Beginner GuidesBlack Desert

BDO Nouver vs Kutum, Which Is Better?

bdo nouver vs kutum


Possessing the right off-hand weapon is critical in the game of Black Desert. Nouver and Kutum are the most preferred Boss Gear off-hand weapon in the game. 

Choosing between these two off-hand weapons has long been a puzzle for new players while heating the seasoned ones’. We will go through when it’s best to use Kutum or Nouver using AP brackets since it differs based on your current AP and for what purpose.

What’s the Difference Between Nouver and Kutum?

A Nouver off-hand weapon has higher Attack Points(AP) but no Defense Points(DP) and no Accuracy compared to Kutum, making it better in PvP.

Kutum may have lower Attack Points(AP) compared to Nouver, but it has monster damage, higher Accuracy, and Defense Points(DP) that make up for it, making it generally better for PvE. 

If you are a beginner, the basic advice is to get Kutum if you’re doing PvE and Nouver for PvP. This is the general rule, and it is worth noting that there are also Attack Points, AP brackets, monster damage, and some other conditions to consider.

Choosing Your Sub-weapon Using AP Brackets

AP Brackets

Before we can decide if Nouver or Kutum is better for you, you need to understand AP brackets. 

If you check your Sheet AP at the bottom of your character’s gear window, you will be able to see your standing in the AP brackets. With each AP bracket, there is a corresponding AP bonus. 

The most important AP brackets are: 

  1. 257-260 +83 AP Bonus
  2. 261-264 +101 AP Bonus
  3. 265-268 +122 AP Bonus
  4. 269-272 +137 AP Bonus

261 AP+ with Kutum is the most significant power spike when it comes to damage. After 269+ AP, we have a point of diminishing returns; you are now in what players refer to as softcap, where gear upgrades are expensive, and you don’t get as much AP bonus from the brackets.

BDO Is Kutum Better Than Nouver?

Not always; if you are going for PvP content, use Nouver. Otherwise, it depends on your AP bracket if you should use Kutum or Nouver:

  • PvP – Use Nouver
  • If AP with Nouver < 260 – Use Kutum
  • If AP with Nouver 261-264 – Nouver slightly better, a bit higher AP. But you could go either way. If you have Kutum from before, keep it.
  • If AP with Nouver 265-272 – Nouver, higher AP, it places you in the 265 AP bracket(most important bracket).
  • If AP with Nouver 273+(which is 261+ Kutum) – Kutum is clear winner, higher AP, Accuracy, 10% Ignore Resist.

Having these brackets in mind, you will see instances when Nouver is more effective in PvE than Kutum. 

Opt for Nouver if it can place you in the 265 brackets, and you may stop using it after the 273 brackets are exhausted. 

AP begins to escalate at a much higher rate in these brackets, which makes Nouver more efficient. 

If Nouver can only place you in the 261-264 AP bracket, there will almost no difference if you compare it to Kutum, considering that the latter will give you an Accuracy of 12 and DP 11 this same bracket. Kutum is also your best option if Nouver can place you below the 261 brackets.


Let’s take the Ornamental Knot item as an example. At TET, Nouver has AP of 41-43, DP of 6, and Monster Damage of 4. 

Black Desert is more than just a grinding game; it also has an open-world PvP which allows you to attack other players. 

If you find yourself participating in guild wars, sieges, or even or any form of PvP content, then you will find Nouver more useful than Kutum. Nouver is efficient in fighting other players because it has a higher AP compared to Kutum. 

The generous monster damage that Kutum has does not apply in PvP combat. For one-on-one combats, Nouver will always put you at an advantage. 

Its higher attack points will help you defeat the other player in a fight. Nouver will allow you to deal more damage in a one-on-one battle, but it also has its disadvantage, especially when it comes to fighting multiple players. Kutum is also not always preferred in PvE, except for certain AP brackets, which we will go through below.


On the other hand, the TET: Kutum Ornamental Knot has an AP of 29-31, Accuracy of 12, DP of 17, and Monster Damage of 58. Nouver only has a DP of 6 and Monster Damage of 4 at TET, making Kutum a better PvE option. 

When you’re grinding and killing mobs, the solid monster damage points that Kutum has can go a long way. Although Nouver has a lot of AP, Kutum makes up for it with its generous DP and Monster Damage. 

Kutum is especially useful when grinding in areas with high-level mobs. It will help you better survive attacks and kill the mobs faster, much faster. 

If you hover on your Kutum gear, you will see in the list of ‘Item Effects’ and why it is a better gear for grinding mobs. Although Kutum is generally a PvE gear, it can still be effective in PvP. 

It has ‘Ignore All Resistance’ +10%, which can be advantageous when battling with multiple players. In fights where other players can strike you from everywhere, the strong stats of Kutum can help you put up a strong fight against them.