Relic Weapons are a standardized term for various high-level, job-specific armaments obtained after completing a lengthy series of quests. Although not always the most potent weapon available at the time, Relic Weapons are still considered essential and sought after and come with job-related lore.
Relic weapons can be improved through a series of challenging activities, missions, or rare artifacts to become the most potent weapons in the game after they’ve been attained. Even though all obtained weapons are referred to as “Relic Weapons” by players, the initial relics in A Realm Reborn before the Zodiac quests gave them a more particular designation, the remainder of which will be clarified in Zodiac Weapons.
Table of Contents
Weapons of the Relic (Item Level 80)
The renowned relic weapons in their original form (item level 80). All future Relic Weapons will be built on this foundation. To start the quest, speak with Nedrick Ironheart in Vesper Bay, Western Thanalan, and ask for the Feature QuestThe Weaponsmith of Legend. You must finish the Repeatable Feature QuestA Relic Reborn for each Relic Weapon or job.
Any successfully created Relic Weapons can be redeemed for Gil from the game stages as you go in quest for relic weapons. You will, however, have to redo any steps/quests/tasks to improve your relic weapon.

Relic Weapons (item level 80) are the following:
- Curtana (PLD)
- Holy Shield (PLD)
- Sphairai (MNK)
- Bravura (WAR)
- Gae Bolg (DRG)
- Artemis Bow (BRD)
- Stardust Rod (BLM)
- The Veil of Wiyu (SMN)
- Omnilex (SCH)
- Thyrus (WHM)
- Yoshimitsu (NIN)
Relic Weapons Have Six Stages
Base form, Zenith, Atma, Animus, Novus, and Nexus are the six levels of improvement for Relic Weapons. Players can alter their weapon’s secondary stats starting with the Novus stage. Starting with patch 2.45, players can turn their relic weapon into a Zodiac weapon after reaching the Nexus stage. Unlike many other weapons, Relic Weapons can only be equipped by enhanced jobs, not by classes.
Relic Weapons can be gained by completing the “A Relic Reborn” quest, which is available once the main plot quest is completed. The Weaponsmith of Legend is the first task; however, collecting other Relic Weapons does not necessitate completing it again after finishing it. Relic Weapons’ principal weaponsmith is Gerolt.
- Weapon Tier
- Relic (iLvl80)
- Zenith (iLvl90)
- Atma (iLvl100)
- Animus (iLvl100)
- Novus (iLvl110)
- Nexus (iLvl115)
- Zodiac Braves (iLvl125)
- Zodiac Zeta (iLvl135)

How Important Are Relic Weapons?
In Final Fantasy XIV, how essential are relic weapons? Well, for the most part, it isn’t important at all. Depending on your class, they are the best weapons in the game by a tiny margin. They won’t be equipped until you have many for improperly geared melds, and whether you’re a raider or not, you’ll always have a better option.
Of course, as previously stated, the main reason people obtain relic weapons is not for their increased potency or DPS. It’s because they’re cool to look at. And, to be honest, that’s all there is to it. If glamour is important for you, it might be important though.
When even ultimate raid weapons deliver minimal DPS increases and are primarily done for the appearance in titles, it’s clear that FFXIV is mostly an aesthetic-driven game. It’s okay that relic weapons are a pain to obtain but aren’t potent.
They have some of the unique appearances in the game, and when you see them, players can say how much effort was put into obtaining them. Instead of nerfing relic weapon steps later in an expansion, they were released in a nerf state. Doing unreleased relic weapons content doesn’t feel like extra work that will be invalidated later.
Relic weapons are legendary weapons that occur repeatedly in the game series. Thus every piece of equipment is created for a purpose and is restricted to a small task. In prior FFXIV games, relic weapons were both the most effective weapons or played an important role in the legend for that job.
Lastly, relic weapons from A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, and Stormblood are only worthwhile for completionists or excellent glamor appearances. The relic weapon models are pretty impressive, and they certainly make a more powerful visual statement than many of the other options. However, in terms of practical gear, you’ll most likely be able to acquire better weapons in no time. So it’s probably not worth investing all that time in something you’ll only use for a short period.