Angela, also known as the Lovebunny, is a support hero capable of buffing allies, CC, and dealing damage. She can possess an allied hero for additional damage.
She is often used in ranked games due to her ability to provide a massive shield, which is great for team fights. We’ve rounded up an Angela Build Guide for gamers who would like to master Angela as well as for those who focus on supporting teammates. After all, objectively, Mobile Legends is best played when allies support each other.
Table of Contents


Damage/CD reduction


Fleeting Time for an ultimate reducing cooldown and Enchanted Talisman to regenerate 10% total Mana every 10 seconds.
Wizard Boots will help you get 80 gold for every assist and +300 HP, and +40 unique movement speed. We also recommend that you get a magic necklace for additional mana regeneration or Necklace of Durance to reduce enemies’ regeneration effect by 50%.
Ice Queen Wand will slow down enemy heroes by 15% of their movement speed for 3 seconds.
Immortality will help Angela resurrect 2s upon death plus 20% Max HP. The shield will last for 3 seconds +180 CD. Beginners must use this item since Angela is squishy and heavily relies on her teammates. Using items that will provide more damage since one of Angela’s weaknesses is no burst damage even with a full magic build.
Without this item, Angela can quickly die. She can be instrumental in late game team fights because of her first skill, which increases damage taken by enemies. This will help you kill enemies faster.
Blood Wing is excellent for Angela’s first skill. The slow effect will help your team in chasing escaping enemies. You can also use Blood Wings for massive amounts of damage and shield during the late game. This is best used with Immortality.
Courage Bulwark can increase Angela and nearby heroes’ movement speed by 30% and physical damage 25% for 3 seconds plus 40 seconds Cool Down.
Recommended Emblem

We recommend that you use the Support Emblem for additional Mastery for additional CD and Gift for regen. Her first skill is an enhanced version of Focusing on Mark, so she does not need many farms. When supporting laners, make sure not to steal the monsters and give them to your partner.
Besides, when supporting learners, do not lane with Markmen who are weak in the early game except for Kimmy. Remember, the main objective of the support heroes is to provide support to anyone to needs help.
Best Teammates

Recommended Spells

Flicker/Sprint is best so that Angela quickly escapes from enemies since Angela is not a durable hero. You can also use this when attached to allies when they die. You can also use Flameshot for pushing and slowing effect, especially for enemy fighters. Angela can be an easy target during early games.
Skill Upgrade Path
Take ult whenever possible

Let’s start with her Passive:
Smart Heart
Angela’s movement increases each time she uses her skill. It also increases the movement speed of her allies when she possesses them. This allows her to move more quickly and chase enemies faster. This also helps her escape from enemies faster. Do not think twice about using Angela’s first skill, as it can be charged up to five charges to spam the skill in the early games to poke enemies. Pro gamers use support heroes to annoy enemy heroes in the early game as they are squishy and can die quickly in the later games.
Love Waves
First Skill, AoE
When Angela launches her first skill, a Lover’s Mark will be shown on top of the target. It releases Love Energy, dealing 170 points of Magic Damage. This will increase the target’s damage and is excellent for clearing minions as it deals magic damage on more than one target.
Each stack increases the damage she deals with enemies and can be stacked up to 5 times. You can use this skill to poke enemies and to slow them down on team fights. This skill also heals Angela and nearby teammates, which makes her more indispensable.
Second Skill
Angela releases a puppet string to the chosen target and deals damage to them. It will slow down enemies and will immobilize them if the string is still attached after 3 seconds. Each stack of Lover’s Mark increases its final damage. You can use this skill to poke enemy laners to deal damage to them. Make sure to maintain close distance and use Flicker so that enemies cannot flicker away from your range.
Ultimate Skill
What makes Angela great support is that she can provide a shield to a chosen teammate with her Ultimate Skill and attach herself to an ally for twelve seconds. She can use this skill without costing mana.
We recommend using this skill only with tanks, fighters, and assassins as they will be in the middle of a team fight so that you can cast your skills properly. Map awareness is best for Angela as it helps her decide which hero is best to possess and to check which hero is engaged in a fight to provide support.
Final Thoughts
Remember always to support your teammates and join in team fights. Use Angela’s Ultimate Skill as often as possible. Supporting your teammates also means support to get more kills, whichever benefits your team the most. Be very picky about choosing a teammate to possess. We’re not saying only to support strong heroes, but winning chances are higher when you select fighter, mage, and assassin heroes.
Gamers consider support as one of the most impactful roles. Heroes like Angela do not require a lot of experience and gold, an advantage for a team that uses support heroes.
Always remember to heal nearby allies and cause damage at the same time. Healing is one of the unique abilities Angela has, so take advantage of it.
That’s the complete guide for Angela the Lovebunny. As usual, we hope that you learned a thing or two. Good luck!