Table of Contents

This one goes into the S tier. It is ranked between tanky and squishy, so it’s a balanced class and good to use to level up in solo mode. It has a very good toolkit in PVP, super armors, and lingering skills. It is also beginner-friendly and has a lot of mobility, making it a very good jewelling class. It does have long cooldowns but is not very significant.

This one goes into the A tier. A very flashy class that can transform into a demon. It is also a hybrid class that utilizes both ranged and melee with quick burst damage, and it has a very good range distance. This class also can suit well in parties. It is a very positional dependant class and does not have a lot of super armors. However, when you transform into a demonic state, you are stagger immune which is a really big bonus. You only need to look out for being knocked up or hard CC. This is a solid class and stands in between tanky and squishy.

This one goes into the B tier. This class has one of the strongest combos in the game that can take off about 70% of the character’s health in one combo. But it is not easy in PVP because it is predictable. You can start your Gatling gun skills trying to stagger enemy rolling in and doing your new combo.
You can counter this by holding down the auto-attack and getting away, and therefore stopping the combo. You might struggle with ranged characters even though it is quite good at anti-melee. But it can be outplayed quite easily. It stands in the middle of tankiness but having two on-demand skills, one in normal form and the other in turret mode, you can still survive a little bit.

This one goes into the A tier. It is very complicated and has some fantastic kits, but because of the weapon swap, that makes it very hard to play.
You’ve got a good range on your sniper rifle skills and an amazing combo going in close and also using your shotgun. Mastering this class takes a lot of time and a good muscle memory, but once you have done it, you will have an amazing result. The outplay potential is massive, but it is one of the squishiest classes in the game.

This one goes into the S tier. She has an extra mobility skill that is fantastic for getting catches and has a better sniper rifle skill with her zero rays. The ultimate Bombard hits very fast by firing one big instant bullet and has a good AOE size.
She has extremely high mobility, great potential damage, and outplay potential. She also has good range with a sniper and can go in close with her pistol and shotguns. One of the hard classes to play but one of the best classes to climb solo, but she is a little bit squishy.

This one goes into the B tier. This class has invisibility, and early in the game, this will help very much because people will not realize you are there and get caught in surprise, but they do have long cooldowns on their major skills and crit dependant.
If you land crit damage on your sniper skill, you will do lots of damage. Invisibility in higher ranks is not very useful because it will become a novelty. Even without invisibility, you still inflict a lot of damage. The class doesn’t feel massively fluid, and the mobility is slightly clunky. The class has great CC damage with its claymore skill, but people will avoid it in higher skill. This is not much of a tanky class, so you will die if you get caught.

This one goes into the S tier. Bard is a game-changer with its shields, damage reduction, CC immunity, and all the utility this class brings to a party is incredible.
It also has super armors, CC skills, and a single skill with tons of damage. Its ultimate will bring a huge shield to the entire party, and this is the squishiest class in the game. But all the shield and utility it has makes it quite tanky. With its shield and CC immunity, this is a class you will need in your party.

This one goes into the A tier. This one played as a summoner before changing its title. This is a truly ranged character and acts more of the team enabler. You can make some good damage combos yourself but the catchers can set up your team. Using your field of vision and blind spots correctly you can play this character safely.
She also has some good self-heal like reverse gravity but if this gets baited out she can easily be damaged by melee characters. She has no super armors and is quite a squishy class. Once you build your gauge, you will have some teleports that can be used twice when it is full, so her mobility is very good.

This one goes into the B tier. This character needs to work very hard to get off his damage. Most of the time, you need to knock enemies down, track them back again after they roll, and then knock them down again to be able to get off your burst window. But this is the third tankiest class on the whole game. It has good mobility and super armors. Its kit makes it a good jeweler, but you can be easily interrupted when using your skills. Not a very good character for PVP.

This one goes into the S tier. She has great mobility, great range, and defensive buss, giving you a good place in a team. Her mobility is very good with a triple dash, and she has a very good ranged hard CC skill. Her burst damage is outstanding when she is in her third power-up form. Her iniquity discharge gives the team a great defensive buff to be pseudo support in PVP. She is in between tanky and squishy, but she can be a bit tanky with her defensive team ability.

This one goes into the C tier. It does not have super armors and still needs to charge up two of the identity orbs to use it. It is a mobile class, but its hitbox and AOE are quite small. You need to have precise timing, or you will get knocked out. It has a fast in and outpace and stands in between tanky and squishy.

This one goes into the B tier. This character brings team utility with a damage reduction buff for herself and the team. She is quite tanky due to her damage reduction buff and can deal a good amount of damage in PVP. She can also buff the team with movement and attack speed, but she doesn’t have super armors and can regularly run into the lack of mana. You can simply jump in and sue combo to deal damage, wait for cooldown, and dot it again.

This one goes into the A tier. This class has super great damage but is a bit slow in PVP. They also have high cooldown and mana issues.
But if you manage to get the engages right, you deal some serious damage. It has super armors and is very easy to play with. It has good mobility and is the 4th Tankiest class in this game.

This one goes into the A tier. A solid class that gives pseudo support by giving them a shield. Its chain hook and bash can be very annoying and disruptive. Heal your team, and interrupting key combos from your enemies will be the main job of this class.
They are slow but with the shield for self and the team and being the tankiest class in the game gave ist advantage. It also has some good damage from its burst cannon.

This one goes into the S tier. It has a high amount of burst damage. They also give damage reduction buff and shield to the team. Thye can pop up a shield, and using Luthien’s word on an ally who will be hit by an ultimate can reduce the damage and go in your favor. It is an easy-to-play class but does not have super armors. It is a tanky class, but with its damage reduction and shield, it is much tankier.
Some of the classes below are not released in NA and EU regions yet.

This one goes into the C tier. This is one of the squishiest classes in the game, and its damage is also low. Its output potential and mobility are very high. If you get caught, you can take too much damage and die. This is not an easy class to climb the solo rank and not very good in PVP.

This one goes into the S tier. This is a very difficult class to play because you need to micromanage the drone position and get the best result.
You can play safely with this class because you will always stay behind your drone and create tons of massive damage to enemies. They do lack super armors, but you get full stagger immunity, shield, and range when you go into Iran man mode. They are quite squishy, but the transformation skill will help in those moments.

This one goes into the B tier. They do have some really nice catches with some nice big AOE CCs, but it is quite inconsistent with their identity.
You might get the card you want to do massive damage or not get the card and do not make enough damage. It has good mobility and is a bit of a hybrid because its burst window is in the melee range. It is in between tanky and squishy.
Lance master

This one goes into the S tier. This class has very good mobility and a nice AOE for catches. It also has very good damage, a low cooldown, and a lot of skills. They have a nice range and super armors. They also have a counter ability to put up a shield. They are quite tanky too. It might be intimidating for time players with many skills and weapon swaps, but this is one of the complete classes with no flaws.

This one goes into the A tier. This is a very tanky class, especially when you put on your dual pane, which takes about 90% reduced damage for eight seconds. They also have a shield and super armor the entire time. All their skill have super armors.
They are a bit slow, and their AOE a cracked. They have very good mobility, but their wind-up time is slow, making it clunky. This is the number two tankiest class in the game and is a very strong class to play in PVP.