A Tier 9 horse, or Dream Horse, is a special mount in Black Desert Online. It is not obtained through breeding. There are currently three species of Dream horses and a variant of one: Pegasus (Arduanatt), Nightmare of Arduanatt (Pegasus variant), Unicorn (Diné), and Hell Horse (Doom).
Credits to Rhapsody, Ultrared and others on the discord
Quick Notes about Dream Horses
1. As of right now, Tier 9 horses cannot learn 2-Seater 2. Tier 9 horses also cannot breed. Keep this in mind and make sure you have used up your T8 Courser’s breeds before you attempt the awakening process.
T9 Specific Skills – all T9 horses can learn these skills
Double Leap (Hold space while Jumping) – Requires Streak Leap and High Jump This skill is automatically learned and mastered by all T9s Courser’s Spirit (Passive skill when parked) – Horse recovers health and stamina while parked (100 per tick) This skill is automatically learned and mastered by all T9s Strength: Charge (Hold Q while using Charge) – Allows horse to perform two charges in a row, rapidly
Stable Icons

Pegasus was the first ‘Dream’ horse released in BDO. Arduanatt is currently available in all regions except for SA, Turkey, Thailand, and Indonesia. Pegasus has 2 exclusive skills. Wings of the Wind (Press E after Double Leap) – This skill allows the horse to glide, and fall damage is reduced to 0. This skill is automatically learned and mastered by Arduanatt Wings of Freedom – This skill allows you to turn while using Wings of the Wind ___ Nightmare of Arduanatt is purchased from the luxury auction house. Only two people in the game currently own one. HoonJang from KR won it for 21 bil, and Norweil from EU won it for 38 bil. Note: Nightmare of Arduanatt’s stats are identical to Arduanatt’s.
Unicorn was the second Dream horse released in BDO. Dine is currently available in all regions except for SA, Taiwan, Turkey, Thailand, and Indonesia. EDIT: As of the 3/28/18 patch, Dine is the only T9 that can use normal speed and skills in the desert. Unicorn has 2 exclusive skills Earth of Life – Heals a max of 10 friendly targets (+200 HP and +100 MP/WP/SP every 3 seconds for 30 seconds) This skill is automatically learned and mastered by Dine Earth of Protection – Gives a buff to 10 friendly targets (+10 AP, +10 DP, and +10 evasian for 30 seconds)
Hell Horse
Hell Horse, Doom, is currently unavailable on all servers. KR will receive it first, and that is when we will have more information on the last T9.
The Awakening Guide
1. Remove all equipment, costume, and inventory items from the horse and stable it with Gula at Stonetail Horse Ranch. A new option will be available called “Courser Training”
2. There are three different training areas for a courser: Skill, Elegance, and Strength Training. Each of these areas can be trained using different materials that you must collect (or purchase from the market). You can get at maximum of 180% trained in each area, which 200% total across all three areas per awakening attempt. Please note that it requires a minimum of 200% training to attempt a courser awakening.
It takes 1 item to gain 1% in a training area, and this rate stays up to 100%. Once you want to go more than 100% in one area, you will need 2 items to gain 1%. Each training type is associated with a specific dream horse. Every 2% invested in a particular training level will increase your likelihood of awakening to the specific horse by 1% Skill: Arduanatt (Pegasus) Elegance: Dine (Unicorn) Strength: Doom (Hell horse) For Example, having 180% training in skill and 20% in Elegance will give you a 90% chance of a successful attempt creating Arduanatt and 10% creating Dine. Until Doom is released, any training into Strength will increase the chance of Arduanatt and Dine equally. Once you reach 200% training across the three areas, you will be unable to apply anymore training items for that awakening attempt.
3. You can choose which items and how many of that item that you wish to add. In order to apply a training item, you must click the box in the desired training area. Once you do so, all eligible items for that training area will be highlighted. Right click one stack of item that you want to use, chose the number of items from that stack you want to use, and then click the “Training” button. From there you can select a different training item to continue training in that area. Please note that the percentage listed in the symbol above the training select button will represent the total percentage trained on that specific horse. It will persist even if the horse is removed from the stable or sold.
