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If you’ve played Black Desert Mobile chances are you’ve heard of Amity. Or maybe you haven’t. This is the guide for you to fully understand Amity in Black Desert Mobile, what it means for you and how to maximize it.
Including what you need to do this and why you want this. Read the article below and soon you’ll be on your way to cruising through Black Desert Mobile with ease.
What Is Amity?
In short, Amity is the relationship your character has to NPCs in Black Desert Mobile and can be seen as relationship points – more Amity points means a better relationship with that particular NPC. Just like in real life, what you do affects your relationships with others.

You want to have a high Amity score in this game as it gives you certain benefits. To check Amity, go to the Amity tab on your menu, it is to the right of the Market tab.

In this tab, you can see each NPC and your Amity score with them. This tab can be quite busy so it might be easier to use to the option of sorting by location, for example, all the NPCs you interact with Balenos.

Why Does Amity Matter?
Why should you care how much NPCs like you? The main reason to increase Amity levels is for the rewards you can gain for reaching certain Amity points with some NPCs. Are these any good?
You can check what rewards you can obtain for increasing Amity on the Amity tab on the top left. Make sure you check the rewards available from each NPC as there can be a great difference between what each NPC will give you for reaching certain Amity levels. This might Black Pearls, it might be discounted prices at their stores.

Be sure to check these out and work towards Amity with people that offer worthwhile rewards – don’t slave away for minimal rewards in the short term, but do try to check all rewards out as they do add up.
Items To Build Amity
Proceed with caution here – some items mentioned here can be used for other parts of the game, so read to the end before using these items to increase Amity as you might find better uses for them in-game.
To see these useful items, click on the merchant in settlements you visit and click on the Present tab. This is where the goods are. You can go into this every hour and buy the items you need.

This can be expensive, so don’t do this too early in the game or you’ll be out of cash quickly. You can also access these items through the Node if you have it unlocked. This will contain items from across the map and can be items you can use to boost your Amity.
You can tell there is an item as it will say Fortune on the Road. Be sure to check this out if you have it unlocked and be sure to check the entire screen as they might be hidden.

How To Increase Amity
Okay down to the practical points of increasing Amity.
To increase Amity by gifts, click on any NPC and click on the Amity sign (it looks like two people next to each other). Once you click on this, click on the Gift option on the right, next to Quest.
This is where you can see what items you can give them to boost Amity. Here you can see what items can be used and what effect this has, for example, six Red Feather Quill Pen to obtain one Amity point.

Be careful here to check what items give what Amity, especially the rate (ideally fewer items given for more Amity points gain). The value of the item itself is not necessarily important to the NPC, so do not automatically give rarer items as they may not be preferred by the NPC, and you have lost out.
The other and cheaper method is by doing quests for the NPC. To do this, click on the Quest bar instead of the Gift bar and select a quest to complete.
These quests are always to go and speak to another NPC and these can only be done once. Look at the rewards for the quest on the right.

You will see that the quest will give you extra Amity with the NPC giving you the quest, but it might decrease your Amity with the NPC you are tasked to speak to. Some will add Amity to both.
A good strategy is to max out Amity with an NPC you are going to lose Amity with a quest to minimize the damage done to your relationship with them. In addition to Amity, these quests will give you Contribution Experience, experience and usual currency of some sort. These quests are usually short and can be done in the same town.
A final way is to speak to NPCs to raise Amity.
This is the least preferable way as it uses up Energy for the conversations. The better exchange is to use silver as silver is more plentiful than Energy.

So there we are, everything you need to know about Amity in Black Desert Mobile. Amity is basically the relationship you have with individual NPCs in the game. This can be increased to help you earn special rewards, including items and discounts that will help you along with the game.
Amity can be increased in a number of ways, but the best is to gift NPCs preferred items bought from merchants and to complete quests. Be sure to pick the best items for the NPC and to be aware of Amity lost to other NPCs in quests. That’s all you need to know, so get out there and earn all the best rewards with your new friendships.