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The Witch is a magical class with excellent ranged AoE attacks, as well as slows, knockdowns, and stuns. Her main weapon is a staff, and her secondary weapon is a dagger.
She can do a lot of damage and also has support skills. Which makes her extremely useful when playing large scale PvPs.
The following article will break down the Pros and Cons of the Witch class. And also explore the ideal skill builds for different gameplay scenarios to maximize your success in the game.
Many of the Witch’s skills have a wide area of effect. Making her excellent when farming as well as very useful in large scale PvP. The Witch also has many mid-ranged attacks that allow her to do damage while staying a safe distance away from her enemies.

She is also strong in Node Wars, mainly when there are a lot of enemies in one place, again, because of her AoE skills.
In addition to this, the Witch has a powerful heal ability, which adds attack to yourself and your guildmates. Her dodge skill is also a teleport ability that moves her a great distance away from the enemy. This is something that players will significantly enjoy activating in PvP or PvE when there’s too many mobs.
The Witch’s skills are relatively easy to dodge, which affects her strength in PvP or Arena matches. This is in part because it is quite apparent when she is casting a skill as her animation gives away what she is about to do.
Moreover, the Witch has a prolonged casting speed, which can leave her vulnerable to attacks while casting. Yes, she cannot be stunned or frozen or knocked back while throwing, but she can still be grabbed. Of course, this can be countered by increasing her Attack speed. But even then, the Witch’s abilities take longer than many other classes to use.
A third con of the Witch class is that she has only one mid-ranged attack that inflicts bound and only one short-ranged bound attack. Attacks that inflict boundaries are especially important in the arena.
If you are looking for a class to farm, grind, or kill lots of enemies very quickly, the Witch class is for you.
Because of the cons discussed above, increasing Attack Speed should be your priority when building your Witch. She is slow to cast her skills, and increasing Attack Speed will help avoid the negative repercussions of this.

Your second focus, once you have increased her Attack Speed, is to focus on raising her Crit Chance. Of course, you have burst damage and strong AoE, but these have an extended cool-down period. Crit Chance is essential as you want to increase the chance of doing massive damage when you use these skills to make up for the time you will have to wait to use them again. Mid-game and late-game, you can also focus on increasing Critical Damage for the same reasons.
Movement Speed is not emphasized in this build recommendation because the Witch class has a skill, Time Warp, which increases your movement speed. The second reason is that while grinding, movement speed is not as important as the other priorities listed above.
Branch Damage
The third priority is your Branch Damage. Within Branch Damage, you’re going to want to focus on Aal, which increases your skill damage. Serrett is to be your second priority as it increases the number of enemies affected by the skills you apply it to.
As we have already discussed, the Witch’s AoE abilities are where she shines. Labreve can be focused on third, as it increases your Crit Chance for a skill (and for those of you who are wondering, this stacks on top of your current Crit Chance). Labreve will mostly come in handy in the late-game, so that is why it is placed third on the list.
All of this being said, it might be worth emphasizing which Branch Damages are suited to which gameplay scenarios. As you may want to rearrange which skills are placed in which branches depending on what you are working on in the game.
When it comes to PvP and GvG aspects of the game, Aal and Ahib are going to be your focus. Aal is also fantastic for general gameplay, which is why it is placed first on the list.
When it comes to PvE aspects of the game, Serrett and Labreve are going to be incredibly valuable. Labreve is also essential for a full Crit Damage to build, which comes in handy in the late game.
Branch-Skill Placements
Because Aal increases permanently the damage done by skill, this is your main priority among the Branch Damage options. It is recommended to use Aal on Arcane Bolts, Frigid Fog, and Lightning Storm.

Because Serrett increases the number of enemies affected by skill, you are going to want to apply it to your Lightning Chain and Meteor Shower abilities.
It is recommended to apply Labreve to your Frozen Orb skill because it increases your Crit Chance for the ability. As you carry on in the game, you may find yourself placing more skills under Labreve, as this is particularly useful in the late game.
When it comes to choosing Lightstones, the ideal scenario would be a Lightstone, which contains Sub-Stats geared towards Crit Chance.

