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Matoya’s relict is a level 80 party dungeon in Final Fantasy 14 Shadowbringers introduced in Patch 5.4. This dungeon has 3 bosses. For this quest, you need to have an item level of 470 and accept the quest “Like master, like pupil” The main purpose is to help Matoya create a Mother Porxie.
- Hard rock – This is a tank buster targeted at the primary tank. Healer be ready to heal and cool down.

- Petrified peat – Four circles of AOE will be formed inside the arena. Each will have a peat ball that is tethered to the players.

- Peat pelt – Thethered balls will roll over to the players. This can cause massive damage or drag you to the sinkhole outside the arena. Position yourself properly, or the player might die from the impact.

- Brittle breccia – A growing cone AOE will appear on the ground. Avoid the cone as it grows to minimize the damage.

- Stone age – High group-wide AOE blast. Shield and heal as necessary.

- Peat balls + mudmen – Player will be tethered to the ball thrown at by the mudmen. Try to sink the peat ball into the sinkhole and avoid damage from the ball.

- Falling rock – a random player will be marked with a stack-up marker. Group and heal to share the damage among the members. These mechanics will repeat until the boss is dried out.

- Crash-smash – Will cause 4 icicles to spawn and tether to the primary target before hitting with crack. This cast might hit anyone on the way, so position yourself properly away from the tank and the tethered icicles to avoid damage.

- Shower power – 3 of the 4 water pipes on edge will be activated. Avoid the incoming water by standing in front of the water pipe that is not activated.

- Cloud platform – The boss leaps off, and a cloud will appear above the platform with unfinished nixie. At the same time, a water sprout will appear on the platform below that you can use to leap to the cloud and kill the nixies

- Shower power + more – Pipe on the side will be activated, and AOE circles will appear below the players. Spread out and avoid the water from the pipe to minimize the damage.

- Watersprouts – These water sprouts will knock you into the air at the same time both shower power and AOE circle are activated. Avoid the blue puddle. All these mechanics will repeat until the boss is down.

Mother Porxie
- Tenderloin – High group-wide blast that deals damage to the entire party. Heal and shield as necessary.

- Huff and puff – Knockback to all players in the direction of the arrow. There will be a safe spot right before the room-wide donut AOE attack goes off.

- Meat mallet – Boss jump to the side and deals proximity damage to all. Move away to avoid damage.

- Barbeque – A death zone will be formed in front of the boss. At the same time, multiple AOE attacks will also be formed. Move to the opposite side of the boss to avoid damage. The Player will die immediately if gets sucked into the death zone.

- Minced meat – Deal high damage on the primary target. Cooldown and heal as necessary.

- Aeolian cave sprite – The boss will disappear, and a sprite with an AOE attack will be started. Destroy it ASAP. When the sprite dies, all players will be knocked up, and you will see which direction porxie is casting knockback, and you can use it to avoid the room-wide donut attack.

- Open flame – Will target all players with AOE circles. Spread to avoid overlapping damage. All these mechanics will repeat until the boss is down.