Table of Contents
Quest Objective: Speak with Elyenora at the airship landing
You have to go to the upper floor to the chamber of rule where you’ll find the airship landing. There is an aethernet shard to the chamber of rule, which you can use to access the airship landing.

Talk to Lolomaya and select ride the lift to the airship landing.

Once inside the airship landing, speak with Elyenora. Board the ship using the gangplank.

Quest Objective: Present Raubahn’s missive to Zanthael at Bulwark Hall
You have to go to the lower decks first, where Zanthael is located.

Then speak to Zanthael.

Quest Objective: Speak with L’nophlo at the airship landing
- Return to the Airship landing by speaking to Grehfarr.
- Select “Ride Lift to the airship landing”.
- Once inside, speak to L’nophlo and proceed to the shipping area.
- Board the airship using the gangplank.