+ is where you can get most of your kit, but 1950+ is where you can get mostly all you need. So make sure you grind at high density zones while leveling up to gain lots of skill points along the way. You will have to make the call in terms of your efficiency at grinding these various location, but the goal should be to kill packs of mobs very quickly and keep moving.
Here is my list of grind location that I liked as I progressed from weakest to strongest:
Sausans > Pirates > Cadry/Bashims > Gahaz/Fogans/Naga > Centaurs/Pila Jail/Crescents > Manshuam > Aakman > Hystria
Berserker Skill Points Build
(56 Minimum PvE) http://bdocodex.com/us/skillcalc/72528
(57 Minimum PvE) http://bdocodex.com/us/skillcalc/72530
(58 Minimum PvE) http://bdocodex.com/us/skillcalc/72531 (you drop raging thunder in favor of our passive)
(59 Minimum PvE) http://bdocodex.com/us/skillcalc/72532
(60 Minimum PvE) http://bdocodex.com/us/skillcalc/72533 (Pick up flame buster and Flow: SplitShot)
these are the absolute bare bones of what you want, you should have more SP than this at these points, but just incase
(60 Max PvE Build) http://bdocodex.com/us/skillcalc/72534 this gets everything you would ever want for PvE, but leaves the Rabam open.
(The Min-MaxPvP with PvE skills build 60) https://bdocodex.com/us/skillcalc/80011
Berserker Crystal Setup
There are quite a few option, based on personal preferences, but they all revolve around the central stats relevant to zerkers; HP, DR, Accuracy, Resistances, Stamina, and more Damage. Hybrid builds on zerks are underwhelming, so evasion is probably our least sought after stat.
IMO a few slots are a no brainer, like Jin Viper in gloves, but I’ve added a lot of variants in the #crystal-setups
Here are some builds I like:
PvP HP/DR build – No RBF crystal in this one with Crit Gems
PvP/PvE v3 Hoom
PvP HP/DR build – No RBF crystal in this one with Crit Gems: https://bdoplanner.com/CombatantsSplendidLeical
PvP/PvE HP/DPS Build HOOM: https://bdoplanner.com/RingNetnumeAntiTroll
PvP HP/DR Build HOOM: https://bdoplanner.com/RiderCandidumPatience
PvP/PvE DPS focus Build MACALOD: https://bdoplanner.com/MediahnMaroonLong
PvP/PvE Offin HOOM Build: https://bdoplanner.com/HerdVictoryPolly
PvE Utility Build MACALOD: https://bdoplanner.com/ShoreTargetStephani
PvP Beginners Build: https://bdoplanner.com/AdventurersArchKaia
I think zerks benefit a lot from double +10% Crit gems in offhand, so I always run them. Valterra/awakened gems have a place as well, but I prefer to be an ape.
For PvE, I use 2x crit gems in nouver, and 2x back attack gems in kutum (mostly for hystria grind)
Berserker Skill-Addons
I use this for PvP/PvE since it’s annoying and way to try hard to swap these around for me. I think it’s a good mix of both.
Some honorable mentions are: Swapping Smackdown with Headbutt addon. Or if you aren’t PvEing too much, and prefer just straight PvP Flame Buster w/ + movement speed/accuracy (the down-smash sucks don’t use it)
Food Rotations and Elixirs For Berserker
Pretty much 2 alternatives for food as a zerk. Exquisite Cron Meal or an actual rotation. If you have the money, are into min-maxing, and not lazy AF, here is my food rotation. Special Kama, Jumbo Hamburger, Knights Rations (or Special Serendia), and Special Valencia. These are all yellow grade/orange, and you can keep 4 running together, or a 10m gap with Serendia.
For Elixirs, I always run Gaints Draught. This is by far the best draught for us, with +3 movement speed/Critical rate. I farm Wheat for the Fruits of the Sun, which are required to make the draught ingredients. I typically buy the rest off MP. If you are really try hard, you can use the typical party pots such as grim reaper, detection etc.
Lastly, I like to use Perfume of Courage in Node/Siege when I really need it. If you have Deep Seas they are really good too.