Table of Contents
Why should I PVP?
Unlike the other events, devil rumble is always available and gives consistent rewards for the investment put into it. You can get a good source of gems just by participating in devil rumble as well as onyx by doing the dailies.
Devil Rumble Shop
The shop is an amazing bonus you get for pvping, with the recent update you can get a lot of good A grade equipment if you refresh often as well as 4-5* evolution gems, and if you’re lucky enough cheap 5* child/equipment ticket.

Devil Rumble Dailies
The daily rumble mission involves winning 20 times and winning 3 times against unknowns which will net you a total of 6,000 onyx, 58,000 gold, and 2,100 rumble coins. This adds up to a lot over time

PVP Mechanics
There is a lot to go over, some basic stuff and more advanced stuff. Devil rumble will include a basic 5 man team and you will be matched against other people’s 5 man teams that they recently used for PVP, other players will see the latest team you use when they’re attacking you. The enemy team will be ai controlled which is your biggest advance as the ai doesn’t know which skill is the best to use or which drives to use.
There are 5 types of skills in a child’s arsenal: Lead skill, Auto attack, Tap skill, Slide skill, Drive skill. What you first look at in your team is your child’s slide as it’s what’s gonna be used the most and is usually superior to the tap skill as well as only needing a minimum of two children to have good drive skills.

Auto Attack
Auto attacks are pretty basic, they will be randomly used by all the children which generate skill gauge and drive meter (barely). As well as redirect target focus towards themselves
Lead Skill
Lead skills will generally buff your team or debuff the enemy, you want to pick the one that will be generally useful for your team, but for global only a handful of them are good. (Bathory being #1 by a longshot)
Skill charging
To be able to first use a skill you need to be able to generate your skill charge up to full as seen around the child icon (green meter). It will passively charge over time and will charge faster when the child auto-attacks or get hit by a skill/auto-attack. Drive meter is charged by auto-attack which is negligible unless at 99% and tap skill will charge 6-7% (rounds off) and slide skill will charge 10% of your drive. In a drive race spamming tap will charge faster than sliding.
Tap Skill
Tap skill is the skill used when you tap a child and will charge 6-7% of your drive meter. Unlike using slide skills tap skills will not put your child on cooldown which is why you can get your drive up faster by tapping, but they will, of course, be generally weaker compared to slide with a few exceptions. Upgrading this increases fever dmg.
Slide Skill
Slide skill is the skill used when you slide with a child and will charge 10% of your drive meter but put you on cooldown. This will generally be the bread and butter skill of your child and you will be generally be spamming this with your team. You generally want to be looking at this skill when choosing a child.
Drive Skill
Drive skill is the skill used when you tap the special indicator once your drive meter hits 100%. This will generally be the most powerful skill of the child and the first drive is going to be a strong swing turn that decide on the outcome of the match. Being able to choose which drive you use over the AI is a HUGE advantage in PVP. depending on the timing you will do 80-150% damage and charge towards fever by 8-40%, the bare minimum to hit fever is to land 2 great drives and 1 perfect.
Fever time
Fever time is when your child can shoot multiple hits which will most likely end the game, you want to be able to beat your opponent to fever time or end the game before the opponent does. As stated auto attack and tap skill levels will affect how much damage a fever damage a child does as well as their attack stat. You will hit opponent exactly 69 times with special fever hit and the 70th hit will be your child’s tap skill
Targeting is very important in PVP and depending on the type of targeting a skill has can make the child either very good or very bad. Specific targeting always being the preferred one to have on a child and random targeting to be the absolute worst you can have in PVP.
Specified Targeting
A lot of skills will have specified targeting which will always hit the specific target if conditions are met and if it’s multiple targets it will hit the second target which meets the requirement. For example when an attack unit specifies lowest hp targeting it will go after the lowest hp unit first then the second-lowest hp second in that order.
A small tiny detail is that offense skills that hit less than 5 targets will hit in order while beneficial buffs/heals will always hit at the same time. Another interesting to note is heal targeting, when it states it will go after lowest hp target it will first do a check if any units are damaged, and it will prioritize a damaged unit even if their hp is higher so be careful when your defender gets scratched and eats up a heal. There are many different targeting types based on attack, defense, hp, debuffs, and etc.
Position Targeting
When making a team the positioning does matter cause there is a priority where the targetting is for fever and after a drive. When you start off a game you’ll notice that the game will default you to target their center unit. Whenever a drive is used you will be reset back into targetting that position and you will be forced to hit that unit again unless you have a skill that priorities on other requirements. This will matter quite a bit for fever time as the targeting will go off your last drive. After drive will focus 1>2>3 but this rule does not apply when a target is killed by fever.

