Table of Contents
Fairy Quest
To start, take the quest Fairy Queen Theiah from your Black Spirit. This will eventually lead you towards the Kamaslyve Temple in Mediah. Here, bear in mind to take x2 Cooking Honey to submit and move on to the next quest.

Once you accomplish this task, Theiah will reward you with another Sweet Honey Jar and direct you to an “Unstable Crevice” to help you move on with the journey. However, that’s just a small part of the quest. To complete the entire quest, you may need Laila’s Patels and RNG box to fulfill all the requirements (spoiler alert: I’ll be talking about that in a while).
Another you can do is create a Special Honey Jar using the Alchemy Utensil that can lead you to Unstable Crevice.
The recipe to make the Special Honey Jar is:
- Highest-Quality Cooking Honey x2 – You can gain this by shooting and looting the Wild Beehives south of Veila. Later, grind these beehives to increase your chances of obtaining high-quality honey.
- Purified Water x2 – Purified water can be obtained by filtering a bottle of River Water.
- Fruit of Abundance x5 – can be gained by farming sunflowers, grapes, onion, and strawberries. If you have been farming sunflowers earlier, it wouldn’t be a problem to gain these.
- Essence of Liquor x1 – Made with cooking 1 Fruit, 1 Flour, and 1 Leavening Agent
Then finish the quest to receive a Sealed Fairy Wing. This Wing is an RNG that gives you a fairy when you open it.
You can then register the Fairy by right-clicking on the desired item in the inventory, choosing the Fairy, viewing its details from the top left corner, and clicking on “summon” to bring her to life.
Fairy Tiers and Skills
Fairies come in 4 tiers, each with its own set of levels and skills as a general rule of thumb. Here are all of them to keep your progress in check.
Tier 1 – Faint – 10 levels – 2 skills
Tier 2 – Glimmering – 20 levels – 3 skills
Tier 3 – Brilliant – 30 levels – 4 skills
Tier 4 – Radiant – 40 levels – 5 skills
Remember all of these tiers come with a gift (Luck +1). Another thing worth mentioning is that Higher tier fairies tend to gain higher levels. For example, tier 4 (Radiant Fairy) can gain above level 4 skills. Ideally, you want a level 4 fairy. I suggest just collecting Leila’s petals until you have a lot before turning them in all at once for fairies since the chance of getting a Tier 4 Radiant fairy is fairly low.
What Fairy Skills Are Best?

Feathery Steps V – reduces weight penalty. This allows you to carry more without being overweight on all your characters by 25% at level 5. This is the one skill that you want to max and it’s a must-have.
Miraculous Cheer V – Your fairy can now auto-use HP/Resource potion for you. Very helpful when grinding and PvP, nice quality of life. Once you have Miraculous Cheer V you never have to use potions manually ever again.
Fairy’s Tear IV – Instant Resurrection without losing EXP. 1hr cooldown. This is nice when doing world bosses or other harder content to make sure you don’t lose EXP if you were to die.
Tingling Breath – Underwater breathing +30 seconds. This last skill is just nice to have and not necessary unless you are doing a lot of gathering underwater or other sea content.
Fairy Appearances and Personalities
In the game, you will get to see 5 different fairy personalities. They are:
- Joyful
- Meticulous
- Prim
- Aloof
- Serene
Spending on which personality you have, you will see their personality as Fairy’s name, and it has a completely different approach from tiers. Although there is no difference in their appearance, their personalities will affect the Morning Star skill and voice line shades. This is only true for four of the fairies, as Serene doesn’t speak.
Depending on the personalities, the colors will be:
- Joyful – orange
- Meticulous – green
- Prim – pink
- Aloof – blue
- Serene – yellow
In order to change the appearance of these fairies, you need to buy a Fairy Appearance Change’ from the Pearl Shop that is only available for limited periods. Therefore, look out for any opportunities you get to customize your fairies.
How to Grow your Fairy
In general, to grow your Fairy, you need to feed unenhanced equipment and other items to boost its energy and let it thrive. You can do this by clicking on the growth tab in your Fairy’s information section and clicking on an item in your inventory. However, if you have a fairy of an undesirable tier, you should never waste your resources in feeding it. Just wait until you get a better tier fairy.
Here are the different items you can feed along with the amount of energy each of them offers:
- Armor/weapons 25-500 energy
- Nouver/Kutum – 375k energy
- Black Claw – 1.5k energy
- Ultimate armor/weapons – 500-1.7k energy
- Ultimate Awakening Weapons -13k energy
- Liverto and Blue Awakening Weapons – 3k energy
- Lemoria armor – 3.3k energy
- Dandelion/Boss ArmorKutum/Kzarka/Nouver/ – 47.5k energy
Rebirth Your Fairy
Once you are done enjoying growing your Fairy, it is also possible to rebirth your her, and it starts from scratch once again. This way, you can reset all of Fairy’s skills and get back to level 1 to help you thrive with a better experience.
However, your Fairy must be at least level 10 to be reborn and require a Fairy Queen’s Might which can be bought from the Pearl Shop.
Once you have reached the maximum tier (which is 4), you unlock the option to upgrade to the next level (tier). However, it isn’t as easy as you may think. This is because you need to have a specific amount of Sweet Honey Wine or Ornette’s Dark Honey Wine that will increase your chances of making it to the next tier. The Sweet honey can be crafted by cooking and will require 400 of these to attain a 100% chance of Ornette’s Dark Honey Wine from the Shop with 4% per wine.
Here, it would help to collect materials to improve your chances of success and obtain 100% success.
Personally, what I did was just collect petals, leveling it up until I got a Tier 4 Radiant with desirable skills. This took a while, but in the end, I didn’t have to spend any pearls on the fairy. You can of course also reroll the skills if you get a T4 fairy, but it costs real money.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Unstable Crevice and Special Honey Jar?
A Special Honey jar is one of the special items you need to be placed on the Unstable Crevice at the Kamasylve Temple. A Crevice is a red object that moves around every 3 to 5 seconds and randomly spawns in Serendia, Balenos, Calpheon, and Kamasylvia.
After interacting with the Unstable Crevice and placing the Special Honey Jar, you will be rewarded with either Laila’s Petal or a random tier fairy.
How Can I Change My Fairy’s Skills?
Of course!
However, you have to spend real money to do this. Go to the Pearl Shop (F3, Travel Aid section) and purchase something called Theiah’s Orb. This orb is then used to replace the skills you want to change with another.
However, these orbs also follow a rule for you to change your skills. This includes trading one skill for one orb, two skills for two orbs, and so on. Unfortunately, unlike other skill-changing methods, it doesn’t allow you to select which skill you want to choose- it’s all random!
How Can I Get a New Fairy?
It is pretty common to be unhappy with your fairy tier or skills. Luckily, there is a way to get a new fairy with minimal effort. To do this, release the fair you currently have and register for a new one.
You can then go ahead with the quest at Kamaslyve Temple from Theiah that can be repeated multiple times. Here, you must give 2 Laila’s Petals in exchange for a Fairy Wing to help you obtain a new fairy. Keep in mind that Radiant Fairies are the rarest in the game. Only release your Fairy until you get a Radiant Fairy.