Table of Contents
- 1 Lahn Movement
- 1.0.1 Hotbar Skills
- 1.0.2 Crystals In Gear For Lahn
- 1.0.3 Main-hand and Offhand Crystals
- 1.0.4 Does Lahn Need a Lot Of Accuracy?
- 1.0.5 Pre Awakened Skill Build(Before Level 56)
- 1.0.6 Lahn Level 56 Skill Build – 600 SKill Points
- 1.0.7 Lahn Skill Build – 1100 Skill Points
- 1.0.8 Lahn Level 60 Skill Build
- 1.0.9 Lahn Skill Addons For PvP and PvE
- 1.0.10 Is Lahn Good in PvE?
- 1.0.11 Is Lahn Good In PvP?
- 1.0.12 Lahn Buffs
- 1.0.13 Lahn Debuffs
- 1.0.14 Lahn E and Q Buff
- 1.0.15 Rabam’s Enlightenment Skills For Lahn
- 1.0.16 Lahn Black Spirit Abilities
- 1.0.17 Other Useful Tips
- 1.0.18 Food Buffs For Lahn PvE
- 1.0.19 Lahn Trashloot Per Hour
Lahn Introduction
Lahn is a martial artist class who uses the crescent pendulum to fight. The class is very smooth, as they dance while they chop enemies. They are a highly agile and mobile class that is quick to move and can deliver very high damaging attacks while swinging their crescent. Lahn is ready to engage and disengage in combat quickly because she can fly short distances.
She uses her mobility skills along with a combination of AoE’s and grabs.
If you are looking for a class that can travel between packs and moves around fast, look no further. Most of Lahn’s passive skills gives you speed in various forms, such as movement and attack speed. Many of her skills are also AoE attacks, which makes her quite fun to play in PvE as well. She is undoubtedly one of the most fun classes to play, especially with Nimbus Stride(her flying ability).
However, she has one significant weakness. She is quite a squishy class, which can make duels or PvP tricky, both in solo fights and groups, especially if she gets caught by CC’s. Therefore the best strategy on her PvP-wise is often to engage by ambushing your opponent fast, before anyone expects it, and get out of there quickly, with Nimbus Stride.
Lahn Pre Awakening PvE Guide
Lahn Awakening Guide
Lahn Beginner Gear (Pre-Bossgear)
For a new player, the complexity of BDO can get overwhelming quickly so it is always advisable that you look for a nice beginner-friendly Guild that is willing to help. Here is a little Guideline in terms of gear progression you can orientate yourself on.
When you start the Game you should stick with doing the Main Questline for a while as it gives you an introduction to the game and provides you with some starter items.
You should keep in mind that Lahn’s pre awakening has low damage scaling and the first thing you should invest into are weapons:
Get a +15 or PRI Rosar Crescent Pendulum off the Market as well as a +15 or PRI Crow Noble Sword. Buy 2x Ultimate Weapons Reform stones off the Market and Ultimate your Weapons.
As Armor Pieces you should choose one of the following:
- Heve Armor – additional HP
- Grunil Armor – additional HP and AP
- Hercules Might Armor – additional weight limit
- They are identical in stats however the set effects are variating, so just pick whatever you find more useful.
- As Chest Armor piece you can pick up Dim Magical Armor. It can be obtained through the Black Spirit Quest While preparing for Mediah.. (mind that it requires pre-quests to be completed). This Armor piece can be enhanced further through quests into the Roaring Magical Armor, which equals a green DUO Chest piece.
Get a full Asula Accessory set when starting out.
You can read our BDO accessories guide if you don’t know how to obtain the Asula set.
Once you hit Awakening, get a PRI Enneadread Crimson Glaives and upgrade them to Ultimate.
Your gear should now look like this:

Now from here on you have the option to either enhance your gear to PRI/DUO yourself or grind some money and buy the new pieces.
Depending on how much time and resources you want to spend and what content you want to do, around full DUO/TRI gear you can/should start to transition to Boss gear.
Lahn Boss Gear