4. Once you have achieved 200% spread through the three training areas (or two, if that’s your desire), you must have a Krogdolo’s Origin Stone in your inventory in order to complete the awakening attempt. You need to combine 25 x Swaying Wind shards and 25 x Rumbling Earth shards to create 1 Krogdolo’s Origin Stone.
5. If the awakening attempt fails, all 200% of your training levels will be reduced to 0%. You can save half of your progress if you use 100 cron stones in your awakening attempt, which will cause your training levels to drop to 100%. The base chance for succeeding in an Awakening attempt is 1%. Each attempt failure will add a fail stack to that 1%, theoretically raising your chances of succeeding the more stacks you have.
The base chance for succeeding in an Awakening attempt is 1%. Each attempt failure will add a fail stack to that 1%, theoretically raising your chances of succeeding the more stacks you have.
Famme's T9 Dream Horse Awakening Guide

How to prepare?
Materials that can contribute towards T9 Awakening:
1. Stonetail Fodder ↳ Produced from Farming byproducts via simple cooking
2. Rainbow Gem Fruit ↳ Quest item or Imperial Delivery seal exchange
3. Spirit Pouch of Ferocious Beast ↳ Random drop from hunting Khalk or Blue Whales
4. Breezy Conch Seaweed ↳ Random fishing drop
5. Deep Blue Hoof Root ↳ Rare drop from all gathering or peridot leaf exchange
6. Pure Forest Breath ↳ Rare drop from any mob or can be produced from spirit stone fragments via simple alchemy
7. Krogdalo‘s Origin Stone ↳ Combine 25 Swaying Wind Shards and 25 Rumbling Earth Shards
8. Peridot Leaf ↳ You obtain these from Kamasylvia MSQ and Kamasylvia daily quests
9. Peridot Petal ↳ Drops from Narc Magic Sealing Stone Reward Bundle, from the quest “[Solo] Narc Magic Sealing Stone”
10. Spirit Stone Fragment: Wind, Water, Earth, Tree ↳ These drop from Kamasylvia mobs
11. Seals: Imperial Delivery, Imperial Training, and Horse Race ↳ You can exchange these for, respectively, Rainbow Gem Fruits, Swaying Wind Shards, and Rumbling Earth Shards
Daily Quests:
- [Training] In Search of the Finest Courser
↳ Start NPC: Shamhain, Stonetail Horse Ranch
↳ Quest rewards: Training XP, Contribution 80, and choice of 1 item (Rainbow Gem Fruit, Breezy Conch Seaweed, or Deep Blue Hoof Root) (Master 1 Training receives 2 of the optional items) - Good Old Friends
↳ Start NPC: Mauriel, Lemoria Guard Camp
↳ Prerequisites: Lvl 58 and knowledge of NPC: Mauriel
↳ Rewards: Contribution 20, Peridot Leaf x10 - Unwincing Tenacity
↳ Start NPC: Viverza, Manshaum Forest
↳ Prerequisites: Lvl 58 and completion of “[CO-OP] What They Want”
↳ Rewards: Contribution 200, Peridot Leaf x10, and choice of item (Crispy Coconut Fried Fish, Spirit Essence of Earth x3, or Spirit Essence of Wind x3) - Struggle for the Forest
↳ Start NPC: Viverza, Manshaum Forest
↳ Prerequisites: Lvl 58 and completion of “[CO-OP] An Eye for an Eye”
↳ Rewards: Contribution 200, Peridot Leaf x20, and choice of item (Griffon’s Elixir x3, Grim Reaper’s Elixir x3, or Elixir of Demihuman Hunt x3) - Bold Investment
↳ Start NPC: Fadus Priest, Old Wisdom Tree
↳ Pre-requisites: Lvl 58 and contribution between 260 and 350
↳ Rewards: Contribution 200, Peridot Leaf x5 - Mysterious Competitor
↳ Start NPC: Jensen, Shady Tree Forest
↳ Pre-requisites: Lvl 58, completion of “A Merchant’s Eye”, and contribution between 260 and 350
↳ Rewards: Contribution 200, Peridot Leaf x5, and choice of (HP, MP, WP, or SP XL potion x10) - Intact Research Material
