Whether you’re looking to do well in PvP or PvE scenarios or just want some good gear, you’re going to need to use Caphras Stones. In this brief guide, I’m going to break down what caphras are as well as when is the best situation to use them. If you follow the steps here, not only are you going to have some of the better gear available in BDO, but you’ll also be in the prime position to unlock some of the more gated content that the game has to offer.
So, without further ado, let’s get started!
Table of Contents
What are Caphras Stones?
Before we begin, it’s essential that you know what a caphras stone even is. Caphras Stones are yellow stones that are found all around the BDO map. They are used as an effective form of gear enhancement, giving an item a 100% Enhancement Chance.

Most items in the game have Caphras Levels that, when reached, increase its attack and defense stats. Weapons and armor have different class levels that Caphras Stones can fuel.
Where to Find Caphras Stones
You can find Caphras Stones pretty all around the map if you are looking. That said, if you want the most concentrated amount, there are better places to look than others.
For PvE players, it can vary from time to time. The easiest way to find out is by going through the Edit Menu and click on the Adventure tab. From there, if you go to the Item Drop tab, you can find a complete list of all the immediate areas you can go to farm Caphras Stones. For example, one great place to go to get Caphras Stones is Marie Cave.
For Life Skillers, go to the My Information menu, click on the Life Skill tab, and look under the Gathering section. There, you will see numerous activities you can do to get Caphras Stones. These can include activities like tanning, lumbering, mining, or butchering, as an example. The higher your Mastery Level is any of these skills, the more likely you will get Caphras Stones while engaged in the activity.
What difference do caphras stone make?

You can see in this instance that we got +1 extra DP and +1 extra evasion by leveling the PEN gear up one caphras stone level.

How to Enhance with Caphras Stones
Now that we know what Caphras Stones are and where you can best find them let’s now look at how you use them. As mentioned earlier, Caphras Stones are meant to enhance an item.

The process for enhancing an item is fairly straightforward. The first thing you’ll do is go to your menu and open up the Black Spirit tab. This will take you to the Enhancement menu. From there, add your Caphras Stones as well as the weapon or armor you are looking to enhance. The more Caphras Stones you use, the higher level your item will reach.
When Should You Use Your Caphras Stones
Now, at first glance, this might seem like an odd question. After all, wouldn’t it logically make sense that you would use Caphras Stones as fast as possible to level up an item? Well, that’s not exactly the case all the time.
As mentioned earlier, high-level weapons and armor have different stages. These are:
- PRI: +16
- DUO: +17
- TRI: +18
- TET: +19
- PEN: +20
You can use Caphras Stones to move from one level to the next, quickly increasing an item’s overall stats. However, each item requires a considerable amount of Caphras Stones before transitioning to the next level and stage accordingly. If you don’t have a large enough storehouse of Caphras Stones or simply don’t want to spend them all on an item’s upgrades, you can instead increase their level using AP.
Remember to always extract your caphras(you get back 95%) at the blacksmith before doing any enhancing, otherwise, you lose 90% of caphras if you succeed!

Keep in mind that items that are enhanced to another level will only retain around 10% of the Caphras Stones used. This means that if you aren’t careful, you can end up enhancing one item using virtually all of your Caphras Stones only to get an even better item later without any way to grow it.
Ideally, it would be best if you only used Caphras to enhance an item up to TET. From there, you can either leverage the item’s increased AP bonus to raise it to PEN or sell it for the money to buy a PEN item.
Ultimately, Caphras Stones are a great way of improving your character’s gear in the game. If you want to get the most out of BDO and have the strongest characters, investing some time in acquiring Caphras Stones and making sure to invest in the right items should be your primary focus for a reasonable amount of time.