Table of Contents
The Giant is a large, intimidating class in Black Desert Online with strong attacks and a massive presence. The Giant is a surprisingly complex class to play, so be sure to read this guide carefully to learn the pros, cons, and best strategies for playing as a Giant in Black Desert Mobile. Soon you can be crushing all foes in your path with killer combos and crowd control no one can escape.

There are many advantages to Giants in the game at the moment. Giants can be played in many different ways due to their skill set. Giants have high mobility, great damaging combos, and hard crowd control for excellent PVP battles. This makes the Giant perfect for many different situations, especially against other players.
Giants can be played in a few roles, as a tank or the primary damage dealer depending on your team composition. Giants can be a real pain in PVP as they have many super armor skills that make the crowd controlling them and pinning them down very difficult. Giants are also capable of wielding dual axes, which can be a very fresh look if that appeals to you visually.
Of course, the Giant also has some disadvantages. Although very strong in PVP, Giants find it very hard to farm effectively compared to other classes making it hard to get loot quickly. Giants also have no real self-heal, so they can discover sustaining themselves difficult.
Another disadvantage is that Giants do not currently share off-hand weapons with any other classes, making them less helpful when trying to level for (or as) an alt account. The Giant also has a huge character model, so you will be easy to see and target, so be aware of this.
Giant Class Skills
Let’s look at the primary skills of the Giant class. Again, the Giant’s abilities are mainly useful for PVP and are less reliable in PVE situations.
Strong attacks for PVP include
- Weakling Hunt that has a stun.
- Falling Rock which has excellent mobility
- Predatory Hunt which has a CC immune jump
- Earthshatter that buffs your defense
- SmackDown that is purely for PVP
- Fury of the Beast that has a great stun
- Daze and Beastly Wind Slash gives functional mobility with a short cooldown.
Skills best to PVE include Raging Thunder, which is excellent for AFK farming. But as you can see, the Giant is mainly a PVP class. Giants have the opportunity to execute powerful combos, stunning opponents, and doing massive damage when played correctly, so be sure to check what each skill does for the best effect.
Farming With Giant
As a Giant, the main issue of farming is your lack of range. Most of the other classes have a better range than you, and if you get there too late, you will effectively just be helping other players with their kills and not getting the benefits for yourself.
The goal is to hit as many enemies as possible with your spin attack and to buff yourself. Grabs are less critical as you are not focusing on individual targets when farming, so they may not be worth your time. Draw in as many mobs as you can and use your devastating damaging skills to keep them close and take them down quickly.
Giant Stats
To get the most out of the Giant class, you need to focus on maximizing Attack Speed, then Critical Damage, and the Crit Chance. This lets you do the most damage and be the most effective leveler you can be. Movement speed is not essential, so don’t worry about this at all.

Branch Damage
The four branches for Giants are Aal that increases skill damage, Serrett that increases the number of targets, Ahib increases the chance of extra damage, and Labreve the increases skill crit chance. As a Giant, you want to focus on Aal as a priority as it starts higher than the others, and it is used by most of your abilities so that you will gain more from it.

The other one to focus on is Labreve. You do not gain much from Serrett or Ahib, so level them if you like but do not make them a priority. Aal and Labreve will be used by 90% of your abilities, so it makes sense to level these as much as you can.
Giant Armor
The best choice for Giant armor is the Grunil Armor, even though it is significantly more expensive. Cheaper options can work, but investing in the best armor will make a difference.

A cheaper alternative could be Ultimate Talis Armor, but when scaling comes into effect, there is a massive difference in the stats it provides if you can make the investment and go for the best armor possible.
Be on the lookout for purple gems to get the best stats – there is little reason to go for higher as the chances of getting them are too low. The ideal stats is +7 attack, and the perfect secondary stat is branch damage increase like Aal +3%.

Other gems are usable, but you want to maximize the damage you can do as a Giant, so look for gems that give extra attack and damage to the Aal or Lebreve branches.
This is the end of this starter guide to the Giant class. Great PVP fighters, Giants need to be careful when farming and take precautions not to lose kills to other players. Focus on the Aal and Lebreve branches to get the most out of your Giant and look for Grunil Armor and damage gems to dominate everyone.
Giants can be fascinating to play, being able to bully in the PVP or as part of a team, and can even farm effectively if they have space.