Milk can be acquired by milking cows, the central marketplace, setting up a farm, or cooking turn-ins.
Cooking Turn-ins: This is the main method of acquiring milk, by turning in by-products produced when cooking. When cooking, you’ll receive a byproduct called Witch’s Delicacy. You can turn in 10 Witch’s Delicacy for x120 milk at the NPC Nadia Rowen in Olvia.

When you are doing your imperial boxes, you also get the “Golden Seal” – [Imperial Cuisine]. The golden seals can be turned in at the NPC Pasvinder for milk.
Pasviner is located in Heidel, next to the imperial NPCs.
If you would like to know more about imperial cooking, read our guide here.

Setting up a farm: You can also set up a cow haystack farm to get milk and meat, see how to in our cow haystack farming guide.
Central Marketplace: You can also purchase milk from the central marketplace, by setting a pre-order at max price. You can pre-order 500 milk at a time, costing 5.4m for 500.

Milking Cows: There is also the option to travel to Olvia and go to Whale Farm. There is a pasture and a good amount of cows where you can play a mini-game and gather milk. For about 120 energy, you collect 70 milk.