Dim Tree
Bhegs Gloves
Urugon’s Shoes
Griffon Helmet
Dandelion Glaives
Kzarka Crescent Pendulum
Nouver (PvP) or Kutum (PvE) Noble Sword
Ruins Rings – Ring of the Crescent Guardian – Capotia Ring
Ogre Ring – Laytenn’s Power Stone – Tungrad Necklace
Basilisks Belt – Valtarra Eclipsed Belt – Tungrad Belt
Witch Earrings – Tungrad Earrings
Kzarka Vs Offin
As a Lahn, you use your pre awakening mostly for protection, debuffs, and mobility and not for damage which makes the additional AP from Offin way less valuable than Kzarkas accuracy.
But but but Crit!
In the high end, PvE spots you will have Crit maxed out with food and Draughts/Elixirs and the same goes for Node Wars and Siege.
Lahn Combo PvE and PvP Guide
The main thing about Lahn is that she has so many utilities you can use to start combos. Lahn doesn’t really have any set combos, as she has so many cc’s and skills to work with you can just make up your own to suit your style.
But still some basic combos are;

E -> S + RMB -> W + F -> LMB + RMB -> Hold; LMB + RMB -> Shift + A/D -> Hotbar

E -> Shift + RMB -> Hold; Shift + RMB -> W + F -> LMB + RMB -> Hold; LMB + RMB
Note: This combo is hard to use if you don’t have 60 fps. Sidestep after Flow: Vice into Deadly Dance to help this.
Remember you can engage from other skills, and don’t have to use grab. A common catch is also

and you can stem off this CC too.

Hotbar -> S + RMB -> W + F -> LMB + RMB -> Hold; LMB + RMB -> Shift + A/D -> Hotbar
As you learn more about the class, you will naturally learn what you like using to catch a target other than your grab.
Lahn PvP Only Combos
Grab Engage Combo:

Soul Raid -> Bridled Despair -> Flow: Vice -> Side Step -> Taunting Death -> Deadly Dance -> Bleeding Hearts
Short Grab Engage Combo:

Soul Raid -> Tailspin or Bridled Despair -> Flow: Vice -> Deadly Dance -> Bleeding Hearts
Stun Combo:

Bridled Despair -> Auto-attack -> Taunting Death -> Deadly Dance -> Bleeding Hearts -> (optional)Cancel -> (optional) Flow: Vice
Floating Combo:

Salpuri Purge -> Side Step -> Bridled Despair -> Taunting Death -> Deadly Dance -> Bleeding Hearts
Lahn CC’s
Lahn has MANY CC’s to utilize. Once you get used to how to use them all, you will have an easier time with CCing a target.
Recommended CC’s to catch a target:

Risky CC catches; use them if you feel confident:

You probably shouldn’t use these to catch a target, they work into the middle of combos:

Lahn Protection
Lahn has A LOT of protection. It’s kinda ridiculous. You can basically rotate super armor permanently.
Super Armor:

Forward Guard:

- Shift + A/D; SA when on cooldown
- Shift + S
Lahn Movement
You have a lot of movement! Take advantage of it.

Swap Stances
Abilities you can use to swap stances.
Pre-Awakening to Awakening:

Awakening to Pre-Awakening:

Hotbar Skills
You’re gonna need to hotbar skills. This is my hotbar, you’re gonna need the same skills on your hotbar.

