Table of Contents
Getting Started
Maybe you are thinking about PEN Accessories cause it costs a lot to purchase & too tough to obtain from enhancing. Don’t worry; I am always here to give you a piece of good news. PA gave us a Free PEN Accessory!
Ok, maybe free is an understatement, but this new update has given us a way for a guaranteed PEN accessory, which can not be sold, of course, but the best part is it is much cheaper than purchasing or enhancing. You can now get a guaranteed PEN Crescent Ring, PEN Narc Earring, or PEN Tungrad Earring by doing daily quests & saving up a huge amount of crafting materials. So, it is relatively an easier option.
Accept and complete the quest named “A Cry For Help” from your black spirit to get started. This quest is not an event, but it is a permanent addition to the Black Desert Online. From now I am here to show you how to get
- Permanently guaranteed PEN accessories.
- How much it costs.
- Which one is best for you to choose.
- How to be efficient about it.
How To Craft The PEN Accessory
Craft Burning Moonlight Blackstone – 180x
If you want to get the PEN Accessory, you need to craft 180 Burning Moonlight Blackstone. Seventy of them will be used to enhance your guaranteed accessory from base to TET, and 110 will be used to exchange for a Dancing Moonlight Blackstone that will perform the TET to PEN enhancement. Now, I will teach you how to obtain the Burning Moonlight Blackstone.
ยท Simple Alchemy for Burning Moonlight Blackstone- Burning Moonlight Blackstone are obtained by following simple alchemy recipe.
1x Burning Moonlight Blackstone Powder: this item is time-gated. You can get this item by daily quests offered by NPC Jetina.
NPC Jetina location-. You can find her through NPC search at the stable keeper of large towns.

1x Yonas Fragment: you can find this item from Valencia Monsters Zones or melt certain accessories through Ossa Dilla’s special heating method. You can efficiently heat some accessories for Yonas fragments: Serups Necklace, Sizzle’s Necklace, Forest Ronaras Ring, Orkin’s Rods belt & Centaurus Belt. We also have a Yona’s Fragment Guide.
3x Magical Shards: You can get 1.1 Magical Shards on average if you heat a Black Magic Crystal.
How to get BMC- BMC can be purchased on the marketplace or drop from Monster Zones.
Tips:- Centaurus has a particularly higher drop rate than others, and the drop rate at Elvia Spots such as orc camp is also alright.

100x Blackstone Armor or Weapon: You should use whichever one of them is cheaper. Should be fairly easy to get.
10x Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst: The Old Alchemy Catalyst is a new item in this game. You can get this item at Old Moon manager NPC vendors for 3.5 million silver each.
How to find the Old Moon NPC vendor- You can easily find the vendors through the NPC search. In addition, you need to hand over a trial version of the accessory you want from the market or self-enhanced, not guaranteed, accessories.

How much does the PEN Accessory Cost?
The newly added PEN Accessory is guaranteed but not free. So, I calculated the price of the guaranteed PEN Accessory. It will cost you over 10 billion silver, and it is possible to say that it will increase further. The 10 billion silver will be permanently lost as the guaranteed PEN Accessory can not be sold on the marketplace or to another player. But if you purchase a PEN Crescent Ring from the market for 40 billion silver and sell it to another player for the same price, you have to pay a tax of 6.2 billion silver. But this is less than 10 billion silver that you will permanently lose on the guaranteed PEN Accessory.
As we all are sensitive about the cost of the guaranteed PEN Accessories. I will suggest the best accessory to pick for your character. But it is not easy to choose as some people say it is easy. But I will say that none of those accessories are the best in the slot and have some shortcomings.
Which Old Moon Accessory Should You Choose?
Ring of Crescent Guardian, Narc or Tungrad earring?
For players without much gear – if you are among those who don’t have much gear and can not afford the PEN Accessories soon. The best accessory for you will be the Ring of Crescent Guardian. The reason for suggesting this, it is only 1AP lower than the Tungrad ring, the best ring in this game.
New players– if you are a new player in this game, I suggest you don’t emphasize your current gear situation. Choose the one you would like the most. I recommend the Ring of Crescent Guardian.
For players who can afford PEN Accessories– for those who can purchase PEN Accessories now or soon, The Crescent Ring is not necessarily the best option cause it has a lower AP than Tungrad Ring & lower HP than The Eye Of the Ruins Ring. & lower accuracy than Ominous Ring.
I recommend the Narc Earring if you don’t have it already since it’s great to combo with a TET distortion.
End game players have their own PEN Accessories– for end game players who already own PEN Accessories, my suggestion for them will be Tungrad.
Earrings or Narc Earrings will be more useful for you because those earrings are much different from Black Distortion Earrings. Ultimately, it’s totally up to you which accessories you will choose.
But there is a tip for you. GM node indicates that you will get only one chance to change your mind after choosing an accessory. But the problem is no one knows what that will involve. So choose wisely. Hope you enjoyed this guide!