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Diggie: Timekeeper
The little owl Diggie is great at tormenting enemies by poking them with owl-shaped bombs and time manipulation. Traversing the whole battlefield, he helps allies gank opponents and push turrets with abilities that help them rack up kills and protect them from buffs and damage. Even if Diggie is slain, he can still support his team as they take down opponents and make their way to the enemy base.
Passive Skill: Young Again
Diggie’s passive skill, Young Again, is truly unique. With it, Diggie becomes an egg upon death and cannot take any damage. This is called his egg form and grants him three new skills. With these, he can roam the map, interrupting enemy actions and revealing hiding opponents until he revives.
Disdain and Egg Dance are Diggie’s first and second egg form skills. Each has animation and a phrase that pairs with a small amount of damage given to nearby enemies.
Although very little hp is lost, this action can effectively stop opponents from regenerating health or recalling their base, making them vulnerable. The movements and actions of Diggie can also reveal hiding enemies to allies. His ultimate skill in this form is merely a different animation and phrase and is called Victory Prayers.
Skill 1: Auto Alarm Bomb
For his first skill, Diggie places an owl-shaped bomb, the Auto Alarm Bomb, on the battlefield, which chases enemy units until it explodes. This deals substantial damage and delivers a speed debuff to enemies.
If no enemies are nearby, the bombs will stay where they are for a short period and explode if touched by an opponent. Whether the bomb is stationary or actively chasing someone, it can be stacked three times. This can allow bombs to be placed in hidden spots to catch opponents off guard or can be used to chase an enemy and slay them.
Skill 2: Reverse Time
His second skill, Reverse Time, is a trap that draws opponents to a given location. When cast, it will lock onto the enemy player and, after a short delay, drag them back before delivering a speed debuff. This opens allies up to take down enemies that are escaping.
Skill 3: Time Journey
Time Journey is Diggie’s ultimate skill, which is cast in a large circular area around him. He and any ally within the circle gains a temporary shield and is freed from any crowd controlling buffs affecting their movement or casting.
Support emblem with the following:

Diggie benefits most from items that allow him to use his skills more often and protect him from enemies. Because of this, support emblem is the most useful for him. Pairing this with defenses, mana regeneration, cooldown reduction, and speed boosts can give him the best buffs.

- Immortality
- Athenas Shield
- Fleeting Time
- Demon Shoes
- Dominance Ice
- Lightning Truncheon


Advanced Build

Raising Diggie’s defense allows him to continue poking enemies and shielding allies longer. This can be done with the item Immortality, which gives different hp advantages and physical defense buff. When used, the player gets more health points and resurrected with 20% health and a temporary shield.
Athena’s shield gives health regeneration and hp to the player. It also increases their magic defense and prevents them from being slain, which boosts the effects offered by Immortality.
Fleeting time boosts damage from magic attacks and lessens their cooldown. With this, Diggie can deliver more damage with his bombs and place them more often.
The Demon Shoes are a mana regeneration item that offers a speed buff that will benefit Diggie’s special skill usage and ally assist.
Dominance Ice is another defense item that increases physical defenses. It also gives a speed boost and increases Diggie’s mana.
Pairing Lightning Truncheon with the previous item adds even more mana and increases Diggie’s magic damage. It also lowers his skills cool downtimes.
With these, Diggie can make the most of his skills as he guards his enemies and delivers steady damage to help his teammates push lanes.
Diggie Information
Diggie is statistically stronger than most other support making him quite easy to use because of this. His offense is not very powerful, but his skills more than makeup for his lacking basic attack. He is weak against burst attacks but is otherwise relatively durable.
Even when he is slain, his passive ability allows him to continue supporting his team until he revives. His skills make him an asset in pushing the enemy base and supporting ganking allies, and he is much more capable in battle than other support heroes, so he doesn’t have to avoid a fight.
Diggie can battle solo more effectively than other support players but is a huge advantage to his teammates when they fight together. With this in mind, he roams the lanes and jungle to take down enemies, support allies in battle, and help push his team forward towards victory. His bombs can be very powerful at taking down opponents.
If placed in bushes, they can slay an enemy in seconds. They can also be used to protect allies by creating a barrier with their damage and speed debuff. He can even pull opponents into them, making him ideal for making enemies vulnerable for his team. When he dies, he is the most useful poking at enemies alongside his teammates. Doing this, he can keep allies from being ambushed and help them rack up kills from enemies trying to escape or regenerate.
These tactics make using the minimap very effective for Diggie, as he can direct his efforts where they are most beneficial to his team. This map will also be essential for using his ultimate skill to help his team. Using this guarding skill in times of need can save his allies. An effective strategy of sacrifice can be used with Diggie since his egg form has different supporting abilities to help his team. Well, balanced use of all six of his skills, partnered with helpful equipment, can make Diggie a real force in any battle.