Crystals In Gear For Lahn
Mind that Crystals are a personal preference and depending on what you are planning to do in the game.
Early Crystal Setups:
Early on in the game, it is not worth it to look at expensive crystals and you most likely don’t have the funds to go for the below setups.
Crystals can shatter upon death and till you hit around full TET armor and weapons you want to look at cheaper Crystals.
See to max out on Attack speed and eventually Movement speed. Otherwise, you can look through the Crystals and take whatever you think might be useful.
Here are some examples of common high-end setups:
- Armor – 1x HAN Hoom and 1x JIN/BON Cobelinus
- Gloves – 2x JIN Viper
- Shoes – 1x HAN Hoom and 1x WON Hystria
- Helmet – 2x HAN Hoom
What some of us Aakman dweller run:
Armor – 2x HAN Hoom
Gloves – 2x JIN Viper
Shoes – 2x Red Battlefield Adamantine
Helmet – 2x HAN Hoom
Mind that we may get changes to Aakman ccs so you may want to hold back on buying Adamantine
Another option:
Armor – 2x HAN Hoom
Gloves – 2x JIN Viper
Shoes – 1x Red Battlefield Adamantine and 1x WON Hystria
Helmet – 2x HAN Hoom
Setup in combination with a Fiery Offhand
Armor – 2x Magic Crystal of Infinity – Evasion
Gloves – 2x JIN Viper
Shoes – 2x HAN Hoom
Helmet – 2x HAN Hoom
Main-hand and Offhand Crystals
Main-hand Crystals:
Black Magic Crystal Precision
Because Accuracy and Ignore resist!
There are different options for Offhand Crystals depending on your personal preference:
Magic Crystal of Infinity – Critical Hit
Works well for PvP and PvE for a damage boost through crit
Corrupted Magic Crystal
basically an enhanced version of the blue crit crystals
Awakened Spirit’s Crystal/ Valtarra Spirit’s Crystal
Another option for PvP and PvE and the 150 HP per Crystal add some survivability
Magic Crystal of Infinity – Back Attack/Down Attack
Those Crystals can be useful for high-end grind spots, however, they are very specific due to the conditional damage modifier!
Does Lahn Need a Lot Of Accuracy?
With your Boss setup and Crystals, you would want around 350 accuracy for the High-end PvE spots and for PvP.
Mind that if you run into Evasion builds or Hybrids you need way higher accuracy to be able to counter that.
Pre Awakened Skill Build(Before Level 56)
Lahn Level 56 Skill Build – 600 SKill Points
Lahn Skill Build – 1100 Skill Points
Lahn Level 60 Skill Build
1451 SP For PvP:

1722 SP QoL Skills For PvP:
Lahn Skill Addons For PvP and PvE

Option 2:

Option 3:

Is Lahn Good in PvE?
Trash Spots
Due to her mobility, she is one of the fastest grinders in trash spots and you will perform well in any spot you pick.
For anything below 230 TET Kutum AP, you would want to look at spots like Fogans, Gahaz, Cadrys, Pollys Forest, Fadus.
Lahn is one of the top classes in Aakman.
The combination of her ability to keep the packs cc’d, her DP debuff and her burst allows her to pull a really good trash loot amount.
Will I be able to do Aakman with 210 AP? NO!
But that Video of that 213 AP Lahn doing Aakman…. NO just forget about the Video, Colesy has done so much Aakman they accepted him as one of their own.
What AP do I need for Aakman? -> lowest 235 TET Kutum +
Here Lahn is one of the top classes as well.
Even though the Mobs can’t be cc’d, her kit allows her to pull and kill the packs fast.
What AP do I need for Hystria? -> around 261 TET Nouver / 249 TET Kutum
You would want to have around 230 TET Kutum AP to be able to efficiently grind Manshaums
With a 3 man Party around 235 TET Kutum AP but do mind that random Partys usually ask for 240+
Solo 261 TET Nouver / 249 TET Kutum +
Is Lahn Good In PvP?
Lahn is a top tier duelist with high burst and slightly above average AP scaling. Lots of protections, mobility, gap closers, cc’s and a long ranged grab. The more challenging matchups tend to be Sorc’s and other Lahns. Ninja and tamer can also give you a run for your money (those classes being top tier duelists as well)
Node Wars
Lahn is a class that has below-average performance in node war compared to other classes. All though she is super protected in 1v1, her ability to protect herself and do damage at the same time is minimal and she is one of the squishier classes in the game. On the flip side, she performs well when she picks fights with stragglers, partakes in smaller skirmishes and can also disrupt backlines extremely well. She shines well in float/flex and disruption squads and also is a great pick for cannon as she can reach some nice places with Nimbus Stride. She will be weak if she tries to face tank large scale offensive fights, and must pick and choose when she goes in. Lahn can still be played effectively in node war when in the right hands.
Her role in Siege is pretty similar to her role in NW.
She is good at special teams. Even in Siege, she can be amazing when on cannons, flex, or cannon hunting. Anything that requires small scale and high mobility.
She can dance the edges of a ball and play dive defense extremely well.
Lahn Buffs
You have many abilities which give you small buffs. Take advantage of them!

