Struggling to figure out the best for you on Fire Emblem Heroes? Unsure on how to build synergy or how to counter strong heroes?
Weaker units can turn into real powerhouses with the right team to back them up, and strong heroes can flop without the right team around them.
Emblem teams are very strong in the arena and can be very confusing to build effectively.
Read this guide to quickly get up to date and understand emblem teams and build a team with the best synergy possible to dominate in the Fire Emblem Heroes arena. This won’t go into all the details but will put you ahead of most players in the game, so read on!
Emblem Team Types
In the game, there are three emblem teams you need to know about.
These are Cavalry (often known as Horse), Flier and Armor.

Each emblem team has strengths and weaknesses you need to understand to make the most of them. Let’s take a closer look.
Cavalry emblem teams are the best way to go for beginners as they are the easiest to build and to use effectively in the arena. There are also many units to choose from, including great heroes like Reinhardt, Xander and Brave Lyn.

Cavalry teams are the most mobile units in the game with 3 movement and this makes them great for attacks and for retreating if you make a mistake. You do need to be careful with this movement ability.
Cavalry units can be easily baited by AI so beware of being too aggressive and being cut off from your troops. Another important thing to remember is Cavalry units cannot pass over forest tiles, making them very ineffective in some situations. Finally, Cavalry units have the lowest state totals in the game, and this can be costly in the arena.
Flier emblem teams have the potential to be very strong but are the hardest to customize as there are fewer units and team buffs.
However, Flier teams have lots of strong units and are very difficult to avoid the attack. Top Flier units include Cherche, Cordelia, and Elincia. As these units can fly, they can use their 3 movements over impassable terrain, meaning they can reach positions other classes cannot.

This makes them very dangerous and strong on cluttered maps. This also makes them very difficult to single out as teams can easily keep together in a group for protection and for attacks. Fliers are especially good at attacking opponents and then getting out of range, making good use of some buffs and abilities like Hit and Run. However, there are disadvantages to Fliers.
Fliers take extra damage from all bow attacks, meaning they can be in real trouble against these types of attacks even if they are strong Flier units. Fliers also struggle in indoor maps with walls as they cannot make the most of their mobility, making them essentially infantry troops. Finally, the only magical damage for Flier emblem teams comes from limited-time units, and this can make planning attacks very difficult.
The Armor emblem teams have a strong strong defense, probably the best in the game, but require investment in skills to make the most of their class buffs. Armor class is the opposite of Flier class in that they have very limited mobility, meaning you need to be very careful in attacks.
Top Armor units include Black Knight, Hector and Effie and you can build a team around any of these heroes. Armor units have high base stats on offense and defense and can be hard to take down in the arena. The class also has very strong abilities and buffs like Wary Fighter, Bold, Vengeful and Armor March.

The limitations of the Armor class is their lack of mobility. Being able to move only 1 space makes attacking hard and more mobile units can easily kite your team which can cause disaster.
In addition, there are lots of very good ranged units that can make it very hard for Armor teams. There are also lots of abilities that make it hard for Armor units to fight effectively, so you need to really plan out your attacks well to avoid being made helpless to more mobile teams.
There are many ways to build a team in Fire Emblem: Heroes, so pick the emblem team that appeals most to your playing style and get learning!