Do you want to thrive in FFXIV: Endwalker? If you’re serious about this, then you should work on excelling in powerleveling. If your aim is to level alternative jobs rapidly, these suggestions can all aid you.
Levels 60 to 70
It’s critical to do your Duty Roulettes on a day-to-day basis. Once you’re at this point, you should strive to line up for the Leveling Roulette.
Beyond that, it may even be wise to line up for Alliance Raid, Tria, Main Scenario and Dungeons.

If the queue times are excessive, however, they may not be worth it(if you are DPS for example)
Are you a healer or a tank? If you’re part of either category, it may be smart to line up for the best dungeon that’s on hand to you, since queue times are a lot better for these roles, making dungeons the fastest leveling in the game.

You can handle your Heaven-on-High unlocking duties. Before that, you have to finish Palace of the Dead’s fiftieth floor. You have to finish “Tide Goes in, Imperials Go Out” as well. This is Stormblood’s primary scenario quest. Secure Hamakaze’s “Knocking on Heaven’s Door” as a means of getting the lock off the dungeon.
You have the option to level exclusively in Heaven-in-High. This may be a rather dull task, though. It may be wise to combine this with Hunts and Duty Roulettes to not burn out.
Levels 70 to 80
It’s vital to concentrate on Duty Roulettes each day. It’s just as vital to put a lot of effort into leveling, Alliance Raids and Main Scenario matters.

You can zero in on every choice if time permits. You can also do the Crystarium’s Nutsy Clan Hunts.

Doing so can enable you to kill time as you anticipate the emergence of Duty Roulettes. Unlock these by retrieving “Nuts to You,” a Hume Lout quest. Make sure that you did away with Hunts’ lock previously.
You should think about extra questing that can provide you with experience. Go in on the quests that are part of the Beast Tribe group. You can take on Pixie quests each day here. If you want to get rid of the lock for all of these quests, you have to complete Pink Pixie’s “Manic Pixie Dream Realm”. After you finish unlocking this, you should do the dailies.
Bozja Southern Front can be your friend between the levels of 71 and 80. You can zero in on this area for the levels between 80 and 90, too. You’ll reside in this zone apart from the dailies. You can also opt for going forward with the Trust system. You can do this after you reach level 71.