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Gord: Professor of the Mystic
The misfortunate wizard Gord has gone through many trials to reach his level of expertise as a mage. In his pursuit of the craft, he was scarred by mystic and ancient magic, leading him to his position as a mystical arts professor, where he encourages students to learn with care.
On the battlefield, he is happy to show his expertise as a mage as he works to wipe out the enemy and get his team a victory. With powerful energy attacks, Gord can be found plowing his way through the middle of the battle, carrying the team through turrets and enemies with his high damage attacks.
He is skilled in poke and burst, making him phenomenal at starting and ending fights. This multi-colored mage can be a true wrecking ball of a hero.
Gord’s passive skill gives him a boost in magic power on his next basic attack after landing four basic attacks on the same enemy in a short period.
Skill 1: Mystic Projectile
Mystic Projectile is his first skill, which creates an orb of energy that Gord can throw in a straight line away from him. This orb will bounce across the ground in the given direction and, if it impacts with an enemy, will cause damage and a stunning buff to the target.
Skill 2: Mystic Injunction
Gord can summon the energy to the battlefield with Mystic Injunction, his second skill. This is placed in a circular area on the battlefield, which will deal damage to any opponents within it. It lasts for a short period and can deal damage ten times to a single opponent as long as they remain within the border of the area attack.
Skill 3: Mystic Gush
The ultimate skill Mystic Gush gives Gord the ability to fire a large energy beam in a sustained direction for a short period. This beam deals consistent damage and a speed debuff to any enemies in the line of fire for the entire time it is cast. The beam’s directionality can be rotated to follow enemies, making this skill quite capable of wiping enemies out.

For Gord, the mage emblem is his best option. It does best to support his strengths and make his weaknesses less prominent. Paired with this, he should have an item build that focuses on improving his defense and offense or on aiding his highly powered skills with mana regeneration and cool down boosts.
Skill Path

- Holy Crystal
- Fleeting Boots
- Blood Wings
- Glowing Wand
- Ice Queen Wand
- Divine Glaives
The item Holy Crystal helps Gord increase his magical power. With this item, every energy attack he calls forth will be more powerful so he can slay more enemies.
Fleeting time boosts Gord’s magical attack damage alongside the Holy Crystal, but it also lessens his skill cool downtime so that he can attack more often and deal more damage.
The Blood Wings boost health and magic power. This helps Gord’s durability throughout the game and further improves his skill damage for the enemy team. This item also allows him to gain health back whenever he casts a skill with health regeneration benefits.
Glowing Wand will improve Gord’s movement speed so he can be more mobile in the field of battle. It also grants him more health points while significantly boosting his magic power, just like the blood wings. This item’s final bonus is a burn effect that deals extra damage over time from any attacks Gord lands on an enemy.
Ice Queen Wand delivers mana regeneration for Gord’s powerful skills and lifesteal to regenerate his health points. He also gains another boost in magic power and movement speed with the extra benefit of slowing enemies caught by his attacks.
The Divine Glaive gives Gord additional magic power and the benefit of magical penetration, allowing his attacks to go through his targets and deal more damage. Magic penetration gets more powerful the higher his health is, adding benefit to the rest of the build’s health regeneration items.
This build really boosts Gord’s heavy skill attacks, making him more effective at damaging his opponents. It also helps his defenses so he can avoid feeding the enemy and constant revives. He can also be built with more efficient defenses and offenses if that suits a team better.
Gord Information
Offensively Gord is relatively weak, but this is made up of his aggressively strong skills. His defenses make him sufficiently durable, but he is still a bit easier to slay in battle. With the strength of his skill attacks, it is incredibly important to balance his power, offense, and defense to make him effective on the battlefield. This balancing act makes him difficult to master, but when mastered, he is nearly unbeatable. Choosing the right gear is a good step toward making him the ultimate hero.
As a mage, Gord can start the battle on his own or with a teammate. He will have to be careful of his defenses as he builds up money for items and levels his skills, or he will be vulnerable to enemy kills at this stage. He will likely take the middle lane, working to make immediate progress in taking down turrets to push toward the enemy goal. With any luck, he can make the game faster if he can take out a turret before the middle of the game begins.
Once enemies and allies have managed to boost their stats with skills and items, Gord will want to be a team player, where his skills will be most beneficial. Playing alongside his allies, he will find the team easier with his heavy attacks and the more targeted assistance of fighters, tanks, and anyone he may partner with.
If played correctly, Gord can easily make the end game for his team exclusively to push the enemy base and achieve the desired victory. Gord is a powerful mage with attacks that are daunting for any hero. Using him to battle will surely achieve a high kill count and a powerful victory.