People have been asking about Black Pearls, in particular, what to do with them and how to obtain them.
So we’re going to cover how to find Black Pearls and what to spend them on. We will also cover some ways you can make Black Pearls and use them later on in your gameplay.
Table of Contents
Collecting Black Pearls
Questing and Achievements
When you first start playing and begin tackling the tasks in the main questline, especially when you’re updating your mana, you’re going to notice that there’s a lot of Black Pearls to be had. They can be gained from taming horses and catching fish, but you will find that most of your Black Pearls will be obtained by following the main questline.

You’ll see that for tasks you need to do anyways, such as upgrading the ranch, you will receive Black Pearls. Have a look through your achievements, and you’ll see that there are a few things that can be done pretty quickly in the early game to gain some Black Pearls.
It is relatively easy to gather around 400 Black Pearls within the first eight hours of gameplay by completing basic achievements with little or no thought put towards Black Pearls.
A lot of people have been asking whether they should be focusing on leveling up all the categories in the Knowledge tab. Don’t focus on it solely, just keeping it in mind as you progress through the game.

That being said, pay attention to the top left corner of the screen when you’re going from town to town.
When a little white book with a question mark on it appears, speak to the NPC with the book, and they will give you knowledge. This is going to provide you with a lot of knowledge with almost no effort on your part. By doing this, you will be able to complete the challenges in the Knowledge tab giving you both stamina potions and Black Pearls as a reward, again, with minimal effort on your part.
People have also been asking about amity because this is another source of Black Pearls. We recommend leaving amity until a little later in the game because the storyline is far more critical, and therefore, should be what you focus on early game.

Main Story Quests
Main Story Quests also give you black pearls (as well as many other wonderful rewards), so if you find yourself broke, you can always run through the main story quests again.
The Node is a trading post, and many are tempted to go straight into the Node, which is not recommended. Node Manager can give you Black Pearls, but it doesn’t give you enough of them to be a part of your overall Black Pearl strategy.

Make sure not to go into your Node Manager early game, because your villagers are far too important to be used here initially.
Buying and Selling Accessories
If you go into the store, you will see that you can buy accessories with Black Pearls. (You will also know that you have a free accessory which you’re going to want to buy.)

What you should be doing here is buying the accessories and selling them in the marketplace for a profit. Of course, as more people begin to do this, the market will deem the accessories worth less Black Pearls, and there will be smaller returns.
Spending Black Pearls
Recommended Purchases
The most important purchase to make the early game is your pet. The first 400 Black Pearls you save up should be spent on the Skinny Black Cat.

After your pet, the second thing you should consider purchasing is Chicken Soup Chests. This gives you an item that will provide you with +50% experience, +5% field drop rate, and +500 inventory. The EXP boost can be used for grinding.
The Inventory boost is great in particular because when combined with Black Spirit, it gives you +1000 inventory, which will allow you to grind for longer. Even if you’re not going to use these right away, we still recommend buying them and saving them for later. (As a side note, Chicken Soup Chest and Special Chicken Soup Chest offer different buffs, and they do stack on top of each other.)

After Chicken Soup Chests, the next thing you should be looking into purchasing is Lightstone Fragment Bundles. Foremost, there is a quest that requires that you put together three fragment sections, and when you buy this item once, you will be able to complete that quest.
You also have the potential to gain a solid Lightstone, which is incredibly helpful when it comes to gaining Black Spirit XP. We highly recommended buying this at least one time.
A little less important, but still useful, is purchasing a +100 inventory for a given character. This buff will be locked to the character (as well, only one is allowed per character). However, it is a relatively expensive purchase, so it might not be ideal in the very early game, but later on, this will come in handy.
Optional Purchases
Restoration Scrolls can be used once you have upgraded jewelry. They can be used instead of spending silver to restore your upgraded accessories when you fail. These are quite expensive, and this recommendation only applies to you if you have a lot of Black Pearls and are short on silver.
In addition to Restoration Scrolls, Character Slot Expansion Coupons might be worth considering. These allow you to create another character, which is cool if you want to run through the quests again with another character. But it becomes more relevant later on in the game when you start encountering the mini-games, as many of these require multiple characters. However, because this is a mid-game feature, this might not be worth your Pearl’s early game.
Let’s say you have bought all of the above things and still have pearls to spare. One of the things you can do is buy accessories, in particular, you can save up for those expensive, yet powerful, yellow tier accessories.
As well, you can take a look at Talish’s Shop. (Be aware that this shop can take a lot of resources quite quickly if you’re not careful.) Some of the best things in her shop are the books you can buy with silver and sell for more, as well as the Good Weapon Stones and the Condensed Dark Energy Chests. You can use Black Pearls to buy these items, but the silver to Black Pearls conversion rate is terrible, so this is not recommended. What you can do is use your Black Pearls to refresh the shop, ideally when the timer is almost out, so it costs you less. Sometimes you can manage to gain a whole level by using the Condensed Dark Energy Chests.
It is also worth mentioning that, in Korea, there are a lot more things available to be purchased, and some of the same things are available for a better price.
As more updates come through, there will likely be more uses for Black Pearls. This means it could be wise to save up and hold onto your Pearls in anticipation of these updates. In BDM Korea, it is also easier to gain Black Pearls.