Earning silver in Black Desert can be very easy if you take advantage of AFK Fishing. Auto-fishing will allow you to get richer in the game without having to spend too much time and effort.
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Items Needed For AFK Fishing In BDO
Fishing Rod
To get started in AFK Fishing, you need to have a fishing rod. One of the best rods available in the Central Market is the Balenos Fishing Rod +10.

If you don’t have enough silver to spend, then you may accept and complete a quest to get a rod for free. The ‘Fish For Villagers’ quest in Velia would be the best option for you because completing it will reward you with a Triple-Float Fishing Rod.
This rod can get multiple fish in just one catch. Once you have obtained a fishing rod, remember to equip it first before you start fishing.
Fisher’s Cloth
If you’re able to invest more silver, consider purchasing the Silver Embroidered Fisher’s Clothes. The item will enhance your fishing ability to +2 Level and can give fishing EXP +15%. You can also get Manos fishers cloth.
To catch those rare fish, invest in a Maple Float so that you can get that +5% chance of getting high-quality items.
Using Seafood Cron Meals is also suggested to have that extra +25 Life Skill Mastery and increased Weight Limit of +100 LT.

Item Brand Spell Stone & Pets
However, if you plan to use a repairable rod like the Balenos Fishing Rod, you will need to have it repaired now and then. For minimal repairs, equip your rod with Item Brand Spell Stone, and you will not have to worry even if you plan to go AFK for a long time.

Pets are also great to have when AFK Fishing, especially the penguins, can reduce fishing time. Inventory space also helps alot for increasing afk time.
How To Start AFK Fishing In BDO?
Now that you have all your equipment ready, you may now select a fishing location. You can find some good spots in Velia and Duvencrune. Just remember to fish in a safe zone.
Once you are near the water, you may then press ‘Space’ to begin fishing.
Click the pop-up message at the top of your screen and click on ‘Do not board other adventures’ ships.’

Below, there is an option to discard fish based on grades. If you plan to go AFK for a longer time, you want to discard the lower grades of fish; they’re not worth a lot of silver.
How To Sell Fish In BDO?
The Imperial Fishing Delivery NPC will buy your fish for a much higher rate than the Trade Manager. However, they only buy specific types of fish. If you are just looking to sell all your fish at once, go to the Trade Manager instead.
Sell the fish you can first to the imperial fishing NPC and then sell the remaining fish to the Trade Manager. Interact with the NPC, select ‘Imperial Fishing Delivery’ and then choose ‘Sell All.’ If you are going for the Trade Manager, press “Trade” then “Sell All”.

The Imperial Fishing Delivery NPC will not buy spoiled fish or those that lapsed 24 hours. Try to sell them sooner rather than later as the value of the fish decreases over time.