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Kadita is a character based on the Indonesian goddess of the sea, sometimes referred to as the Queen of the Southern Sea in Javanese and Sundanese mythology.
In Mobile Legends, she is a mighty hero (until Moonton says otherwise) with a unique mechanic and frequently used in ranked games.
Her anti crowd control abilities allow her to get in and out of fights quickly. She also has a powerful HP Regeneration ability that, if well used, can make her very resistant against multiple attacks.
On the other hand, Kadita can deal high burst damage when she’s well-positioned, and all her abilities are adequately combined.
Kadita can also help a lot during team fights due to her excellent area damage capacity.
As you can see, this an exciting hero which to play with, and sure you’re eager to learn more in detail about her.
Kadita Skills
Thalassophobia (Passive)

Kadita is continually receiving blessings from the Might of the Ocean and regenerating up to 65% HP each time she gets an attack. The benefit occurs every 30 secs, and the HP Regen four secs after receiving a strike.
Ocean Oddity (Active)

Cooldown: 90s.
Mana cost: 80
Kadita transmutes herself into a mermaid and summons a big ocean wave, then she rides the wave and deals 265/490 of Magical Damage and slows down the enemies by 70%.
When Kadita is a mermaid, she is immune to all crowd control abilities and more resistant to attacks when she’s within the wave. She can also get off the wave using another skill, but the tide will continue advancing and dealing with damage, ignoring any obstacles along the way.
Breath of the Ocean (Active)

Cooldown: 8s.
Mana cost: 90
Kadita marks a specified area by summoning a sea wave. After few seconds, the wave surges out of the ground, dealing 350/500 Pts of Magical Damage and knocking the targeted enemy into the air for a maximum of 1.5 seconds.
If Kadita summons this skill while using Ocean Oddity, the wave will surge out faster.
Rough Waves (Ultimate)

Cooldown: 40.
Mana Cost: 200.
Using her divine power, Kadita will summon a big tsunami of multiple waves (6) to crush enemies along the way. Each wave will deal 300/360 Pts of Magical Damage. Then they will return to Kadita, dealing damage again if there are enemies along the way.
The damage dealt will decay if the same enemy is hit multiple times. Kadita also becomes invincible while using this skill.
Spells For Kadita

Can teleport the hero a short distance from one to another position on the battlefield.
This is the most useful spell for Kadita. She can use it to catch enemies by surprise, so you can use your abilities to kill them. The spell is also helpful to escape quickly from dangerous situations.
Deal 220/500 of True Damage to enemy heroes instantly.
This is very useful during early game if you want to secure some kills because Kadita won’t be able to kill an enemy hero if she hasn’t enough level.
Petrifies an enemy for 0.7 sec and deals 115/325 Pts Magical Damage.
This is useful when you want to use the Ultimate skill, but you need and extra time first to well-position Kadita.
Emblem Set For Kadita
You must use Custom Mage Emblem Set for Kadita since she is an offensive Mage. With this, she’ll be able to deal with a lot of Magical Damage.

Get Cooldown Reduction and Magic Power to increase her burst damage capacity. You can also achieve this by taking advantage of Tier 3’s Magic Worship and Impure Rage. The first will deal with an additional 82/250 Pts Magical Damage, and the second will deal extra damage equal to 4% of the target’s HP, also restoring 3% of your Mana.
All this helps you in taking down enemies quickly with Kadita’s skills.
Build For Kadita

Arcane Boots
Effect: +15 Pts Magic Damage Reduction.
Unique Effect: +40 Pts Movement Speed.
Use this if you want to deal more damage.
Clock of Destiny
Effect: +60 Pts Magic Power, +615 HP, +600 Mana.
Unique Passive: Adds +30 Pts HP, +5 Magic Attack every 30 secs up to 10 times. Additionally, if time is fully stacked, the hero will receive +5% Magic Attack and +300 of Mana.
Suitable for Kadita because of her passive works based on HP.
Concentrated Energy
Effect: +70 Pts Magic Power, +700 HP.
Unique Effect: +30% Spell Vamp.
Unique Passive: Regen 10% of the hero’s HP after killing an enemy hero.
Use this to gain more sustainability for Kadita.
Lightning Truncheon
Effect: +75 Pts Magic Power, +30 Mana Regen.
Unique Passive: Every 6s, your next magical attack will damage a Max of 3 enemies with 150% Magic Power Damage.
Fleeting Time
Effect: +70 Pts Magic Power, +15 Mana Regen, +10 Cooldown Reduction.
Unique Passive: Immediately reduces 20% of current reuse time for all skills after killing an enemy hero.
Use this to increase Cooldown Reduction and help Kadita shoot more frequently her Ultimate.
Blood Wings
Effect: +150 Pts Magic Power, +150 HP.
Unique Passive: Adds +2 Pts of HP for every 1 Pt of Magic Power added.
This item is used to increase overall HP and Magic Power.
Try to upgrade your skills following this order: Ocean Oddity, Rough Waves (when available), and finally Breath of the Ocean.
Start the match buying two Mana Necklaces since Kadita is Mana dependent, but try to buy Clock of Destiny and Lightning Truncheon as soon as possible so that you can play more offensively.
Try also to maintain your position at cleaning lanes from enemy minions and helping your team’s assassin to clear Jungle faster and in taking the buff.
Play poking enemies whenever, but be careful and don’t underestimate them; you can play more aggressively at attacking enemies and pushing towers once you are at level 5 or above and have your Ultimate and passive ready to use.
Kadita is good at catching enemies by surprise when you use the right skill combination.
The most important tip to remember is Ocean Oddity, combined with your Ultimate to get in and out of critical fights. You must be good at calculating the correct time to dive into danger, dealing damage, and getting out.