- RMB; Attack Speed +15% for 10 seconds
- W+ RMB; All AP +10 for 10 seconds
- Hotbar; All DP +10 for 10 seconds
- A/D + RMB; All AP +8 for 10 seconds
- A/D + LMB; Attack Speed +15% for 15 seconds
Lahn Debuffs
salpuri purge: Hotbar; All DP -15 for 10 seconds
white heron: Hotbar; All DP -15 for 10 seconds
deadly dance: W + F; Bleeding damage of 20 every 3 seconds for 27 seconds
bridled despair: S + RMB; Bleeding damage of 25 every 3 seconds for 27 seconds
flow mangler: Flow; Movement Speed -20% for 10 seconds, Pain damage of 20 every 3 seconds for 45 seconds
furor: Shift + LMB; Attack/Casting Speed -20% for 10 seconds
Lahn E and Q Buff
Shift + E In awakening:
Lahn’s special buffs are very useful and you should know how they work.

This skill is OP. Take advantage of it!
Duration: 30 seconds
Cooldown: 3 minutes
Stats: Attack Speed +20%, Movement Speed +30%, All Resistance +30%
This buff lets you phantom dance->side step INFINITELY due to using no stamina, while the buff is active. Remember phantom dance is I-frame, but while on the 1-second cooldown, it is super armor. You CAN get caught out of spamming the sidestep, due to desync and other things, be careful.
Q in pre-awakening:
A smaller buff, but definitely has it’s used.
Duration: 15 seconds
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Stats: +200 WP Recovery
This buff will allow you to sprint (basic running forwards) without using stamina. It also pulls mobs, useful for end game grinding spots.
Rabam’s Enlightenment Skills For Lahn
Level 56; Rabam is a personal choice. Personally I take

because it stuns, rather than

which bounds. BUT,

has a shorter cooldown.
Level 57; Take


It offers better protection and has a DP debuff.
Lahn Black Spirit Abilities
Lahn’s BSR kinda suck. But you can utilize a couple of them.

10% – You shouldn’t even have this skill leveled. Stop it. Recommended to lock.

25% – Lackluster, takes too much time to charge, and already has SA without BSR. Recommended to lock.

50% – Can be used in large scale as it offers protection. Not useful in 1v1.

100% – Very stationary, only really worth the risk at 261 AP+. Damage is pretty bad at low AP. Lock if low AP.

100% – Pretty good damage, hard to pull off, but can be done.
Other Useful Tips
Extending Nimbus Stride:
Start in preawakening.

-> C Swap -> Shift A/D ->

You will go further with this rather than straight-up using the skill!
Animation Cancels:
You can cancel the last half of


You can use this to get out of an unsafe situation. You can cancel the whole animation of


You can also automatically trigger the flow

instead of using the whole skill.
Food Buffs For Lahn PvE
Mind that Food and other buffs are partially personal preference.
Exquisite Cron Meal or Energized Cron Meal
For xp grinds Simple Cron Meal
Draughts / Elixirs
Giant’s or Beast’s Draughts should cover most of your needs, especially in lower AP/DP areas.
If you have the suitable DP Frenzied Draughts are very strong in combination with Spirit Perfume Elixirs to max out crit.
Villas and Alchemy stone for any high-end zone.
Lahn Trashloot Per Hour
AP TET Kutum – Trashloot
240 AP – 4200
247 AP – 4600
260 AP – 5000
261 AP – 5400
AP TET Nouver – Trashloot – Rotation
269 – 2400 – Main/Elten
Sycria Abyssal
AP TET Kutum – Trashloot – Rotation
269 – 2300 – Statue
Stars End
AP TET Kutum – Trashloot
269 – 3000