Table of Contents
Guinevere costs 599 Diamonds or 32,000 Battle Points. Guinevere is a fighter, and she specializes in magic damage and burst.
As for laning, Guinevere is recommended to be played in the side lanes. Guinevere is not one of the veteran heroes in MLBB, as she was released on February 21 of 2019. Guinevere has great mobility; therefore, she is great at times when you have to chase enemies or even to escape. She also can farm swiftly.
She even has CC immunity when she is up in the air and also has great snowball potential. However, Guinevere is very reliant on her skills, and to play this hero, you have to practice aiming and the timing of her skills as she is not easy to master.
For Guinevere’s best gear, you may choose any of the following builds or even create your own set based on what you prefer. You may mix and match these items:

- Calamity Reaper
- Arcane Boots
- Concentrated Energy
- Ice Queen Wand
- Feather of Heaven
- Blood Wings
- Calamity Reaper
- Arcane Boots
- Concentrated Energy
- Holy Crystal
- Fleeting Time
- Divine Glaive
- Swift Boots
- Concentrated Energy
- Calamity Reaper
- Holy Crystal
- Feather of Heaven
- Blood Wings
- Guinevere’s Abilities
Battle Spells

The battle spells that may work best with Guinevere are Retribution in which this enables her to farm faster earlier on in the game. You may also choose Aegis for her, which makes her very much equipped during 1v1 situations. It also helps in her survival.
Guinevere Best Emblems
Of the available emblems, the emblems that work best with Guinevere are the mage emblem and fighter emblem. The mage emblem allows her to raise her magic power while the fighter emblem helps her with her physical attack.

Guinevere’s Skills
Passive Skill: Super Magic

Guinevere’s Passive Skill is called Super Magic. When she uses her passive skill, she hits an enemy, and the enemy is knocked airborne. With this, the damage that the enemy gets is increased by 25%. She also deals damage to enemy heroes in which the damage accumulates super magic. Then her next Basic Attack is enhanced as the magic becomes full. Guinevere also gets to perform a chase on the enemy in which she deals it Magic Damage worth +100% total physical attack and +120% total magic power. She also recovers her lost HP worth 8% with this.
Skill 1: Energy Wave

With Guinevere’s first active skill called Energy Wave, she sends an energy orb towards a designated direction in which the enemies she hits are dealt with Magic Damage worth 300 points with +130% Total Magic Power. The enemy heroes are also slowed by 50%. This lasts for 1.2 seconds. At the same time, the CD of Guinevere’s skills are reduced by 1 second.
Skill 2: Magic Thump

The second active skill of Guinevere is called Magic Thump. With Magic Thump, Guinevere does a thump towards a designated spot. As she does this, if she hits enemies, the enemy heroes are knocked airborne with her super magic for 1 second. They are also dealt with Magic Damage worth 250 points for +80% Total Magic Power. After Guinevere uses Magic Thump, she also obtains the skill Spatial Migration.
Skill 3: Violet Requiem

The third active skill of Guinevere is called Violet Requiem. As Guinevere uses Violet Requiem, she releases her super magic completely. This deals Magic Damage worth 650 points or +500% Total Magic Power to the enemies that are nearby within 2 seconds. There is a chance that the enemies are knocked airborne in which if they are, there will be an extra effect of knock-airborne. The enemies are then knocked airborne for an additional of six (6) times each. During the casting time of Guinevere, she becomes immune to Control Effects.
Skill 4: Spatial Migration
This is the skill that Guinevere obtains shortly after she uses Magic Thump, which is her second active skill. As she uses Spatial Migration, she blinks towards a designated direction in which she leaves a temporary magical image behind her. The image them takes damage, and when it does, it gets to deal magic damage to those that attacked it, and at the same time, it restores some of the Super Magic of Guinevere.
Guinevere Information
Guinevere is best played with Minotaur. One of the heroes that can be considered as her counters is Diggie. Balmond also counters her.
Guinevere’s Stats
- Movement Speed: 260
- Physical Attack: 126
- Attack Speed: 0.92
- Physical Defense: 18
- Armor: 0
- Magic Power: 0
- Magic Resistance: 10
- HP: 2,528
- HP Regen Rate: 39
- Mana: 0
- Mana Regen Rate: 0