The Qitana Ravel is the third dungeon introduced in Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers. It starts with an unusual mini-boss immediately, then hits players with normal enemies up until the first boss.
Table of Contents
Ronkan Dreamers
While this is a mini-boss, it’s the first real dungeon challenge.
Wrath of the Ronka: This mechanic is a line AoE that fires out of one or two sides of the room. To avoid it, players need to stand behind one of the crumbling walls near the center of the arena.

The boss will also do an unavoidable AoE that players will need to heal and mitigate through
The first boss of the Qitana Ravel, Lozatl, is straightforward.
Stonefist: Lozatl’s tankbuster. It must be healed and mitigated through.

Sun Toss: This ability will target a random player with a circle AoE that other players should avoid.

Lozatl’s Scorn: Lozatl’s Scorn is an unavoidable AoE that must be healed through. It also activates one of the satues along the sides of the room, causing to light up and deal big AoE damage on that side of the room after a few seconds. This must be avoided.

Ronkan Statue: When the statue lights up, move to the opposite side of the platform.

Heat Up: This ability causes one of Lozatl’s shoulders to glow. One side of the boss lights up and turns at random in a direction. Move to the opposite side.

The second boss of the dungeon is Batsquatch.
Ripper Fang: A tankbuster that must be healed and mitigated through.

Soundwave: This ability is an unavoidable AoE.

Subsonics: This mechanic does unavoidable damage to the entire party.

Stalactites: It also causes stalactites to fall. These stalactites cause damage in a circular AoE when they hit the ground, and some tip over, dealing huge line AoE damage the next time Batsquatch casts Soundwave. Players can avoid these by watching the stalactites’ shadows, indicating which way they’ll fall.

Lightwarden Eros
The final boss of the Qitana Ravel requires a lot of repositioning throughout the fight.
Rend: This is the tankbuster of the fight. Cooldown and heal.

Hound out of Heaven: This ability periodically targets a random player with a red targeting lin, tethering them. After a few seconds, Eros will pounce that player, dealing massive damage. This reduces distance, so the targeted player should run far away from the boss.

Glossolalia: Raid-wide blast, heal.

Viper Poison: Eros drops circle AoEs that leave damaging pools around the arena, avoid these. It then follows it up with…

Inhale: The boss pulls players towards the boss. Players should be careful not to be dragged through the pools left by Viper Poison.

Heaving Breath: This mechanic is cast after Inhale. It pushes players away from the boss. As with Inhale, players should avoid the damaging pools left by Viper Poison.

Confession of Faith: This ability starts with the boss leaping to the north or south side of the room and follows one of two patterns.

- Eros places AoE markers on two random players and breathes fire down the middle of the room.
- Eros will place a stack up marker on one player that the others should stack on to split damage. The outer areas of the room are blasted by fire when this occurs.
If stack up marker, stack in. Otherwise, spread apart.