Horses are a very much-needed thing in Black Desert Online. They help you travel from place to place with ease. This is because horses often move faster than your character does. This is especially true for higher-tiered (level) horses on Black Desert Online.
These horses come in tiers from tier 1 to tier 10. Because of this, people wonder how they can get a higher-tiered horse, like the tier 9 Arduanatt or Pegasus Dream horse. Here we will discuss ways of getting the Arduanatt Pegasus Dream horse and other things to do with it. With that said and out of the way, let us get into it.
Table of Contents
Dream Horse
There are three types of dream horses. There is the Pegasus Arduanatt Dream Horse, the Unicorn Dine, Dream Horse, and then the Doom Dream Horse. Each of these three horses offers different things, such as differing stats.
Pegasus (Arduanatt)
The Pegasus Arduanatt Dream Horse is a winged horse that can glide from higher places safely. These horses do not fly at all; instead, they glide around from area to area at higher speeds. This is a good thing to have, as it will allow you to get around the map easily.
Unicorn (Dine)
This is a dream horse that is often considered to be a very friendly mount. These horses work very well in the way of giving you buffs. This can give you higher DP and higher Evasion. These horses can also heal you as needed. This Unicorn mount is often considered to be of the support archetype and can be very useful when battling enemies. This is also the only horse that isn’t affected by the Valencia Desert Slow.
This dream horse is often considered one of the fastest horses in the game. This is because it gets the triple acceleration skill. It also has many more powerful attacks and stronger horse skills that scale with your character’s AP. Owing to their name, these horses use explosions and fire to kill enemies in battle and damage them.
How To Obtain a Dream Horse
Because these horses are sought after, especially the Pegasus Arduanatt Dream Horse, people wonder how you can get one. The breeding mechanics can’t obtain these horses in the game, and because of this, people wonder how it is possible to get one. So far, there are only three ways to obtain the Pegasus Arduannt Dream Horse.
1. Very low rng chance from Shakatu’s Shiny Box
2. Awakening a tier 8 courser horse
3. Buying the horse from the horse market. This can cost at least 10 billion silver and upwards of 12 billion silver.
How To Obtain a Courser Horse
If you want to awaken a Dream Horse yourself, you’ll want at least a level 30 tier 8 courser horse with these skills.
- Charge
- Drift
- Sprint
- Instant Acceleration
- Side Step
- S: Instant Acceleration
- S: Side Step
To know if you have a course horse, there will be a gold symbol in the top right corner of its icon.
How To Awaken To Get a Dream Horse
When you have a level 30 tier 8 courser horse, you’ll want to begin “courser training” it. This means that you feed different materials into your horse. You do this until you can make the awakening attempt.

The first step is to put your horse in a stable at the Stonetail Horse ranch. Make sure this horse doesn’t have any gear equipped or any items in its inventory. The option for courser training will appear.

From here, the training window will open. You will see three different options when it does this: Skill Training, Elegance Training, and Strength Training. You must consume different materials to train your horse in these three areas. Each time you consume one material, you increase its training exp by about 1 percent. The maximum you can get in a training area is about 180% exp. This gives you a 90% chance of getting that particular horse.
To awaken your horse, you’ll need 200% training exp(when you combine all 3). It doesn’t matter how much in each area; all three can add up to 200%. I would recommend using cron stones, this way you only use half the material per attempt.

Material For Awakening Horses
Focusing your training on a particular area will increase your chances of getting that particular horse.
Pegasus: To get the pegasus, focus on Skill Training more.
Use Rainbow Gem Fruit or Stonetail Fodder when focusing on the Pegasus.

Dine: To get the Dine, you should focus on Elegance more.
Use Breezy Conch Seaweed or Spirit Pouch of Ferocious Beast when focusing on the Dine.

Doom: To get Doom, you should focus on Strength more.
Use Pure Forest Breath or Deep Blue Hoof Root when focusing on Doom.

Once you focus your horse on skill training enough, you’ll have a chance to awaken it. You’ll need one more piece of material to complete the process.
You’ll need 1x of Krogdalo‘s Origin Stone. To get this, you must combine Swaying Wind Fragment x25 and Rumbling Earth Fragment x25. Use simple alchemy to combine these two items.
Dream Horse (Pegasus) Skills
It should be noted here that a dream horse can learn any of the other courser skills, too. But here are some specific skills that the Pegasus Dream Horse can learn:
- Courser’s Spirit: This skill automatically regenerates health and stamina while parking.
- Double Jump: This double jumps in the air. This can also be used with the high jump.
- S: Charge: This performs a second charge immediately.
- Wings of Wind: This is used while you double jump in the air. This allows you to glide in the air. Fall damage is also reduced by a 100% for a short period.
- Wings of Freedom: This allows the horse to turn while gliding.
We talked about the Pegasus Dream Horse. We discussed the varying skills these horses can have. We also discussed how you can get your dream horse and found awakening it is one of the best ways to get an Arduanatt Pegasus Dream Horse. We hope this helped you with getting your own Arduanatt Pegasus Dream Horse!