Lineage 2 Revolution

Lineage 2 Revolution Best Accessory Set Guide


Out of the numerous aspects of our beloved Lineage 2: Revolution game, we decided to focus within the following lines, on one vital asset. We know the importance of having a full accessory set that will make you prevail against your enemies.

Which is why we present you with the best know-how when it comes to deciding upon the best accessory set for your character in Lineage 2: Revolution. We have gathered data and tips valuable for your game strategy and have drafted for you the best accessory set guide.

Why the Accessory Set Is Important

Whenever you think of tactics to out best the game enemies, you must center your actions on the accessory sets, which means on the skills and enhancements that will be facilitated before other types of abilities.

You can gain accessories by entering quests in equipment dungeons and boxes. However, collecting pieces from one particular set is not as easy as you might think.

The majority of players out there agree that the first thing you need for your game is the patience to complete an accessory set. Does it take that much, you’ll wonder? Of course. It involves investing time and some luck, but nothing impossible if you like success.

Type of Accessory Sets

For starters, there are six accessory sets, at this moment, in Lineage 2. Each set will offer you specific advantages, which will favor certain activities and gains in certain moments and situations of the game. We will present to you the benefits and recommendations for each set.

Nassen Set

The main asset with this set is the increase in movement speed. It will prove useful both for offensive and defensive character strategies. This appears to be the most sought after set for all players, as it provides a universal skill. More specifically, the following classes will benefit from it: blade dancers, warlords, slayers, paladins, Shillien Knights. This set will offer you fast advancement.

Black Ore Set

In this set, you will receive a boost to the Critical resist. This is an excellent set for those who enjoy playing predominantly in PVP. This set will provide you, first of all, protection against the players with a high damage attribute. This will make you last longer during PVP clashes and is mainly used by healers, to heal all their allies, and by tankers to fortify their tanks. However, it can prove useful for all classes.

Arbol Set

The attributes are additional combo time. It provides increased accuracy and final damage that will prove most useful in the end game. This is a set recommended for classes like rogues, healers, mages, and archers. They can benefit from having a longer combo time during battles and will inflict additional damage. You will hit harder if you keep the combo running.

Elven Set

These accessories focus on improving your tenacity. You will receive an impressive boost in the stun resist rate, which will prevent you from getting a knockdown during battle. This is a set ideal for classes like silver rangers, phantom rangers, and mages, all who are ranged, have a high attack power but at the same time die quickly when stunned. They also receive a significant critical rate bonus.

Moonstone Set

This is in exact opposition to the previous set we presented. This time the accents fall on boosting the magical defense. It allows the increased defense to last in battles where the opponents have high damage skills. It is recommended for pure tanks classes like guardians, paladins, as well as for healers.

Phoenix Set

It increases your liveliness, meaning the slow resist rate. The Phoenix set is a set of attributes that all classes can benefit from using. It will grant you more chances against monsters that might slow you down in PVE, or against players that posses this slowing down skill, in PVP. This set stands out for its very balanced attributes. The downside is that it grants the lowest defense attributes when compared to the other sets. This set is suitable for solo players.


So, since gathering accessories from one set is not such an easy job to do, you have to know very well what type of set is recommended for your game character, before spending your time and resources. Afterward, you have to persevere and gather all your accessories.

But one thing is for sure; there are considerable advantages in having completed the entire set. A final strategy tip, we advise you to be patient and gather all accessories in one set, and after having them all, start upgrading them.