Table of Contents
Today we’re gonna be talking about Blackstar and how to get it. So to start off, you have to have completed the beginning of a journey storyline. This is the storyline through Calpheon. And you also have to complete the suggested questline of the legendary blacksmith of Mediah.

This requires you to also have the Mediah quest line done parts one, two, and three.
Now for the legendary blacksmith, you’re on it to start off with two of them, you’ll lead you through a 13 quest and once you get done with that, you can then proceed with the Blackstar quest.

Black Star Quest
Remnants of the Rift

Now to start the Black star quest you have to do a quest that is the remnants of the Rift. And so remnants of the rift can be acquired by doing dark rifts and getting lucky and getting this, and you can activate by right-clicking on it. And it will give you the quest that you can complete. The quest will bring you to Martha.

And Martha is located in northern wheat plantation by Calpheon. And then from there, she’s going to ask you to go to stars in a meter there and gather a whole bunch of random materials.
And since you’re gonna put them together for you, and she’s gonna say, Hey, can you please go to an alchemist and show them what I’ve gathered? Which brings us to the next NPC in the quest, which is Gorgath.

Now gore gas we’re gonna have several requests from the first one here is we give them the pieces that the last NPC gave us, and it’s going to actually summon a monster, and we have to fight this monster off. It’s a fairly weak monster. I wouldn’t worry about it. I’d say you need roughly 150 ap, nothing severe.
So now we’re back at a Gorgath and he’s going to say, hey, I need you to go to Caphras cave.
Caphras Cave

Now Kaffirs cave is across from Lauren. And so we’re going to go to the cactus cave. And there is a hidden wall in Cafritz cave. And all you got to do is attack it with any type of attack and it’ll easily break the wall.

Once you go inside, you will find the quest objective. And that is going to be a whole bunch of books shelves in the library here.

And you’re gonna search through this for the credit Journal of caphras. And so here you can see I found it, it is up on the top right.

So after we’ve done that, and we’ve got the journal, speak to Gorgath, and he’s going to say, Oh, well done, and he’s going to give us a quest item here and We have to trust that you can find a 260 AP boss, or we can go and fight around a 250 AP boss. And both of them are the same, there’s no difference. This is one is more difficult than the other one.

Once you’ve made your choice, then we have to go on to actually make the material needed to summon the boss. And so what we’re actually going to do here is we’re going to take the piece that we got from Gorgath(eye of anguish), and we’re going to combine it with boss auras.
Combine Eye of Anguish and Concentrated Boss Aura To Get Eye of Desolation

And if you’re wondering how to get a boss aura, you can melt down boss weapons. This would be Kzarka, offin tet, Nouver, Kutum or dandelion, you can melt down all these with heating.

And once you melt them down, you’re gonna get a concentrated boss’s aura.

And so we need three of these, which means you can melt on the three boss your weapons. And so once we have three of these, we can combine them together with processing, manufacturing. We’ll get our new item that’s required the summon the boss.

Alright, so we have the Eye of desolation. This is the item that we needed in order to summon the boss. And the boss is located in Stars end.

So we’re going to make her way over there two stars in now and fight the boss. I personally chose the 260 ap boss, and we’ll be talking about that.
Incarnation of Corruption
So this is where we have to put the eye of desolation, get to interact and offer it.

And once we’ve made the offering, then the star itself starts becoming active.

And we can actually see it here and actually will When the boss wants to be approached, which will be kind of cool. I find this as a really, really cool way of acquiring a really, really good weapon in the game.

Boss Mechanics
Alright, so for the 260 AP boss, there are a very few mechanics, the first mechanic in the fight is actually that the boss itself can teleport or disappear. And when he disappears or teleports, whatever he does actually start summoning small meteorites.
And they start falling on the ground and reappear, he’ll do some type of attack, and he’ll disappear again. And so this will kind of repeat itself a little bit and you can get damaged and occasionally.
He’ll eventually spawn these two crystals, there’s two of them, and you have to kill them and he will not reappear until you’ve killed them both.

So you can see here I’ve killed them both and he immediately reappears and so that was really confusing for me personally. And so then that’s about all there is to it mechanic wise.
Blackstar’s Claw

Then once you kill him and deal you’re going to get something called Black stars claw in this black stars claw is the item that we’ve been looking for the entire time in order to craft the Black Star itself. So the black stars claw is what we’re basically we have grown to an end to Black Star. I’m really excited for it. So we’re we’re heading over to Calpheon by the way. And that’s where we’re headed to to Kannobas.

So shortstop him and then we’re gonna be going over to Mediah to the legendary blacksmith from Mediah. The first one is Barattan Lancer.

Then we’re going to be moving into the cave itself. And once we enter Helms cave we’ll be able to forge the legendary Blackstar.

So the long journey has come to an end here you’re going to be interacting with the NPC down here in the crystal behind him to finally complete the quest in craft black star itself.
Crafting Blackstar

Dorin Morgrim is the end of your journey and the final NPC of this quest where you are going to craft your blackstar weapon. I think this is really cool quest was very impressed with it. And happy as a player how well and polished this felt. I hope this helped you guys craft your Blackstar.