Destiny Child

Destiny Child World Boss Guide 2022

Today we’re going to go through how to participate in the world boss events in Destiny Child.

Get started by tapping on the world boss icon above the story icon. The first time that you click this, you’ll have to go through a little story.

What is the World Boss?

The world boss is a massive tough boss that the entire server has to play all at once. In this case, the world boss is our Archfiend Davi. 

Right now, she’s in her second phase, and her boss’s level is one. You can see her health bar here is a massive look at these enormous numbers. 

So how this works is everybody on the server is attacking her at the same time. So the health bar will slowly go down.

Once it hits zero, her boss level will go up by one and people we keep doing that over and over again until her level reaches ten. Once we beat level 10, then she’ll go into her next phase. 

Every time we defeat a boss level, then everybody who participated will be getting rewards that will appear. You want to make sure that you attack the boss at least once for every level so you get as many prizes as you can.

Team Setup

Let’s go ahead and see what the battle screen looks like. So if you click on “trial-ready” in the center, that’s the attack button. You’ll see a screen that looks something like this. You are going to be using a 20 of your child’s in a single team to fight the world boss. 

So they’re divided into the front row and the rear row. The row will consist of ten children in the rear back row will consist of ten children. The boss will attack the front row first. So you want to put all your tanks up there, your beefy healers and stuff like that. 

Anybody who’s squishy you want to keep in the back row so that way they won’t get attacked you wish to have a tasty variety of characters here. 

You want to have healers you want to have tanks you wish to have buffers and De-buffers most of your attackers going to go in the back row similar to the Ragna break. 

You’ll have tickets that you have to use to battle you max out at six of them, and they’ve recharged at one every two hours though. It is significantly slower than Ragna break. 

Drive Setting

You also can see the drive setting button right here. If you click on that, then you can decide what order your carrots will use her drive. The battle is only full auto mode. So you have to tell it ahead of time what order you want your drives to be in. You can use this to create a kind of a strategy world boss also uses. 

Boost Childs

Boost children are displayed on the main page you can see boost child’s right here. Those will increase the rewards that you get, so you want to have them in your team as long as you have them available. 

Battle Screen

We’ll go ahead and start the battle here because the world boss has.

So it’s highly recommended that you only play on regular 1x speed instead of 2x or 3x. If you play on 2x or 3x in the game might not be able to keep up with itself, and you’ll lose out on a lot of damage. As you can see here, during a fever time, every child will take a little turn and hit the boss instead of having just one child and do all the damage. 

At the end of your battle, you’ll get a screen very similar to the Ragna break result screen. You’ll see how much damage that you just did, the total amount of damage across all of your tries. Then it also shows you your multiplier from via those children. 

Just like with running a brick, you can click a trial again, and it will apply your damage over again. 

World Boss Rewards

So continuing along here whenever a boss level is defeated, then you’ll get a reward as long as you participated in it. So if you click on one of those, it’ll show you where you are in the rank, and then it’ll give you cards corresponding to how high your rank was. 

My ranking was not very high in this one, so I got a bunch of regular cards. If you get more top rankings, then you’ll get tickets a little bit of the glow around the edges of them. Those have higher rates for better items. 

Before we move on to the other tabs, I also want to point out that there is a practice mode here right underneath the boss level. If you click on that, then it’ll bring you to the same battle screen where you can set up a team and everything. 

With this, you were able to attack the boss for free, but you don’t do any damage you know rewards. It’s just to test your team all right. 

World Boss Shop

So we move along here. The next tab is the shop. The shop is where you spend all the world boss coins, in this case, are called mirror fragments or something you spend those here. 

As we go as we defeat more and more bosses, then more and more the shop will open up. There are some pretty cool rewards here.

You can get a copy of Eve, which is very good you should try to go for that if you can(she is one of the best healers). 

Trials Mission Achievements

Next, we have missions. These are just like everything else in the game. They’re only little achievements. You wanted to you want to make sure you complete at least 13 of them to get a copy of the Archfiend Davi. Whenever you complete, wished to quit and click claim, and you’ll get whatever the reward is. 

Then finally, we have the world boss ranking, which shows you where you are in the ranking for the current boss. Like here, you can see I’m in the top 20 of 4%, and you can see your cumulative ranking as well. 

You can also check the rewards for each of these. So you can see exactly how the cards are distributed in what rewards we’ll get at the end of the world boss season. 


That’s pretty much all there is to the world boss. It’s a community effort, so do your parts, which can get through all ten phases of the boss. I hope you enjoyed this guide!