Table of Contents
Vanaspati is a level 85 dungeon in Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker. To unlock Vanaspati you need to accept Skies aflame main scenario quest from NPC Tataru in Old Sharlayan. In this mission, you need to protect the Thavnairian forest. Before fighting each of the bosses, you will go through a series of trash mobs that you can group up and kill them using an AOE rotation.
Terminus Snatcher
- Note of despair – Raid-wide AOE damage. Healer be ready to heal as necessary.

- Mouth off – Five mouths will be summoned around the arena. Some will be talking and some don’t. The talking mouth will explode after some time, so you must go to a safe spot on the closed mouth zone. This is the boss’s core mechanics.

- Last grasp – Deal high damage to the primary tank target. Heal and shield cooldown as necessary.

- What is left/right – The boss will raise his arm before casting these mechanics on either side of the arena. At the same time, Mouth off will also be cast. Players need to go to a safe spot to avoid damage.

- Wallow – circle attack, spread apart.

- Lost hope – A temporary misdirection will occur with a small finger pointing to the way of the direction you will be moving. Players need to move to a safe spot to avoid damage. At the same time, Mouth off also will be cast.

Terminus Wrecker
- Meaningless destruction – Raid-wide AOE damage. Healer be ready to heal as necessary.

- Unholy water – There will be bubbles spawning around the arena. Enter these when he is about to do a fire Aether attack to gain fire resistance.

- Aether siphon – The boss will siphon 2 types, either fire or water aether. In fire siphon, all the players will be dealt with high damage. Move inside the water bubbles that spawned before to avoid damage. You will be dealt damage in water siphon and get knocked back from the center. Try to position yourself in between the two bubbles. If you get knocked to these bubbles, it will deal high damage and stun you.

- Total wreck – A tank buster targeted at the primary tank target. Heal and cooldown shield as necessary.

- Poison heart – A stack marker will be placed on a random player. Group up to spread the damage among the players.

- Flames of decay – Raid-wide AOE damage. Healer be ready to heal as necessary.

- Aetherial disruption – The arena will be split into 4 lanes of either blue or red color. According to the shape and color, move to the safe spot to avoid damage. At the same time, a red circle or a blue triangle will appear which indicates which lane will explode. These are the core mechanics of this boss.

- Crumbling sky – This mechanics will overlap with the aetherial disruption. In this, there will be two major damage. First is the knockback which will knock players out from the center and to avoid damage players should land in the correct color lane. The second one will be AOE circle which will place markers on all players and you should spread away and stand in the correct lane to avoid damage.

- Gnashing of teeth – A tank buster targeted at the primary tank target. Heal and cooldown shield as necessary.

- Crumbling sky meteors – the boss will summon a series of meteors. Line up where a meteor is missing in the sky to avoid damage. Then, circular AOE will appear and players should avoid this as well. This will continue for some time while the boss will be off-target. After done, the boss will fly back in and you can finish the boss off.

- Cosmic kiss – knockback