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Today we will learn how to get your first camel on black desert online. Camel is one of the best mounts you will have in this game. This is due to their movement speed in the desert. It is better to have a camel traveling with you in the desert than a horse. The horse also cannot use skill unless it is a T9 horse. So camel is one of the best options you have for this purpose.
Requirements For Getting a Camel
You must be at least level 54 and above to start this quest to get the camel.
Is a Camel Worth Getting in BDO?
You need some transportation in the desert, you can use your horse, but your horse cannot sprint in the desert and can only walk; meanwhile, the camel can easily sprint.
Unless you got a Unicorn(which runs at the normal speed in the desert), it’s worth getting the Camel since it’s faster than most other horses while traveling through the desert.
The desert has opened up with the Valencia patch, and we can now travel through it. To travel through this, you will need special equipment like water to survive the scorching sun and hot tea to make it through the cold nights.
Quick Guide
- Get the quest at the stable keeper sand grain bazaar (the quest is “your best friend in the desert”) – you will receive a registration coupon for a light brown camel.
- Talk to the storage keeper; for this, you will need 5 energy. The interaction is “pros of a camel”.
- Talk to the blacksmith; for this, you will need 5 energy. The interaction is “Is there any difference between a camel and a horse”
- Talk to the general goods vendor; for this, you will need 5 energy. The interaction is “how to get a camel”.
- Go back to the stable keeper to complete the quest. You will be given the registration coupon for a light brown camel. The interaction is “A camel-loving friend”.
- Then register your camel. If unsure about how to register, follow the same steps as registering a horse.
- Open the tab, register with the coupon, give a good name, check-in, and mount it.
- You can buy camel food at the stable keeper (acacia leaf).
- Ride in the desert and enjoy.
Full Guide
Camel Quest
There is a simple quest that you can do straight off to get your first camel. It is a low tier, but it’s better and faster than a tier 6 level 30 horse. You will start in the sand grain bazaar, a small town east of Altinova. It is pretty much a straight way there, and not many dangerous mobs you will encounter, so it is safe and easy to get there. Once you reach this place, run over to the stable keeper and accept the quest, “Your Best Friend in the Desert”.

Talk to them
There are several people that you need to talk to finish this quest, and its pretty easy as it does not involve killing any mobs
- Talk to the blacksmith of Sand grain bazaar. You will need to pay 5 energy to get some knowledge.
- Talk with the General good vendor of Sand grain bazaar, and you will need to pay 5 energy to get some knowledge.
- Talk to the storage keeper Taboo in Sand grain bazaar, and you will need to pay 5 energy to get some knowledge.
You will talk to 3 NPCs using the “chat” function and pay 15 energy to complete this quest and get the camel.

Register Your Camel
Once done, talk again with the stable keeper, who will present the camel registration coupon to you. Once you get this, give the camel a good name and register it. Then you need to click the camel, check it in, and take it out for a spin.

This camel works similarly to riding a horse, mount it and ride. Outside the desert, the camel is pretty slow, but once it is in the desert, nothing else can beat its speed.
You can just hit R, and it will sit down and hit R again to dismount it, unlike a horse where you can dismount while riding. Once done, take it out to ride in the desert and explore the world of black desert online.
A camel is a worthy partner for you in the desert. It can move very fast, and it is easy to mount and use. Horses might be the fastest mount available, but when it comes to the desert, nothing can beat the camel. So follow the simple guide above and get your first camel now.