http://bddatabase.net/us/quest/6500/54/ ↳ Start NPC: Arteedman, Shady Tree Forest ↳ Pre-requisites: Lvl 58, completion of “A Merchant’s Eye”, and contribution between 260 and 350 ↳ Rewards: Contribution 200, Peridot Leaf x5, and choice of (HP, MP, WP, or SP XL potion x10)
Daily Quest Guide For Peridot Leaves

T9 Resource Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JxgD9jG2RmCGccfOyVe37kpHY1yeqPNMhQE7ZVCIKyQ/edit#gid=1295422452
Farming CP optimation: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/271319544604262400/420585103740370944/Max_Planting_Space.png
T9 Material infographic: http://i66.tinypic.com/dwf3vm.png
Solest’s T9 Awakening Guide: https://community.blackdesertonline.com/index.php?threads/courser-system-and-dream-horse-guide.209/
Q: What’s the average cost of a T9 attempt?
A: If you buy all of the mats on the market- 110m.
- ↳ If you cron stone add another 100m
- ↳ If you preorder add the difference.
- ↳ If you’re farming mats yourself the cost will be lower
Courser’s Spirit Method
The Courser’s Spirit Method is a procedure used to maximize the skill rate unique to Dream tier. We believe this procedure is more effective than the Fore Chop method, as it can be executed at level 1 upon obtaining the Dreamhorse. Like the Fore Chop method, the trainer must purchase the “Mount Skill Change Coupon” from the pearl shop and apply it to the Dream’s “Courser’s Spirit” skill every time it receives it.
As seen from this spreadsheet, Courser’s Spirit has a very high chance of being learned, unlike Fore Chop, which varies from 8.10% to 12.30%.
The trainer for this example used more than 17 skill changes and accumulated ALL the available skills for their Dream utilizing the Courser’s Spirit Method. The tier 9 relearned Courser’s Spirit a total of 17 times out of 21 which was most prolific during the middle & late stages. Please note, that said skill was not exclusively acquired naturally throughout the leveling process, this means that it does not have a 100% chance.
If you want Dine, train Strength and Elegance to the maximum and train Skill to the minimum. If you want Arduanatt, you can train Strength and Skill to the maximum while training Elegance to the minimum. The maximum exp you can get in each area is 180%, and the chance of getting a specific Dream Horse will increase up to 90%. However, the exp increases by 0.5% per material, not 1% per material, when the training meter is above 100%. If you want to train one area to 180%, you will need a total of 260 materials. https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/3518/new-dream-horse-dine-screenshots-and-how-to-obtain
Since Doom is out, here’s a little reminder about CONFIRMED influences for T9 awakenings:
Since Doom is out, here’s a little reminder about CONFIRMED influences for T9 awakenings:
Things that do not matter for T9 awakening:
Training Level Of Character
Lifeskill Family Fame
Horoscope Time
Horse Coat Color/Horse Gender
Channel (Kama/Bal Channel Tinfoil)
Reset Tinfoil
Deleting High Value Item
Failstack Number
Premium Appearance Change Coupon
Breeds Left/Deaths on Horse
Gender of Character/Gender of Horse
Things that do matter:
Putting in 200% worth of mats
90% chance of horse you want with 180% category filled
Slight influence added each failstack (1% + (0.1% * fs))
Starting at level 1, all T9s will have the same base stats once awakened:
Speed: 137.5%
Accel.: 137.5%
Turn: 122.5%
Brake: 122.5%
Speed: 133%
Accel.: 133%
Turn: 127%
Brake: 127%
Speed: 130%
Accel.: 130%
Turn: 139.8%
Brake: 139.0%