Hey, Black Spirit adventurers! In this article, we will be going through what you need to be able to use the Black Spirit Claw piece. Also, how to get the crystal and make full use of the whole thing.
Once you have the Black Spirit’s Claw, it will add a socket to an armor-type outfit (excluding functional costumes) through enhancement. Let’s improve your Black Desert Online experience with a great new item.
Creating The Black Spirits Claw
The Black Spirit’s Claw is made by combining the Black Spirit’s Claw pieces. You need three of the Black Spirit’s Claw pieces to make the Black Spirit’s Claw.
The way you get the pieces is by beating monsters in Biraghi Den, Wandering Rogue Den, Kuit Islands, Gahaz Bandit’s Lair, Roud Sulfur Mine, and Pila Ku Jail. It’s also possible to obtain the Black Spirit’s Claw pieces through the marketplace.
The Black Spirit’s Claw cannot be used on costumes made with Equipment Tailoring Coupons and functional costumes. You can transfuse the crystals you obtain from craftable clothes into the sockets created with the Black Spirit’s Claw.
After obtaining all three pieces, go ahead and jump into your inventory. You are going to have to arrange them in the shape of an I. A plus button will appear on the top. Then if you click the button, it will put them all together. All it does is it puts a socket onto your chest piece on your actual costume. You can only add one socket to a costume, and it can only be in the chest piece.

The socket, of course, doesn’t do much good if you don’t have the crystal. To have the crystal, you are going to need one of the craftable chest pieces. Unfortunately, this way, it just won’t work. So, what you need to do is go into production activity, and click heating. You are supposed to be heating the item in your inventory to get the crystal. For example, it can be done by heating plus two movement.
Tailoring Coupon
Now the problem with this one is that you cannot do this unless you have a tailoring coupon. This means, unfortunately, you will have to buy one from the pearl shop. Another option you have it to buy them from the central marketplace.
Scroll down in the pearl shop, and click on equipment tailoring coupon to make the purchase. Essentially that’s what you need to use to melt it down into the crystal that you need to put into the socket to get the Black Spirit’s Claw.

What you have to do next is right-click on the equipment tailoring coupon and use it on whatever you want to use it on. You will see a box on your screen saying you can extract ancient spirits crystal swiftness by heating. You get plus two movement speed that way.

Then you need to click switch equipment. Now you have plus two-movement on the item itself, and it is now a costume. After clicking confirm, you can melt it down and get the crystal. The problem with the tailoring coupon is it costs 1500 pearls. The only other option you have is if you go into the marketplace and are lucky enough to find one there.

Creating The Crystal
Next, what you need to do is click the button to combine the three Black Spirit’s Claw pieces. Now within your inventory, you will see the Black Spirit’s Claw. A box will appear on your screen saying right-click to start the process. That’s what you are then going to do. After doing so, select the piece you want to put in there. You will then need to place the piece into the slot to the right. Once it’s in there, go to inventory and select the Black Spirit’s Claw. Place the Black Spirit’s Claw in the other slot to the left.

At this time, you’re ready. Next, go ahead and click the enhancement button. Following the successful enhancement, the next step is to go into production. What you are then going to do is click the button for heating. Now select the appropriate costume and place it in the slot to the left to melt it down. Then proceed to click the start button. You will then see a message saying the processing is finished, insufficient ingredients to continue the process.

The costume now has plus two movement speed. The next step is to right-click on the Ancient Spirit’s Swiftness in your inventory. It’s the same way you put in any other crystal. You go ahead and select the costume you want to have the plus two movement speed, and place it in the slot to the far left of the transfusion box. Then select the Black Spirit’s Claw and place it in the top slot to the right of where you inserted the costume. The Black Spirit’s Claw will then be equipped to that costume. There you have it. That’s how you do it. That’s what you have to do if you want to make use of the Black Spirit Claw.
Unfortunately, it cost you 1500 pearls (unless you were able to find one at a lower cost in the marketplace). One positive note is if your character dies, the crystal won’t break. It will remain intact. Also, plus two movement speed isn’t the only option. You also have the option of plus one crit or plus one attack and cast speed.