It can be easy to equip higher tier Lightstones (for example, an orange tier Lightstone over a yellow tier Lightstone) based on the tier alone. This is not recommended; it is far more critical to look at the Sub-Stats and ensure that you are increasing the things you need most.
Sometimes this means choosing a yellow tier Lightstone, which improves your attack and defense over an orange tier Lightstone that increases Ahib damage.
Skill Builds Witch
The Witch class is one that, while playing, you are going to want to switch between different skill builds based on the gameplay scenario you find yourself in.
Because of this, there are three skill builds recommended when playing the Witch class. The first is for dealing with scattered mobs, the second is for dealing with aggressive or swarming mobs, and the third is for PvP.
PvE Build Witch – Scattered Mobs

Meteor Shower
Meteor Shower is a powerful combat ability that has a long cool-down period as well as a longer cast time.
Lightning Chain
Lightning Chain is both an AoE attack and a ranged attack. As well, Lightning Chain inflicts a nice stun on the first hit.
Frigid Fog
Frigid Fog is particularly useful when you’re feeling swarmed. It freezes those around you, giving you time when you are not taking damage that can be used to cast or get out of the way. It also deals with substantial damage, especially when combined with Aal.
Healing Aura
Healing Aura heals you, which comes in handy no matter what your Witch is facing.
Separate Mobs
Dealing with separate mobs, there are two skills we highly recommend working with and two optional abilities that can be included based on you and your gameplay.
Whirlwind deals a lot of damage and has an excellent long-range. Please note that because the Whirlwind ability moves towards enemies so slowly, it is not recommended for PvP.
Frozen Orb
Frozen Orb has a nice range as well and also has a chance of freezing your enemies.
Arcane Bolts
Arcane Bolts is optional. This skill is worth it if you have sufficient branch damages on Aal. If you do not have this, leave Arcane Bolts out of your build.
Lightning Storm
Lightning Storm is also optional. It can be brought along to deal with scattered mobs because it has a decent range.
PvE Build Witch – Aggressive/Swarming Mobs
When it comes to aggressive and swarming mobs, the goal is to protect yourself from multiple attacks while simultaneously doing lots of AoE damage.
Lightning Storm
Lightning Storm has decent range and stuns every mob that it hits.
Magical Embrace
Magical Embrace is a short-range attack that has a large area of effect and also inflicts bound on your enemies.
Thunderbolt is particularly helpful when facing a swarm because while you are casting you, both take a step back and become invincible. The ability strikes twice, the first strike inflicts bound, and the second strike hits AoE.
Storm of Magic
Storm of Magic is a close-ranged AoE that stuns enemies. It has a maximum of two hits and three charges, which can give you a whopping total of six hits.
PvP Build Witch
When it comes to building skills for PvP, the emphasis is on powerful combos.
Thunderbolt is crucial for PvP because of the combination of invincibility and bound. You are protected while casting, and if your enemy is restricted, you will be correctly set up for a nice combo.
Fireball knocks your enemies back.
Entangle decreases your enemy’s Attack Speed and Movement Speed.
Magical Embrace
Magical Embrace is optional in this build, but as we have already mentioned, this skill has a large area of effect and also inflicts bound on your enemies. The reason this is optional is that it is a short-range attack.
Time Warp
Time Warp, as mentioned above, increases your speed. This is incredibly important when playing PvP as it gives you the ability to get away from attacks. Buying you the time needed to heal and allow your skills to cool down.
Witch PvP Combo
When playing PvP, the ideal combo is as follows: Thunderbolt. Do not use the second Thunderbolt hit if your enemy is bound, instead go for Fireball. You do not need to hit multiple times with Fireball, knock your opponent back once and follow up with Entangle.
This covers everything you need to hit the ground running when playing the Witch class in Black Desert Mobile.