Auto-attack Targetting
Whenever in combat where the automatic targetting moves toward actually depends on which child auto attacked recently. This may seem useless but you can predict who the camera will pan over if any of the enemies are hard cc’d as well as keeping track of your own to see who’s going to get hit by non-target skills. And if all of the enemies are hard cc’d the camera will randomly move on its own.
Target Buffering
When focused on a child you can actually extend the duration of the focus with targetting buffering. Whenever you use a non-targetting ability or a heal skill it will zoom into the enemy and extend the duration of the auto targetting, as well as ignore the auto-attack switches.
There are 5 stats in the game, HP, ATK, Defense, Agility, and Crit. It’s important to put the right stat on your childs to maximize their effectiveness.
Self-explanatory here, it’s your hitpoints, amount of damage needed to be taken before your child dies.
The stat that determines the damage of all your offensive moves, usually if they scale they will be highlights orange, yes even healings, the attack will also increase the healing of your childs, though it will not increase any shield or buff effects.
The stat that determines your character’s damage mitigation from any incoming attacks excluding any dot effects which is true damage (cannot be reduced by the defense). This stat is especially helpful against taking critical hits and gives more effective survivability through items than hp.
Agility is a stat that pretty much does everything, it is both an offensive and defensive stat. The most important thing that agility does is increase your children hit chance and dodge chance for both direct hit skills and negative status effects. Also, there are some more hidden effects such as agility giving your child a flat increase in dmg, increasing drive damage. Due to all these beneficial effects I personally like to stack agility on my PVP units.
Personally, I don’t see the point in building crit. Unless you are running a crit team just for a little bit of consistency it’s not worth stacking crit. It increases your child’s critical chance as well as increase your drive dmg, compared to agility it’s a lot weaker.
Unlike Ragna and World Boss, PVP fights do not last for 5 minutes most of the time so you won’t be getting the damage to pay off from building crit unless you get lucky which isn’t healthy for consistently getting wins. I can see building it on a healer though that does not have a hit ability for some lucky clutch heals, otherwise, I wouldn’t build it on anyone else.
Stat Manipulation
Stat manipulation is a helpful mechanic you can use to make sure your team is more effective. It can go a lot more into depth with different types of teams that can be made or you face against but there are two basic stat manipulations that can help you out the most such as.
1. Manipulating top 2 attack stats, so your attack priority buff will go towards the child who will benefit it the most (usually offensive units)
2. Manipulating bottom 2 lowest hp stat, so the enemy will target a unit with higher defense and units that you don’t mind dying (supports/healers/defenders[hard])
Debuff Bypass Trick
If you’re fast enough you can actually dodge debuffs that affect using your skill. The trick is right after being hit with the debuff (if you have enough skill charge) you should be able to use your slide then be afflicted by the debuff as shown below (using dana slide and ignoring the silence effect).
When making a team for devil rumble it’s important that you make a balanced composition, even if you have the best childs on your team if you don’t have a proper team you will most likely lose most of your games. Your team needs to be balanced or have a specific win condition. I’ll be showing examples of different teams you can make. You’ll most likely end up using what uncaps you have but following some sort of format will help.
Standard Team
This is personally what I like to run, it’s a simple team. My goal with this team is to out sustain the enemy team and usually win drive if I have to by having a child advantage after the first drive.
Offensive Team
A team you wanna use if you want to end games faster, it’s a bit risky but you should be almost always killing a child before or right after using your 1st drive.
Fever Stall Team
With this team, you want to specifically use 2 debuffers to slow down the enemy team and beat them to the 3rd drive and finish off games with fever. It’s also still possible to kill enemy units if your debuffers have the same target.
Very Safe Stall
If you are a masochist and enjoy your games to be very long this is the team for you, some even drop the debuffer for another healer in which they run an immortality healer since they’ll lose the fever race and win with their own.
Best Equipment To Use
Halberd (All Classes) Broom/Scimitar (Healers)
Bikini/Maid Dress/Wedding Dress (All Classes)
Accessories Pyramid/Moon Earrings/Chang’e Hairpin/#222 Ring/Motorcycle Helmet(All classes) Vampire Kit(Healers)
For cartas the best stat configuration is HP+AGI or DEF+AGI then the next being HP+DEF. The only exception you may ignore the stats is if the effect benefit is very good but currently, for global, they mostly have these stat configurations such as Angelic Smile having HP+AGI and giving bonus poison damage.
Best Meta Childs By Class
Top 5 Attacker
1. Cleopatra 2. Eve 3. Charlotte 4. Siren 5. Guardian Chang’e
Top 5 Debuffer
1. Bathory 2. Isolde 3. Moa 4. Lan Fei 5. Jupiter/Olga
Top 5 Defender
1. Dana 2. Mars 3. Diablo 5. Mammon 5. Hades
Top 5 Support
1. Chang’e 2. Newbie Mona 3. Neptune 4. Willow (vs Eve, very common) 5. Bast/Erato
Top 5 Healer
1. Syrinx 2. Maat 3. Makoto 4. Astrea 5. Honoka