Table of Contents
If you’ve played Black Desert Mobile, you will be aware of the importance of completing quests and mobs, but you might not be mindful of the daily tasks you can do every day you log into the game.
This guide will walk you through the daily tasks you should be doing in Black Desert Mobile to give you the edge over other players through the extra rewards you can earn on a daily basis. All these daily tasks can be completed in under 15 minutes, so even if you don’t have a lot of time to play, you can maximize your output and not fall behind.

When you first log into the game, be sure to check out any events that are going on. There are usually a few to do, so check thoroughly. These change each day, so take a few seconds to check this out as it can inform what quests and tasks you do in your time playing the game.
Once you’ve logged in, travel to a town or settlement as soon as you can to get to buying and selling to sort out your inventory. When you first log in, you will have a full inventory of items you set your character to farm, so you need to get rid of these to open up your inventory slots to acquire new items.

Head to a merchant and sell the items you have farmed right away so you don’t waste time emptying inventory slots when questing or, worse, spend the farming you will be doing when you log off the game. Also, take the chance to check for items you can fuse to free up space and help out in other tasks you will be doing.
While at merchants also take the chance to top up on essential consumable items like potions. Doing this at the start sets you up for questing or farming and saves you worrying about being low later when you need them. Better safe than sorry! Also, check out the Telish store for any valuable items you can find.

Next, you will want to use all your Skill books. You want to do this early in your login as skill takes up a lot of Weight in your inventory and also takes up a lot of item slots, which cannot be used to store other items. Get this out of the way, and you’ll free up a lot of valuable space.

Dark Energy
The final part of inventory daily tasks is to go to Dark Energy and turn all the junk drops you have collected into Dark Energy. While you’re here, make sure you click completely for Dark Spirit Quests here to get the rewards and open up the next quest, so start the next one!

Collecting rewards
The next daily task is to click on the top right of your screen to open up the Collect Task Rewards window. This will show you all rewards you have earned by completing quests, so be sure to check everything and collect them all.

Be sure to claim your free Lightstone draw, and go to Pearl Shop to claim your free accessory. In the accessory section, be sure to check if there are any you want to purchase as they will change, and you can make a nice profit if you pay attention.
Collect Mail
It is essential to check and collect your mail every time you log into Black Desert Online. This will usually include a free item from the developers, which is always welcome. As well as this, the mail is where you collect your Friend Points.

Next, go to your Guild tab and check-in. Make sure you do this every time as it rewards you.

Once you are here, make sure you check the Guild quests that are available. Check these out carefully as they can give you a fast and easy experience to help you level up. For the highest efficiency, you should accept the Guild participation Arena quest and clear boss rush one-time quest as you will likely be doing these each day anyway.
You can complete up to three Guild quests each day, so pick one more to do as your Guild gains rewards from its members completing three quests a day. This adds up quickly and helps your Guild out a lot.

The first thing to do here is to bring back all workers to get your resources. Also, check your Refinery for stone found.

While doing this, pick up any items you can find and collect resources on all your buildings. Also, check out if you can craft anything with your new resources.

In the vein, make sure to set your workers to collect resources you need, such as ore. This will use up your food, so collect food from your garden and replace what you need to. Check your barn for milk at this point, too, as it can help you out if you’re getting low on food.
Node Manager
When you open the screen, click on the right to claim everything. Collect the empty tent right away as another one may spawn. Next, do your goblins. Now you need to organize your workers and the nodes they farm at, so choose carefully what you want to collect, like Skill books. Now find the fortune on the road if it is there, and that’s all for this section.
Now, choose the resource you want to collect, like Iron. This is important to do to complete your Guild quests to get the three daily quests done.
Finally, you want to set your character up to farm and grind while you are away from the game. The location will depend on your level and class, so check out other guides to find the best place for you. And that’s it – everything you need to do when you log into Black Desert Online.