Let’s talk about pets in the game, what they are used for, how much of a necessity they are for the average player and whether or not it’s something that you want to invest in for the future.
There’s no auto loot system, not even for silver drops. Instead you have to pick up loot manually; otherwise, your loot will disappear and be gone forever. This is where pets can help since they can loot for you.
Table of Contents
Breeding Pets
We got two cat pets, both tier-1 and if we breed them together, we have a chance to get a tier 2 or a 3 type. What you want is a tier 3 pet because tier 2 pets are not any faster than Tier 1 pet. If you succeed in getting a tier 3 pet, you’ll need to get two tiers 3 pets to breed together and hopefully get a tier 4 pet. Or you can fail and get another tier 2 pet.
I’ll be honest if you aren’t comfortable spending over $100 on virtual pets, then do not go for tier 4 pets, try for tier two or three instead. Each pet has a maximum level of 10 at which point they will learn a skill that every pet can learn these types of skills at level 10.
Pet Skills

For example, cats incline to learn more life skill oriented skills. You got two pets who gain combat experience at 3% bonus. The fact that this will stack, you will see an increase of combat experience plus 6% when both pets are out. When breeding a pet with a skill, you can choose to keep one skill, which allows your newly bread pet to start with whatever skill you chose. Keep in mind though that even if while breeding you cannot go over the limit of level 10 or a higher percentage, the main benefit you get from a higher tier pet is faster looting.
Pet Behaviour

Behavior option, in the window you can toggle between agile, cautious and normal behavior. Normal behavior is the standard speed pet starts out with in terms of looting speed. Cautious slows down the looting time, but also slows down stamina consumption, making your pets last longer before needing to be fed again. When you’re over clearing a grind spot, you want to use agile since it’s the fastest looting mode. If you’re life skilling, such as gathering or fishing, you want to use cautious behavior.
Feeding The Pets
Good feed and organic food are your go-to food. If you’re into cooking you can make them; otherwise, you can buy good feed or organic feed if you’re too lazy to cook them. Each type of feed will cover a certain amount of stamina. Cheap feed recovers the lowest and organic recovers the most.
Whenever you feed the pet with the lowest stamina percentage will get fed first regardless of a tier or level in the only way for pets to gain experience to level up is by feeding them. Simply press “feed all” button in the pet menu to feed them.
Free Attendance Reward Pet

If you play long enough, you’ll be able to choose a pet as an account playtime award for playing five thousand hours you got to choose a random cat or dog pets her own the odd thing is that some species of pet you get her worse than a normal. You also get a free duck as a returning reward or as a new player, which you should breed with another duck since you can’t have two out at the same time.

Another option you have is merely buying the pets from the marketplace. With the new implementation of the central market, this is much easier than it was in the previous market. Just place an order and wait for a couple of days and you should get a pet(depending on which one you chose and the price of course).

Tier 1 Pets Are Not That Bad
Tier-1 pets are more than enough for the majority of players, hell even one pet is good enough if you’re starting in your aren’t sure if you want to invest more into the game. As far as which pets you want to be buying, that depends on you, each species has a unique ability that is exclusive to them.
Dogs and cats scan and detect resources, Gathering points nearby. Birds increase the chance for knowledge gained and so on, take a look at what you think would be more useful to you as a player and buy those types of pets.
My recommendation is to go for cute pets. Because as you know, this is a game after all you have to enjoy yourself. If that recommendation isn’t good enough, pets like the Fox, Hedgehog or Polar bear, which becomes useful in general gathering and grinding.