Today we’re going to be asking the question of what class should you play on global launch for black desert online mobile. We’re going to show a little bit of gameplay for each class and talk about the strengths and weaknesses and as why you would want to play each class.

The first class that we’re going to be discussing is the Giant as you may imagine a giant is an axe-wielding melee class that requires you to get to close range and has a nice amount of CC.
It does a lot of spins. It does decently well in PvP if you can chain CC the enemy together. If a new player doesn’t know how to PvP, you can simply CC them into the ground and kill them before they give in to anything. Now let’s talk about PvE, so as you can see here on the Giant, it has some more extended range abilities. Still, the problem is is that it has to run from multicamps. A lot of the multi camps in the game are close range. You’re going to have to kill mob camps that are a little spread out.
You’re also going to have to compete against other players. Unlike other games where melee simply has an advantage because they’re close range, it’s actually quite the opposite in Black Desert Mobile.
Still, you’re at a disadvantage because you have to run around and get to the camps overall. It’s an okay class, but it does require better ping and better gear to do well, so I would not recommend it as a beginning class.

Next up is the warrior, as you might imagine, the warrior has a shield and a sword and has some close range and long-range attacks.
A lot of missed attacks, though, are on a slightly longer cooldown, and they take a bit of cost time. So if you go into PvP against somebody that knows what they’re doing or can dodge relatively quickly. You’re going to miss a lot of your single target abilities because they’re aimed in a straight line rather than focused on a target, so you’re going to lose a lot of damage. It has the same issue as a giant in a way that has to run from mob to mob.
It is okay to start with. Still, it’s just not going to be as effective as something else like a Ranger or Witch, which is heavily focused on DPS. Because you need to DPS mobs as fast as you can to kill as many as you can to obtain as much loot as possible. So, unfortunately, I cannot recommend the warrior as a first-class.

Next up is the witch class, where the class uses ice fire and lightning in combination to do both AoE and single target abilities. It can freeze and do other effects, and it looks really flashy as you can see, and it does bomb relatively fast. I would say that the witch is the second-fastest farming class and is fine to take as a first-class; its evolution class is a massive monster when it comes to farming.
Okay, so this is the witch’s succession class. This will not be available initially at the global launch. I simply wanted to explain this to show the fact that when you change classes and succeed in a new class type.
Your abilities become drastically different, and they’re much more potent so there’s a lot to offer later on with whatever class that you may pick, please note that not all classes have a succession or the evolution even in Korea next up is the

The Valkyrie is a hybrid between DPS and tank as you can see, it’s both using a shield and a sword. It’s a kinda little bit more towards DPS then it is a tank. Keep in mind the Black Desert Mobile doesn’t use the Holy Trinity system. What I mean by this is that there’s no tank healer DPS type setup in video. Every class is self-sufficient in its own way.
Unfortunately, as you can see here, this class has the same problem as other Mele classes are that it has to keep running. From the problem or there are a lot of people that like the Valkyrie class because it does look quite flashy.
She’s an okay class. Still, unfortunately, with the same issues that the other melee classes have and the fact that it isn’t full, DPS or highest DPS. It makes it lag behind the ranger when it comes to farming so. For that reason I cannot recommend this as a first-class.

The archer, so the archer is broken, so the archer has quick attacks quick animations and quick agility. So it’s able to shoot from really long-range and can throw it really quickly.
It doesn’t have any clunky animations keeping it down. There’s a couple of things that this gives you. It makes it the best farmer in the game. With the only class being closed at the beginning of the game would be a witch, it is perfect at PvP because it has abilities that shoot really far.
So fast that other people can’t generally dodge them, so it does really well at PvP. Because it’s so good at PvE. The fact that it doesn’t have long cooldowns or long animations, you’re able to beat bosses that you shouldn’t necessarily be able to overcome.
For example, when questing, you’re going to run into battle power walls, so your battle power is the strength of your character and on most characters. You won’t be able to beat a boss because the boss will just simply beat you. However, on the archer, because you have low cooldowns and low animations, you’re ready to cut them around in circles and kill them when you shouldn’t be able to.
So you will get further in the quest can’t move yeah and grind higher levels in the game faster than other classes. Which would let you better gear up more silver and everything else. The archer is definitely the class that I recommend over any other class.
It is okay to play the witch as well, but I would recommend avoiding any of the other classes that are not an archer or a witch. Unless you really want to play them for one reason or another. However, you should really just pick the class you think you’ll enjoy the most!
Alts and Family
I would like to talk a little bit about alts and family, so at the beginning of the game, you are going to pick a hopefully useful class to Brian.
Some people might not want to do this because they may have a different favorite character, although they might not be there play style.
However, this works on a family system now what I mean by a family is. So base all of your old characters are considered your family. When you combine them all together, they can go into minigames and other things in the game, so basically, what this means is that having one strong man from Maine.
For example, an archer will not do in the video lab you need to level all of the oats, and you need one of each type of character. Because you get bonuses by having different classes rather than playing the same class over and over again.
So eventually, you’re gonna have all your classes relatively get up, so don’t worry if you feel forced to play a class just because it’s stronger. Okay, that covers everything, hope you enjoyed it, thanks for reading.