Black Desert Mobile

Black Desert Mobile Ramones Battlefield 3v3 Guide

Ramones is a 3v3 world match with a full server adventurer.

Not only do you take down enemy adventurers, but you can also score points and win by destroying various objects.

01. Battlefield Preparation

02. Join the battlefield

03. Battlefield Compensation

01. Battlefield Preparation

You can enter the lobby by pressing the [Ramones] button on the main menu, and you can participate from the character level 35 / 2,500 or more.

※ The amount of damage/life between adventurers is corrected according to the highest combat / highest health among the adventurers who enter.

① Create team

Create a team to invite friends, guild members, or open recruit.

※ You can search for the family name of another server and invite it.

② fast participation

Find and join a team that has already been created. If no public team is created, a new team is created.

Alchemy, Equip, Pets, and Lightstone’s can be changed in the created team.

When all are ready, if the party leader enters the battlefield, matching will proceed.

02. Join the battlefield

Each member starts with 10 points and can earn extra points through opponent control and various objects.

① enemy control

Overpowering an enemy can take 35% of your opponent’s points. (If you are overpowered, you will lose 35% of your score.)

Overpowered adventurers can resurrect after a waiting time and can be revived an unlimited number of times until the end of the match.

② Relics and Stone Statues of the Battlefield

Objects appear during match time.

Destroying an object gives you a score proportional to the battlefield score, and depending on the type, you can get beneficial effects to help combat.

※ Battleground score is the total score of participating adventurers.

Destroying RelicsscoreEarn 3% of battlefield score
Healing Relic15% recovery from max health
Artifact of AmplificationIncreases attack power by 1,000 and movement speed by 7% for a certain time.
Freezing RelicFreeze the entire enemy for a while
Relic of ThunderTransform into lightning that inflicts powerful damage on nearby enemies for a certain amount of time.
Relic of lightTransforms into a light that stiffens nearby enemies for a certain amount of time and deals damage over a wide range
Relic of SalvationRegenerates allies ‘health over time, increases allies’ damageTransform into a light that slows enemies down
Destruction of the Gargoyle of the Battlefieldscore50% of battlefield score
effect10% movement speed increase over time

③ Lagos

Later in the game, a powerful boss, Lagos, appears in the center of the battlefield.

Adventurers who defeated Lagos can gain special effects and massive points.

Lagos Churchscore50% of the battlefield score + points earned by Lagos
effect-Defeat the Adventurer with Lightning-Increases allied combat power by 2,000 for some time-15% movement speed for allies-Reduces enemy movement speed by 15% for some time.

④ surrender

-You can vote for surrender when 2 minutes and 30 seconds have passed since the game started or if any team member has fled.

• You can express your consent or abstention by surrender voting, and the game ends immediately after all team members agree.

If you do not press the Yes button and your vote ends, you will be dismissed.

The yield button is exposed in the upper right corner.

⑤ Breakout

If you leave the battlefield during the match, you will be “ Breakdown ”, resulting in a 140-minute Ramones penalty and a 30-minute entry penalty.

⑥ Camera

You can switch views by touching the camera button on the minimap.

03. Ballista Battle

-Bali Star Wars now has Light Artifacts instead of Thunder Artifacts.

Transforms into a light that inflicts powerful damage on nearby enemies for 12 seconds.

Flash: Stiffens nearby enemies and deals damage over a wide range.

-Ballistas attack enemies in the Ballista Battle.

You can score points by protecting your allies’ ballistas and destroying the enemy’s ballistas.

You can earn 300 fixed points for destroying Ballista.

Allied Ballista’s health bars are also displayed at the bottom of the allied adventurer health bar on the left.

04. Battlefield Compensation

The team with the higher score at the end of the battle after 5 minutes will be the winner.

① Ramones Score

You will earn points for victory and defeat, and your score may vary depending on your winning streak.

If you win first place in the winning team, you will be selected as an MVP and can earn additional Ramones points.

② Experience of Daejeon

As with Arena, you can gain experience for winning and losing, and your experience may vary depending on your winning streak.

③ War Reward

You can earn Ramones Box rewards for achieving 100/200/300/400/500 points each day.

Regardless of whether you win or lose the Battle of Ramones, you can earn daily Ramones points, and you can earn more points by winning the battlefield.

※ If you become an MVP, you can earn additional Ramones points.