Today we are taking a look at what succession is. I figured a good time to go and answer those questions with exactly what succession is since there’s a little bit of confusion going around for it.
What is Succession?
So if we open up our skills set up here, you can see we have as normal our main skills all the way through the tab. And you can also see here, we’ve got our awakening tab. We also have this tab here, which is these little symbols here(translates to succession).
So the easiest way to think about what succession is, is if you’ve played any other MMO it’s a different spec for your class.

Specialization – Succession or Awakening
So every class is going to have its eventually two possible specs or specializations. You can choose either to run your awakening tree or your succession tree. It’s unchanged from the unawakened form, for the most part, so your skills are the same or similar to those(I know some people prefer them).

Then you get to choose do I want to go succession or do I want to go awakening?
Obviously we’ve had awakening around for a long time. Succession is the new spec, if you will, that recently was introduced into the game on our servers starting with Ranger and Warrior. So that’s what it is.
It’s not a matter of like do I lose these skills? Do I get these skills?
Do I have to choose this that whatever you choose what spec you on succession awakening, that is all now as far as weaponry when we’re talking about physical weapons like actually what weapon you’re going to see your character using? It does not use your awakening weapons. Except in certain circumstances and what I mean by that is each class will actually have two skills that are from their awakening that will be used in succession.
So for Dark Knight, we get spirit legacy. And we also get Twilight dash as well.
Now the next thing is what does that mean for my awakening weapon? Is it completely useless?
I’m glad you asked that question. It is not completely useless. It’s just as necessary as it’s ever been.

Because the damage in your succession is scaled by how much damage your awakening weapon does.
What does that mean?
That means higher succession damage with a higher grade awakening weapon. Obviously your pre awakening weapon does impact that as well but it’s not useless. It is super, super, super valuable. So that is pretty much it. That is what succession is it is a secondary spec that is going to be offered for your class. And like I said, each class will have two skills from the awakening that will carry over.
They’re different, obviously, for each class from there. And then the spec itself is going to be independent of each class, for instance, we get a different Wheel of Fortune spirit and lunacy of a deer and that sort of thing. But the ability to actually cancel out a lot of our animations and this is just Dark Knight specifics.
Obviously, as I said, other classes are different from there. So you’ll get to get to kind of play around with the builds and see what you kind of like starting with Ranger tomorrow. But yeah, that is what succession is. That is when it’s coming.
If your next question is, when are we going to be getting all other classes? I can’t tell you for sure. Because I have no idea, but most classes have succession released already.