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Valkyrie Skill Build
Pre-awakening skills
The first thing you should do on any character is locking the evasion skill you never need it, on any class.
The first skill Valkyrie automatically unlocks as you level her, you don’t need to put and it points into this skill.
You don’t need severing lights.
Breath of Elion is a good skill that you should be unlocking points in and max out.
Same with Swartz and Sword of judgment which you should unlock into ultimate.
Ellion’s blessing is a super important skill that you need to unlock it basically makes you invulnerable(+1000 DP) from an opponent for 4 seconds, max out this skill.
Spinning Shield is important for PvP purposes and Shield Chase is also another important skill.
Judgment of light isn’t needed.
Counter is one of the most important skills on the Valkyrie, but a lot of people don’t use it correctly this is a good day CC ability.
Regarding flurry of kicks only put one point into this skill, it’s only important for some PvP combos but it’s not used in order to do any damage just for cc purposes.
Absolute punishment is a very important skill that you should max out. It’s used in almost all of your combos in PvP. It allows you to animation cancel many of your skills.
Divine power is also needed in order for divine slam skill.
Heaven’s Echo, max out this is our ability. The skill gives DP and accuracy, you get 5% more DP on accuracy in the absolute version from the previous version.
Celestial Spirits one of the most important skills, max it out.
Awakening Skills For Valkyrie
You should pick every awakening skill, a Valkyrie is very dependent on all of her Awakening skills. Other classes are not as dependent on all their Awakening skills, but in terms of Valkyrie, it’s very important for your combos and therefore you should pick every awakening ability that’s available to her.
Best Boss Gear For Valkyrie
I’m only going to cover boss gear in this guide.
Example Build:
For the sword, I like to use a Kzarka Longsword. Really there’s not much to say here as there are not too many more options in terms of weapons, it’s either Kzarka or Offin Tett. The one I recommend you going for Kzarka, the weapon gives +3 attack level, +3 casting level which you need as a Valk.
Valkyrie needs plus 5 in both of these, it also gives extra damage to all species +10 some of the effects of the and gives extra IP against Monsters. It also gives accuracy and extra damage to all species. Which makes it perfect for both PvP and PvE purposes.
For the awakening weapon, there’s only really one option that’s viable in terms of boss gear and that’s, of course, the Dandelion Lancia. The weapon gives extra damage to humans and it provides AP bonus, making it the best option. So if you can afford it, pick a dandelion. If you can’t, simply pick a green awakening weapon. Never buy or use a blue one, it’s not worth it.
Ultimately in later on in stages in the game, you want to have both a Nouver and a Kutum Shield, for now just pick one of them the one I use at the moment is Nouver. The reason I use this is that it gives all resistance +10% and it also gives extra damage against Monsters and all AP up. Kutum and Vangertz is also viable as well.
You should you pick a griffin Helmet or a Giaths helmet. There actually isn’t much of a difference between the two. In my opinion, the helmets are the least important slot, in terms of gear, so whatever you pick it’s out it’s ultimately up to you. But saying if you have the option, pick the Griffin.
Let me explain why the reason I would pick this is because it gives 200+ Max stamina, this is very important for a valkyrie since stamina is one of the limiting factors that hold us back. While Giaths helmet gives us a hundred HP. Is 5% more all resistance more important to you or 100 HP? That’s ultimate is something you have to decide.
In terms of the armor slots, there is really no discussion, Dim Tree is the best armor. The reason it is better than red-nose is that it gives 200+ HP. This might not seem like much but in a fight, 200hp could be the difference between taking out a person or dying.
Bheg’s gloves give a lot of accuracy, this one of the most important slots, in terms of increasing your damage.
Valkyrie Crystals
The crystals I personally use on the Valkyrie in terms in the weapon is Black Magic Crystal – Precision. Precision gives you accuracy +8 and +10% all resistance, I use two of those in the weapon slot.
In the shield slot, I like to use a HAN Magical Crystal HOOM, which gives all accuracy +2 and all resistance 1% and +30 maximum HP. In the second slot in the shield slot I like to use a Valtarra Spirit Crystal, this gives you +150 HP, +5 AP and extra damage against Kamasylvian monsters
Moving on to the helmets, my choice for the helmet is again, HAN Magic Crystal – Hoom, which as earlier mentioned gives +2 accuracy, 1% all res and 30 Max HP, I like to use this for both my helmet slots.
In in the armor, the best crystal you can use is the BON Magic Crystal – Cobelnius, it gives you a Max HP of 150, 20 maximum weight and all damage reduction +3. I used two of those in my armor.
In the glove department, I usually use a JIN Magic Crystal – Viper, which gives attack speed of +1, casting speed +1, +20 accuracy. Important for getting to +5 in your stats.
In the shoes, my choice is WON Magic Crystal with Hystria, gives a weight limit of + 22, +movement speed and 150 maximum stamina. Stamina is really important on a Valkyrie so this is why I use this in one of my slots in the boots. You could use this in both of your slots if you haven’t maxed out movement speed + 5 yet in your stats, otherwise, if you have +5 you can use a HAN Magic Crystal – Hoom in the other slot.
Valkyrie Skill-addons
The important thing here is to realize that for example, +7% casting speed goes above the +5 limit cap that is available to your gear or crystals. Even if you have plus 5 already by using add-ons that give percentages instead of a regular cap you can increase your skills further.
Since you’re using, celestial spear a lot you obviously want some skill add-ons for it the ones, I chose or more PVP focused as you can see it is plus 5 attack in PvP a 20% crit hit rate.
The second one is for the sharp light ability and this addon gives 25% damage for 8 Second and 20% critical hit rate for 9 second which is awesome.
Counter gives 5% Evasion for 10 seconds and plus 7 casting speed for 5 seconds.
In terms of the Awakening skill add-ons, I like to pick the Sanctitas De Enslar, Terra Sancta skill, and the Promptness skill.
The addon I chose for Santitas de Enslar, gives PVP attack + 5 for self and 20% chance to down smash a Target.
For the Terra Sancta, +10% casting speed and +10% movement speed for 7 seconds.
Promptness, PVP attack + 5% and 4% casting speed for 5 seconds.
If you don’t like to PVP, don’t choose +5 PVP attack.
Stats For Valkyrie
I personally max out casting speed and movement speed with no crit, let me explain why. If you use the absolute celestial sphere, you automatically get 80% crit rate for 5 seconds, this means that you basically can crit all the time. So why would you even need Critical Hit Chance?
The important thing in your combos is to use celestial sphere early in the combos because they give critical hit chance.
What Rabam Skills To Use On a Valkyrie?
Celestial Smite and Divine Slam are the 2 best options at the moment.
Personally I switched to Celestial Smite after being recommended to do so by a YouTuber named Amouu. I used to use the other Rabam skill but he had a really good reasoning for why you should switch and used to Celestial Smite instead.
The reasoning he gave is that the Celestial Smite has now a much more faster animation speed which improves the overall damage output since, if you remember what I mentioned earlier about the celestial Smite giving critical hit chance so this is why you would prefer the celestial Smite instead. You can also animation cancel the celestial Smite with provenance. The ability also does more damage.
For the second ability you should use the Divine slam as the other one is pretty useless, Divine slam is used in a lot of Combos and therefore should be picked.
Valkyrie PvP Movement and Combos
Valkyrie Discord
Here is the link to the valkyrie discord, where you can find further information and help from other players regarding the valkyrie. They also have a lot of helpful tips and guides in there:
Az’s BDO 0-200 AP Gearing Guide
This guide provides a gear progression path in general for all classes in BDO, very helpful for newer players.
BDO 0-200 AP Guide v4