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Black Desert mobile, the game is going live in about six hours now. I wanted to go through and actually talk to you guys about a couple of beginner tips and tricks soon. I want to give you five tips that I want to go through that will really help out beginner players now I’ve been playing the game on my Valkyrie for some time on the servers.
The very first tip that I have which actually has to deal with character creation and what class you should pick. Play whatever class that you want, now most of the classes are pretty well balanced I mean obviously depending on gameplay style and how good you are at that class you may dominate in certain regions but to be honest, they’re all fairly good.
Especially for people that want to focus on like more like PvE and open-world PvP, there isn’t really like a specific class that’s going to dominate, but there are classes that are better at some things than others.
Black Desert Mobile Class Overview
The Witch

Now the first thing I want to talk about is actually the witch. Now the which is actually a powerful AoE attacker and is gonna be really fun and really useful for Guild Wars down the line because that AoE damage can affect more than one player.
So that’s one thing with the witch if you guys want to kind of go towards Guild Wars is that something that you want to focus on towards endgame is that guild vs. guild and you really really want to make sure you have that extra edge on top of it then the witch will be a class that you’ll probably want to play.

The next one is the Valkyrie, she is just an all-around well-rounded class both PVE PVP guild wars all that boss fights. This is a class that you can do really good at pretty much in every single aspect of the game if you want just a well-rounded offensive and defensive type of character.

The last one is the ranger. She’s a really really good at grinding and fast leveling up and can be very good at PvP to do to that extended range capabilities.
Still, you’re going to have to learn how to play this character and not rely solely on auto questing if you want to be at PvP. So if you really want some recommendations of classes that are just slightly better than some of the other, those are the three that I recommend.
But to be honest with you, this is a game about having fun exploring grinding your way leveling up all that stuff. It doesn’t really matter what class you play first because you also are going to have to play other classes down the line, which is something that’s gonna come out later in a future update.
Now the next thing I want to talk about is actually progression in the game. This is really really important, something I wish I would have focused on more. First, initially, play the game is to not focus solely on just your character’s level.
Because level really isn’t all that important, it’s your region progress and your story progress because there is so much content in this game that is basically locked behind the story progress, not your character’s level.
Let me go ahead and show you guys for an example this button right down here the open requirements button. You can actually play through that will give you specific things such as black spirit mode, obtaining your camp extract black stones from enhanced gears.

All these different things forging armors and weapons unlocking the node system will mainly come from you completing the main storyline and not just solely focusing on your character’s level.
Now, if you really want to progress, the storyline quickly is a great way to do that, so following the main questline will level up your character. Still, it will also take you through those necessary progression blocking points for you to unlock certain things for your character to continue your progress.
Specifically, when it comes to the black spirit awakening, this is stuff that you’re gonna be unlocking as you play through the game’s main storyline and not through your character’s level. Things such as equipping a light stone auto-combat while in the field unique gear being able to equip unique gear purchasing pets with black pearls. All this stuff is really really important, tied through the game’s questing not just through the leveling process but through the mains main questing line.
Auto-questing and Auto Combat
This game has a lot of Auto combat auto questing, and I think it does an excellent job at kind of balancing the two between each other. I recommend taking the time to go about and actually explore the world of the Black Desert.
You’re gonna find a lot of things that you can’t find only just by auto questing, such as being able to talk to specific NPCs, getting unique items, finding hidden lore pieces all around the world.
I really recommend taking the time out of your day and seeing things and manually actually playing this game and not just relying solely on auto questing. Because there is so much stuff going on in this game that you’re gonna miss out on.
If you basically just Auto quests, for example, acknowledge the water purifier if I click on a water purifier, this is a knowledge button, but this knowledge point in which knowledge is essential.

Which we’re going to talk to in just a second is critical, but I would not have found this spot if I simply relied solely on auto questing. Now let’s actually talk about knowledge. It’s beneficial in this game because you can get it through so many different aspects, such as fighting enemies talking to NPCs you can get it through gathering, though. This knowledge helps with a lot of various aspects of the game, such as giving you stat boosts, increasing your life skill, leveling as well as obtaining specific items.
Amity and Affinity
The next thing I want to talk about is actually your Amity and affinity in this game. Now, if I go over to my Amity tab right here, I have these characters. You can see a couple of them I’m at 96 percent for Igor 28 for Santo 92 for Eileen 100 for Mathias.

This is where you come from Amity comes from talking to the NPC and completing special quests. For that specific NPC, now each NPC, when you get to a certain threshold, will actually give you a special gift, and some of these gifts are really really good, like massive health potions.
This is where you come from Amity comes from talking to the NPC and completing special quests. For that specific NPC, now each NPC, when you get to a certain threshold, will actually give you a special gift, and some of these gifts are really really good, like massive health potions.
Black Pearls and Pets
Black pearls, you can get skill books, it’s just a bunch of stuff, so I do recommend retaking your time manually playing the game and talking to the NPC’s within your town. Learning about them as well as completing quests, getting them up to a certain Amity level which will unlock exclusive rewards.
For example, black pearls health potions skill books, a lot of stuff that you will need in this game now that leads me to my last tip, which is the black pearls. These are significant currencies in the game, but sort of like a secondary premium currency that you don’t have to spend money on.
But you unlock it throughout the game now unfortunately unlike the I believe the Korean version of the game it’s not gonna allow us to actually exchanged them for cosmetic items.
I know that in other regions it is possible maybe they will recognize that in the future. But there’s a lot of really great stuff that you can get with the black pearls in this game one for Talisha’s shop.

This is a place you can get a lot of really great things such as ancient tablets, magic crystal armor, skill books, a lot of really great and useful things you can use your black pearls.
To buy here now, one thing I do want to let you guys know once you get to a certain threshold within the game you can actually unlock is pets. Pets are essential in this game; you have to get to a certain point in the game before you’re able actually to purchase with black pearls.

But don’t go and spend them willy-nilly. If you guys do want a recommendation on something that you can buy daily that will actually help you out at the very beginning of the game is to head on over to the misc tab go to general Goods, and there’s this item right here the Chicken Soup Chest.
Leveling Fast with Chicken Soup Chest

Chicken Soup Chest this will give you bonus combat experience +50% item drop rate, +5%, and increased pounds to your inventory so you can gather more things you can buy a total of three a day.
They last for three hours and for only one black pearl it’s a really really good deal. So for those of you that really want to level up as fast as possible buy your chicken soup chest daily use them, they are fantastic.
So there you guys go, that’s just some more beginner tips, and tricks I wanted to share with you as the global release is coming any hour now well within six hours. Make sure to download Black Desert Mobile and try it out!