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This is a level 77 dungeon in Final Fantasy 14 Shadowbringers included in patch 5.0. In this mission, you will go into the mines to bring back the light to Amh Areang. To unlock this quest, you need to accept the “A fresh start” main scenario quest from NPC Ryne in Amh Areang. There are 3 bosses in these mines and before each mob, there will be some trash mobs that you can easily kill.
Greater armadillo
- Stone flail – A tank buster targeted at the primary tank. Heal and cool down as necessary.
- Rockfall – A number of AOE circles will appear on the platform. Move away from this to avoid damage.

- Head toss – This is a stack-up marker on a random player. All players must group up to share the damage.

- Right round – The boss will drop his tail and spin us around like a record baby. This will cause damage and knockback in a point-blank area around the boss. Players must move out of the melee range to avoid damage.

- Flail smash – More rocks will fall from the ceiling and the boss will cast this mechanic which will cause proximity-based damage. Move away to avoid damage. At the same time, the boss will jump into the center and cast a large AOE donut causing more rock to fall. Move away to avoid damage.

- Pack armadillos – Two extra adds will spawn next to the boss and the tank needs to pick it. All players need to destroy the adds by burning them down. All these mechanics will repeat until the boss is down.

Amphibious Talos
- Efface – A tank buster targeted at the primary tank. Heal and cool down as necessary.

- Wellbore – The boss will move to the center and a large point-blank AOE attack will be cast. Move away from the spot to avoid damage.

- Waterspouts – 4 AOE circles will spawn around the platform, eventually becoming waterspouts. Position yourself carefully to avoid damage.

- High pressure – This is a knockback away from the boss. Position yourself between the two waterspouts to avoid damage and debuffs.

- Swift spill – The boss will rotate in one place and cast frontal blast. Players need to stay behind the boss to avoid damage. Once a full rotation is done, the waterspouts will disappear. All these mechanics will repeat until the boss is down.

- Intestinal crank – This is group-wide damage targeted to all party members. Healers be ready to heal as necessary.

- Heretic’s square – A bright square pattern will be formed around the boss. Eventually, a large cross-shaped AOE attack will be blasted from it. Players need to move to the corner of the square to avoid damage.

- Breaking wheel – This is a room-wide AOE donut attack that will be blasted with just a small hitbox in the middle. Players need to run into this hitbox to avoid damage.

- Crystal nail – Four feathers will spawn around the boss. Avoid this AOE circle when they are dropping down. These feathers will start to copy all the boss attacks.

- Censure – The feathers will copy all the boss’s previous attacks in a clockwise pattern. Adjust your position accordingly to avoid damage. All these mechanics will be repeated randomly until the boss is down.